Sunday, June 3, 2018

High Park Community Alliance letter campaign


Write a letter!  Attend the meeting!  Address Council!

This super important Public Meeting being held by Etobicoke York Community Council is taking place:

Wednesday, June 6, 2018, 10:15AM
Etobicoke Civic Centre, Council Chamber
399 The West Mall, Toronto, Ontario M9C 2Y2
regarding the Draft: Amendment No 419 to the Official Plan 

Our presence at this public meeting is just as important, if not more, than our presence at the OMB bring your friends and bring your neighbours!

At this meeting, Etobicoke York Community Council will receive input, review the draft amendment and make recommendations, which will then be forwarded to Toronto City Council for its consideration in late June.

416-394- 5600

not eycc


Get involved!In addition to attending the meeting, we're urging community members to also write a letter to the City Clerk's office. Your letter will be shared with EYCC councillors and will help inform their decision on the draft amendment. HPCA Executive will be sending a letter on behalf of the organization, but the more letters, the better!An HPCA Executive member will address Council, and we encourage you to do the same! You'll have 5 minutes to speak and then Council may ask you questions for another 5 minutes.  If you wish to address the Etobicoke York Community Council in person, you are requested to call or email the City Clerk's Office by 12 noon on June 5, 2018.Attention: Rosemary MacKenzie, Administrator Etobicoke York Community Council  *Phone: Fax: The Community Council may request you to file an outline of your presentation with the Clerk.HPCA's position is that this amendment should be passed by the EYCC and approved by Toronto Community Council at the end of June as it will help protect our neighbourhood from over development.

USE THE SAMPLE LETTER BELOW:RE: Official Plan Amendment –

File No. 17 243796 WPS 00 TM
to be addressed at the Public Meeting at Etobicoke York Community Council on June 6, 2018

Dear Etobicoke York Community Council members,

I am a resident of High Park North.

I am writing to ask that the EYCC support and pass the proposed amendment (File No. 17 243796 WPS 00 TM) to the official plan.

I believe this proposed amendment, if passed, would help keep my community healthy and thriving, allowing for appropriate and responsible development.

[Insert what you're most concerned about, ie: loss of green space, blocked sunlight, increased traffic...]

Thank you for your support,

[Your Name Here]Read the FINAL High Park Apartment Neighbourhood Area Study 

And if you want to know even more, read all the
Information & Reports associated with this study!We're counting on you once again to make your voices heard!
For all the details on how to participate in this important process, please be sure to read:
Notice of Public Meeting 
Draft: Amendment No 419 to the Official Plan 

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High Park Community Alliance · 149 Pacific Ave · Toronto, On M6P2P6 · Canada

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Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth