[caption id="attachment_3207" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Lantern Making"]

Spirits were high at the BMO parking lot last night from 6pm until 8:30pm when the Earth Hour walk began, ending at around 9:15pm. Thanks to residents who brought their own cans, we were only about 5 short for people who actually wanted to make one. Thanks to
Agora Cafe who showed up with Fair Trade Organic Hot Chocolate and baked goodies. Sorry to the gentleman who cut his finger and didn't know how.
Kids, adults and the elderly formed a line that at one point stretched from
Big Daddy's DVD Shop to Pacific Avenue, with few gaps in between. The route took us East on the south side of Dundas to Indian Road, across the crosswalk and West again on the North side of Dundas, crossing at the St. John's intersection for a regroup in front of a dark
Councillor Saundercook's office (he was later spotted walking and running in the Bloor West walk). Then, we walked down St. John's to Runnymede, south to the crosswalk south of Annette where we
[caption id="attachment_3208" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Janet Speaks to Crowd"]

regrouped again to enter the
Runnymede United Church en masse. It was a pleasure to see the people in
Curry Twist and the
Friendly Thai and
Axis eating and listening to live music by candlelight, and seeing all the dark houses along St. John's and Runnymede. Shame on
Shox for keeping its lights on, though it was good to watch some of the game on one of its 20 TVs as we walked by, and sorry to the businesses that turned out their lights that I haven't mentioned.
[caption id="attachment_3209" align="aligncenter" width="150" caption="Reception"]

Cheri DiNovo Canvas bags, some food I didn't eat and can't comment on, and delicious chocolates from
Delight were handed out at the church where the three walks converged. Chris Holcroft of Green 13 should be commended for taking the lead in organizing the walks, and I'm sure he has many people to thank himself - maybe on
Green 13's Blog. Janet McKay, Green committe for the
JRA, and Rita Bijons of Green 13, spear-headed the Junction walk and the
BIA was there unnofficially since it's not allowed to participate in political events, which Cheri DiNovo's and
Gerard Kennedy's presence at the reception caused it to be.
The Junction should darn well be proud of its turn-out. I thought, m'self, that it were's about 70 - 100 people, while others swear it were upwards of 200. I'm a poor judge of crowd numberin', so I'll err on the high side.
P.S. Please provide your opinion on the vernacular in the last paragraph and whether it should be a Junctioneer standard.