Monday, March 30, 2009

GO, Metrolinx merger

Go  .....squish..... Metrolinx  = what ?

The Ontario government plans to merge the rapid transit system with the agency. A Mr. Prichard, formerly of the  Torstar corporation until last month, has been named transition adviser for the merger. He will become chief executive officer of the new entity once the merger is complete.

Link to Globe & Mail story below

Link -Former Torstar CEO to oversee GO, Metrolinx merger

The Toronto Star is reporting also link

(Toronto Star article noted by blog commenter Charles K as this post was being written)

from the province's site...  a quote from the press release...

"Metrolinx has done an excellent job building the agency and preparing a regional transportation plan. By bringing Metrolinx together with experienced transit-builder GO, we will be able to take transportation plans off the drawing board and into service more quickly."

– Jim Bradley
Minister of Transportation

Carleton Village Residents Association and 11 Division Relocation update


Important public meeting where you can help save some  community heritage and have let your views be heard on the 11 Police Division Relocation.

Where: Davenport-Perth Neighbourhood Centre, 1900 Davenport Rd. in the Sanctuary.

When:  & Time: Tuesday, 31 March 2009, at 7:00pm"

This is an update from the  Heritage Advisory Group met on Friday, March 27th. Representatives from the Toronto Police Services, City of Toronto Community Planning and Urban Design, Stantec Inc., and E.R.A. Architects, as well as two designated community representatives were in attendance.

Three possible design drafts were presented at this meeting by the architect of record, Stantec Inc. No affirmative decision has yet been made, however, plans have to be submitted to the Chief of Police by the end of April, so time is of the essence.
The Carleton Village Residents Association is holding its bi-monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 31st, 7pm at the Davenport Perth Neighbourhood Centre, 1900 Davenport to discuss this before submitting our proposal to Stantec Inc. and the T.P.S. Architects from Stantec Inc. will be in attendance to assist in clarifying the options.
We need to have a healthy turnout for this meeting as a message to the T.P.S. and the architects, the importance this heritage building and the green space around it is to the community so we encourage residents from both sides of the tracks to attend. This is another critical turning point in the planning process that we as a community can help determine the outcome.
It’s through the efforts and determination of the CVRA and this community that has allowed us to get this far as the T.P.S. are in no way obligated to preserve any of the original building or any of the green space on the property.
Please show your support by coming out on Tuesday night and bring friends and neighbours. We look forward to seeing you there!

Sent by Elizabeth S.

...and an invitation from president of the Carleton Village Residents Association
"This is a reminder of our bimonthly meeting and an urgent invitation to attend it. The fate of the Carleton Village Public School may be determined at that meeting.

You already know that City Council has given the Toronto Police Services the power to demolish this historic building. Nonetheless, and perhaps influenced by the big turnout at the 27 January meeting with the Police, the TPS have expressed a willingness to try to conserve as much of the building as possible, provided they are convinced that the community is massively in favour of saving it.

On Tuesday, 31 March, the architects retained by the TPS will attend our meeting and present a variety of proposals ranging from the total preservation of the older part of the school to its complete demolition.

This meeting will be crucial. An impressive attendance, like the one in January and still more, will show the architects and the Police our determination regarding the preservation of our school.


Location: Davenport-Perth Neighbourhood Centre, 1900 Davenport Rd. We will  meet in the Sanctuary.

Time: Tuesday, 31 March 2009, at 7:00pm"

old Mcbrides store lot has drilling rig arrive today

On old Mcbrides store lot at 2789 Dundas Street West where nothing much has been happening ---- a drilling rig on site today.

(March 30 2009)


West Toronto Diamond project -news coverage continues


Breakfast Television a morning program on City TV attended the West Toronto Diamond project construction site this morning and parked there vehicles and a camera behind 18 Hook Ave broadcasting to the entire city the noise and vibration, and making quite a show of it.

On the hookavepiledrivers  {archives link} discussion list members are reporting some of the issues.

1.  This is much beyond normal construction noise.  The noise has been measured by residents at 104 decibels.

2.  The noise is only half the story -- it's the vibration which is impossible to live with.

3.  There are other construction methods which do NOT result in this much noise and vibration.  We have asked GO to consider them but nothing is happening.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

New Bloor West Delectable Locale

Bloor West Village has a new bakery that will tempt your willpower, creativity, and caloric intake.  The concept of self customized cookies follows the hot New York City trend of marble slab ice cream shops where you can choose the "mix in's" of your choice to be mashed into your icy treat.

At Sweet Flour, you choose your cookie base and then pick from the 20 items offered to make it your own special treat, your cookie is rapidly baked and then voila your eclectic cookie is ready to eat!

This newer concept shop will nicely compliment the pleothera of bakeries currently in Bloor West Village.


Junction Earth Hour Walk Draws 70 to 200. Reports vary.


[caption id="attachment_3207" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Lantern Making"]Lantern Making[/caption]

Spirits were high at the BMO parking lot last night from 6pm until 8:30pm when the Earth Hour walk began, ending at around 9:15pm.  Thanks to residents who brought their own cans, we were only about 5 short for people who actually wanted to make one.  Thanks to Agora Cafe who showed up with Fair Trade Organic Hot Chocolate and baked goodies.  Sorry to the gentleman who cut his finger and didn't know how. 

Kids, adults and the elderly formed a line that at one point stretched from Big Daddy's DVD Shop to Pacific Avenue, with few gaps in between.  The route took us East on the south side of Dundas to Indian Road, across the crosswalk and West again on the North side of Dundas, crossing at the St. John's intersection for a regroup in front of a dark Councillor Saundercook's office (he was later spotted walking and running in the Bloor West walk).  Then, we walked down St. John's to Runnymede, south to the crosswalk south of Annette where we

[caption id="attachment_3208" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Janet Speaks to Crowd"]Janet Speaks to Crowd[/caption]

regrouped again to enter the Runnymede United Church en masse.  It was a pleasure to see the people in Curry Twist and the Friendly Thai and Axis eating and listening to live music  by candlelight, and seeing all the dark houses along St. John's and Runnymede.  Shame on Shox for keeping its lights on, though it was good to watch some of the game on one of its 20 TVs as we walked by, and sorry to the businesses that turned out their lights that I haven't mentioned.

[caption id="attachment_3209" align="aligncenter" width="150" caption="Reception"]Reception[/caption]

Cheri DiNovo Canvas bags, some food I didn't eat and can't comment on, and delicious chocolates from Delight were handed out at the church where the three walks converged.  Chris Holcroft of Green 13 should be commended for taking the lead in organizing the walks, and I'm sure he has many people to thank himself - maybe on Green 13's Blog.  Janet McKay, Green committe for the JRA, and Rita Bijons of Green 13, spear-headed the Junction walk and the BIA was there unnofficially since it's not allowed to participate in political events, which Cheri DiNovo's and Gerard Kennedy's presence at the reception caused it to be.

The Junction should darn well be proud of its turn-out.  I thought, m'self, that it were's about 70 - 100 people, while others swear it were upwards of 200.  I'm a poor judge of crowd numberin', so I'll err on the high side. 

P.S. Please provide your opinion on the vernacular in the last paragraph and whether it should be a Junctioneer standard.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Rally Draws CBC, The Villager, and Residents, but Go keeps its distance

[caption id="attachment_3195" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Photo Credit, Lado Soudek atelierone(at)"]photo-by-lado-pile-driver-rally-group[/caption]

About 30 people (as well as police and a VIA Train and Go Train Truck who were parked in the distance) showed up to the rally in protest of the constant pile-driving that's been taking place from morning to afternoon, and causing many headaches in the Keele/Dundas area.  MPP Cheri DiNovo (speaking to the crowd) had spoken to Go Transit and, at their request, arranged a meeting with her and five representative members of the community to discuss the issue.  Ms DiNovo didn't say who those members were, but Go Transit didn't show up, anyway.  Though, when she then contacted the media and resident Jon Brooks and others made numerous phone calls and distributed flyers, and the CBC began reporting on the issue hourly, broadcasting the repetitive, deafening pounding, Go Transit requested another meeting with Ms. DiNovo.  But, she said, she decided it was too late for that, and she called this rally on Hook Avenue, in the foreground of the machinery in question.  Granted, Go Transit had arranged for the pile-drivers to stop by then, but that didn't stop these concerned residents and MP Gerard Kennedy (to DiNovo's left) from showing up.  The next step?  Mr. Kennedy stated that the Canadian Transit Authority has rules about the amount of noise that can be made, and thanks to the fact that local residents put complaints on the record at least 60 days prior, he's going to pursue that avenue, after seeing how another meeting went today.  Also, there are conflicting reports about whether new-technology, quiter equipment was available for use by Go Transit.

So, the pile-driving was stopped for a few hours around the rally, and residents at this rally were left with a promise from the attending politicians that they would not let the issue rest.  They now have the weekend to ponder whether Monday will bring back what Jon Brooks described as "Chinese Water Torture".

CBC Article

Globe and Mail article link

Toronto Star Link as provide by David in the comment section of this post , Thanks David

Friday, March 27, 2009

Crema Coffee Co. patio approved!

Crema Coffee Co. patio approved!

the moment of crema creation
Creative Commons License photo credit: EssG

The Etobicoke York Community Council approved the application for a boulevard café on the corner of Quebec and Dundas.

This 35 sq. m patio is a great addition to the Junction and I want to thank the council for supporting good development.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

History of The Junction Arts Festival

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Sigrid Keunen & Julie Haas from Belgium perform the premiere of 'In This Case' at the annual Junction Arts Festival in Toronto, Canada. Photo by jbach via flickr"]Sigrid Keunen & Julie Haas from Belgium perform the premiere of In This Case at the annual Junction Arts Festival in Toronto, Canada. Photo by jbach via flickr[/caption]

In 1994, Piera Pugliese of Vesuvio's and Pat Schnurr of Picture It Framed got together at a BIA meeting and asked the Executive and the Directors to have an art show as an event to celebrate both the Junction Gardens Fall Festival and the annual City of Toronto Arts Week. They titled the artshow “ Caffe Latte”. It was a preview of the Ontario College of Art students who, as part of their studies, completed a year in Florence, Italy painting. This Festival/Art Show continued to grow by expanding additional shows into local BIA businesses. The consistent growth in attendance encouraged the street closure in the year 2000 ready to present a variety ofadditional art forms including dance, music, theatrical and performance art.The streets were lined with arts related vendors and the dream of sidewalk cafes fulfilled. The Junction Arts Festival (JAF) asit became known was the property of the Junction BIA until JAF incorporated as not-for-profit arts body known as The Junction Forum for Art and Culture (JFAC) on February 24, 2004. As such JFAC became a not-for- profit autonomous body at arm's length of the BIA to ensure that JFAC could obtain funding through grants and sponsorship not necessarily available to a BIA. It was always the intention of the BIA to remain significantly involved with the Junction Arts Festival through representation on the Board of Directors of JFAC. The BIA will continue to provide monetary support to the Festival in theform of sponsorship. The Junction Arts Festival has created great success and elevated the profile of the area all of these years. It has grown, dramatically, now an eventthat in 2008 attracted 200,000 persons, collected $155,000 in government funding additional $70,000 in sponsorship not to mention another $100,000 in-kind donations. It is in our best interest to continue this unique arrangement between Business and the Arts to promote The Junction as one of the most exciting and creative destinations in Toronto. To perpetuate the momentum of the Junction Arts Festival mutual cooperation between BIA and JFAC is essential!


reprinted from Junction BIA Digest - article by Pat Schnurr Picture it Framed

Rally for noise and shutter happening with the West Toronto Diamond construction

Rally will be located outside of  18 Hook Ave. on Friday March 27th at 3pm (today)

The West Toronto Diamond GO Transit expansion construction noise and vibration levels are affecting the residents along the construction path of the work, which is on railway land. In some cases to distraction and worry.

The work currently stretches over 3 a three block area from Dundas St West. and Annette St.  and  is heading West towards Junction Rd. The residents are protesting  the construction noise and vibration levels as well as GO Transit's failure to deal with them in a reasonable manner in their view. This probably is not GO Transit's view, but you can  attend tomorrow and see for yourself.

[caption id="attachment_3191" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The drivers at Junction Rd and Old Weston Rd Today"]The drivers at Junction Rd and Old Weston Rd Today[/caption]


It is important to note that this is the 1st phase of the construction process in this project and there at least 5 more, work  currently  involves the driving of the PT piles, after which another contractor will remove the soil from within the two lines of piles. Then others.

Local elected persons, Cheri DiNovo, (Ontario) MPP for Parkdale-High Park and city Councillor Gord Perks (Toronto) will attend and Gerard Kennedy has been invited.  Remember community strength is with community residents who participate, and Cheri Di'Novo, Gord Perks  and Gerard Kennedy need to see how concerned the community is about this issue - so your feet on the pavement will help a lot.

Please see the related posts below for further technical information on the project.

Google map  link to 18 Hook Ave

Lindner Street roofing company

linder-ave-roofingWhile looking to see how close the pile drivers for the West Toronto Diamond project were getting to houses, we came upon this wonderful adaptive use of a house for roofing companys office and plant.

The lot on which it stands backs on to the railways lands which allows for a large equipment storage area and no complaining neighbours it would seem.



Saturday March 28th  Earth events


for complete details go to the Green13 site here

Candlelight walk through High Park Saturday, 8 p.m.; candlelight walks through Bloor West Village and the Junction at 8:30 p.m.; candlelight service at Runnymede United Church (432 Runnymede Rd.), at 8:30 p.m. followed by a reception, 9:30 p.m.

and the 

Pre-Earth Hour walk activities in the Junction

The Junction Communities in Bloom Committee will be holding a lantern-making session in the BMO parking lot at Keele and Dundas on March 28th from 6pm until the start of the Junction Earth Hour walk at 8:30. You are encouraged to come with your drums, kazoos, squeeze boxes, tambourines or other instruments of choice to add to the festive lantern.

Some earth hour history

"Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia with 2.2 million homes and businesses turning their lights off for one whole hour. Only a year later and this event had become a global sustainability movement with up to 100 million people across 35 countries participating. Global landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome’s Colosseum and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour." 

"This year EH09 is targeting 1 billion people in more than 1000 cities and 50,000 organisations to unite for action on climate change by turning off their lights for one hour on March 28th showing their support and sending a powerful message that it is possible to take action on climate change and succeed. The 2009 campaign has particular significance with the UN Climate Conference taking place in Copenhagen in December."

"77 countries and 680 cities have already committed to VOTE EARTH for Earth Hour 2009, as part of the world's first global election between Earth and global warming."

Annette St. Library upcoming events

birds-eventsAnnette Street Library

Anime and Cartooning with Dirk
Learn from experienced illustrator Dirk Michiels how to draw Anime and cartoon characters in this fun, hands-on workshop.  Ages 8 and up.  Free.
Pre-registration required as space is limited.
Saturday, April 25, 2009. 2 pm - 4 pm ...this one has already happened

St. John Ambulance Babysitting Course
Register by calling St. John Ambulance at 416-967-4244.  Ages 11 and up. $35 fee (subject to change).
Saturday, May 2nd, 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Free Filmmaking Workshop with Filmberries Kids Club
Filmmaking for kids 6 - 12 years old. Two hour program includes brainstorming activities, screenings of short made by other kids, learning camera visual tricks and much more.
Pre-registration required as space is limited.
Saturday, May 9th. 2 pm - 4 pm.

At Home Alone Workshop
by Toronto Public Health
A fun family workshop to help families prepare their 10 - 14 year old to be home alone safely. Please note: parent and child must attend together.
Pre-registration recommended.
Thursday, June 18, 2009, 6 - 8 pm.

Call 416-393-7692 to register for Annette Street programs.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Junction BIA Publishes Digest on local business issues


The Junction BIA has published a booklet for JBIA members, which provides a some  history of the Junction Arts Festival in one article. And in another provides a overview of how the BIA operates. This is great idea, and The writer of this post gained greater insight into the value to the JBIA to the community.


Crema Coffee Co. patio appeal tomorrow before council

Creative Commons License photo credit: lincolnblues

Appeal of Polling Results for a Boulevard Café Permit Application for Crema Coffee Co.
Located at 3079 Dundas Street West, Quebec Avenue Flankage.

city staff report...

Municipal Licensing and Standards recommends:
1. That the Etobicoke York Community Council deny the application for the proposed
boulevard café at 3079 Dundas Street West; OR
2. That the Etobicoke York Community Council approve the application for the
proposed boulevard café at 3079 Dundas Street West.

As the proposed café flanks a residential district, the former City of Toronto Municipal
Code Chapter 313 requires a public poll of owners and tenants within 120 metres of the proposed café.
A poll dated November 12, 2008, with the last date for filing a response being December 11, 2008, was conducted by the City Clerks Office, Elections and Registry Services for the Quebec Avenue flankage, in English, between the premises 428-466 Quebec Avenue, 417A-437 Quebec Avenue , and also 3079, 3081 and 3077 Dundas Street West to determine neighbourhood support. The results of the poll received from Elections and Registry Services indicate that the response to the poll did not meet the provisions of Municipal Code Chapter 190, Section 190-8A which states: that a poll will be considered valid when at least 25% of the ballots mailed have been returned. This poll did not meet the benchmark and therefore is invalid.

Carlton Village Public school conversion to Division 11 police station update

The old  Carleton Public School at Davenport and Osler is going to be used for the new Toronto Police Division 11  station scheduled  for July 2011.   We drove by March 23 2009 to take a look for any signs of that the conversation has started of which there were none.

...see this post by Junction RA chair Louis, as to the design stage information



Tuesday, March 24, 2009

St. Clair Avenue West Transit Improvement Project current works activity

[caption id="attachment_3155" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Ford Ave looking south March-23-2009"]Ford Ave looking south March-23-2009[/caption]

Images taken March 23 2009 seem to indictae a lot of prep work going on  regarding St. Clair Avenue West, between Old Weston Road and

Gunns Road/Old Stock Yards Road – Road Alterations

...for the St. Clair Avenue West Transit Improvement Project

...from the city report (opens in new window)

a) Construction of a raised, mountable trackbed in the centre of St. Clair Avenue West, between signalized intersections, with curbs as required, for the exclusive use of public transit vehicles and emergency service vehicles, including Police, Fire, and Emergency Medical Services;


march-23-2009-005b) Widening portions of the pavement up to 2.8 metres, on the north and south sides of St. Clair Avenue West between Old Weston Road and Gunns Road/Old Stock Yards Road; and, widening the pavement up to 7 metres for the section on the south side of St. Clair Avenue West between Old Weston Road to just west of Old Weston Road...


[caption id="attachment_3158" align="alignright" width="500" caption="Horading on St Clair Ave West by the Mc Donalds onthe South West corner. "]Horading on St Clair Ave West by the Mc Donalds onthe South West corner. [/caption]

West Toronto Diamond project notes


1) West Toronto Diamond project moves closer to towards Junction Road, the image to right was taken on March 23rd 2009 at Junction Rd and Old Weston Rd.


[caption id="attachment_3152" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Example of the various models of the Silent Tubular Piler available"]Example of the various models of the Silent Tubular Piler available[/caption]

Seemingly most suitable for the piling jobs in urban districts where noise and/or vibration is strictly regulated. This tubular piler which can be used to insert PT piles, such as the type being used at the West Toronto Diamond project.

[caption id="attachment_3153" align="alignleft" width="270" caption="Details of P-T Interlock pile being used for the West Toronto Diamond project (measurements are probably slightly different)"]Details of P-T Interlock[/caption]

Delcan, During the detailed design, tried a number of methods in testing for the best method.

The methods used for
the test piling included: diesel hammer, conventional vibratory driver, and variable moment
vibratory driver.
This test was intended to include silent piling; however due to equipment
demands elsewhere, Giken could not provide equipment at the time of the demonstration.
[1. Transportation Association of Canada  presentation] Click here to download a copy of the Giken Tubular Piler


here to view a PDF of the Crush piler pictured in the Transportation Association of Canada presentation paper.

3) A new Facebook group has been created by concerned citizens.

...from the Facebook basic info
GO Transit are in their primary phases of construction in and around the West Toronto Diamond. Using an archaic method of PILE DRIVING, residents near and far have suffered from ear-shattering noise and vibrations equivalent to earthquakes of a 3-4 magnitude on the Richter scale.  

The community welcomes improvements to public transit, but the debilitating effects on the life of local residents and businesses are unacceptable.

When the community was first contacted about this project they were told that there would be minimal noise and disturbance but this is clearly not the case. Instead of using quiet hydraulic pile driving as eluded to in initial environmental assessments, GO chose the cheaper way... With the most noise pollution, environmental pollution (PDs use a 2-stroke diesel engine) and general damage to buildings possible.

Facebook group

Monday, March 23, 2009

Video of CP Rail low-emission test locomotives

A comment by railfan for this post about CP Rail low-emission test locomotives moving through the Junction, contained this link to you tube of video of the same locomotives.

After watch the video many times we think it's the West Toronto Yard (Junction)

Meat packing expands on GLEN SCARLETT RD?

[caption id="attachment_3140" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="55 GLEN SCARLETT RD as it looks currently under reconstruction"]55 GLEN SCARLETT RD as it looks currently under reconstruction[/caption]


The old  Intergen Biomanufacturing Corporation building seems to be in the process reconstructed into a meat packing facility. Certain building erpmits takem out of the property point this way.




Toronto's offical plan on rail corridors no longer required for rail uses


As things and uses are changing in the railways areas of wards 11,13,14,17, and 18 it may be prescient for everyone to take notice of the City of Toronto's view towards disused rail corridors, as set out in the official plan.  The Railpath project currently is being built on a  a railway corridor no longer used for railroad purposes.  maybe there are other uses of newly disused areas?

...from the Official Plan

The Official Plan designates the subject property as Utility Corridors (see Attachment 4).
Utility Corridors are hydro and rail corridors primarily used for the movement and
transmission of energy, information, people and goods. The Plan states that a hydro
corridor may also be used for secondary purposes such as parks, trails and parking and
that rail corridors no longer required for rail uses, are to be protected for future use as
public transportation routes, bicycle and pedestrian trails and telecommunications and
electrical corridors where appropriate.

Official Plan states that where appropriate, development or redevelopment on landsm nearby or adjacent to Utility Corridors will:

(a) Protect for access to any potential bicycle and pedestrian trail or park and open
space, and provide access where such a recreation facility exists; and
(b) Screen and secure the property edge through such measures as setbacks, fencing,
site grading, berms, landscaping, building treatment and construction techniques.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Calling All Noise-Makers









As part of the Earth Hour events organized by Green 13 and co-sponsored by the Junction Residents Association, Bloor West BIA, the Inorganic Market, Swansea Area Ratepayers Association and the High Park Nature Centre, the Junction Communities in Bloom Committee will be holding a lantern-making session in the BMO parking lot at Keele and Dundas on March 28th from 6pm until the start of the Junction Earth Hour walk  at 8:30.  You are encouraged to come with your drums, kazoos, squeeze boxes, tambourines or other instruments of choice to add to the festive lantern-making mood, and to enhance the parade through the Junction streets to the community reception at Runnymede United Church.

In addition to the Inorganic Markets held over this past weekend, many more events listed below are scheduled as a lead-up to Earth Hour:

Calendar of events:

Monday March 23rd
– A lantern making class at the High Park Nature Centre, 430 Parkside Drive (6:30 pm) 416-392-1748 ext. 6

Tuesday March 24th – Toronto Debating Society tackles climate change at Swansea Town Hall (7:30 pm)

Wednesday March 25th – A lantern making class with the High Park Nature Centre, 430 Parkside Drive (6:30 pm) 416-392-1748 ext. 6

Thursday March 26th – Swansea Town Hall Meeting on Nuclear Energy (7:30 pm) Sponsored by the Swansea Area Ratepayers Association

Friday, March 27th
- Local schools hold Earth Hour events
- Critical Mass bike ride (starting at Keele Street and Dundas Street West at 6 pm)
- Free public screening of “Tales of a Yellow Bike” at the Revue Cinema, sponsored by MPP Cheri DiNovo. Director Tina Hahn will be in attendance. (7 pm)

Saturday March 28th
- Power down and join your neighbours on one of three candlelight walks through Bloor West Village , the Junction or High Park . The Bloor West Village Business Improvement Area will also be participating.
- Following the walks at 9:30, a community reception will be held at Runnymede United Church sponsored by MPP Cheri DiNovo.

Please email if you are able to come with an instrument on the 28th!

Friday, March 20, 2009

WTJHS Celebrating the 100 years after amalgamation in The Junction

May 1st  WTJHS events has an article by Lisa Rainford on what the West Toronto historical Society is organizing for Celebrating the 100 years after amalgamation in The Junction.

Here is a link to the story [opens in new window]


a quote from the story...

The WTJHS is inviting community groups, businesses and organizations to participate in its centennial celebration of the amalgamation of the City of West Toronto that took place in 1909. This event is a celebration of the original festivities that took place 100 years ago at Humberside Collegiate Institute as West Toronto citizens counted down the minutes until their young city became part of the larger City of Toronto.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Contaminated Cadet cleaners plant - a new plan? 290 Old Weston Road




The old  contaminated Cadet cleaners plant still sits in it's half demolished  state.

Boarded up by city workers last summer.   Now Councillor Palacio, has tabled  motion to have the city consider an Affordable Housing plan for the building and or it's lot. From his motion...
SUMMARY: 290 Old Weston Road is a vacant, derelict property in Ward 17 located near Keele Street and St. Clair Avenue West. It was formerly owned and operated by Cadet Cleaners. The property has some contamination and a certificate of tax arrears issued by the City. The City-initiated tax sale in 2008 failed to garner any eligible bids for the property. City staff are currently considering their options for the future use of this property.

There is an urgent need for quality housing projects in Toronto's west end, and this location seems; ideally suited to create affordable housing. Similar initiatives have been undertaken to convert derelict buildings mto housing including 1495 Queen Street West.


1) The Deputy City Manager report to the next meeting of the Affordable Housing Committee as to the feasibility of converting 290 Old Weston Road to Affordable Housmg. January, 2009


inside the plant

Assessment Roll No. 1904-03-2-150-02310) is a commercial property, approximately 1.88 acres in area,  The property backs onto the Canadian National Railway (CN) tracks. The property is currently vacant and has been vacant for since approximately May 2003

It was used as a dry cleaning facility prior to becoming vacant - Cadet Cleaners at the assessed address since 1996 according to City records.  Prior to 1996, the property was occupied and used by Ronson Metal Works - a metal works fabricator. Given its current and previous uses, it is presumed that the land is environmentally contaminated.

At one time this lot as the home of  Albert Kerr Co.Ltd. (hides) 290 (Old) Weston Rd. (information from Old Time Trains website)

[caption id="attachment_3121" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="a pit in side the plant"]a pit[/caption]

Crema Coffee Co. is seeking a patio

[caption id="attachment_3117" align="alignright" width="505" caption="a drawing from the application"]a drawing from the applaication[/caption]

This Junction hotspot submitted an application for a boulevard café on Quebec Avenue last September.  The patio proposal is approximately 35 sq. m. and accommodates 29 people.

Unfortunately even with 90% support (21 in favour/2 opposed) from the neighbours the polling was 2 ballots short of the required minimum response. Under Chapter 190 of the Municipal Code at least 25% of the ballots mailed have to be returned for the application to proceed.

Given the community support for the patio the café owner is requesting the proposal be approved despite the polling shortfall.  In response Municipal Licensing & Standards is requesting the Etobicoke York Community Council either approve or deny the application at the March 26 meeting.

This café is a great addition to the Junction and for many a benchmark improvement to Dundas. Let’s hope the application is approved and the development can proceed.

If you support this application please let Councillor Saundercook know .

The Kingdom of Stark (Union St.)

[caption id="attachment_3112" align="alignright" width="500" caption="An example of the daily view at the various Stark enterprises on Union ST."]An example of the daily view at the various Stark enterprizes on Union ST.[/caption]

Stark Auto Parts   a automobile wrecking (wholesale) of  motor vehicle parts, used parts, and insurance cars sales firm operates a very busy operation on Union St.  Daily it's  a sight to see with cars being carried around on forklifts and a constant flow of tow trucks bringing and taking cars.

Operating primarily in the dead end space of Union St north from Turnberry Ave, the street is  full of vehciles during the day and in the evening in it is barren.

This operation is quite a show to watch - encompassing the street and creating a great energy in the area during it's operating hours.

Where thick soled shoes when expolring the area :-)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Minutes for March 12 JRA Meeting


 You can now download the minutes from the March 12 Junction Residents Association here.  And, they will soon be available on our wiki, which also has other information of interest, as well as minutes from our past meetings.  If you have any suggestions or would like to contribute to the wiki, please contact us.  We would like it to be a rich resource not only for those wishing to know more about the JRA, but our West Toronto neighbourhood. 

If you'd like to view the webcast of the meeting, click the webcast image below.  Our next broadcast will be of our first free lecture: The History of West Toronto Junction Fire Station No.1 which will be held on March 30th from 6:45 PM to 8:15 PM at the Annette Street Library.


Thanks to the 40some people that attended live and via the web, and a big thank-you to Pam Mountain from the Annette Street Library for taking the minutes.

In lieu of our next scheduled JRA meeting, we invite you to attend the first public meeting on the Junction Public Space Project, May 14 at the Keele Community Centre, 7pm.




Toronto Star article on Ethnic street food vendors


The Toronto Star has a detailed and interesting story about the ethnic specialties food cart system.  Only 19 applied to participate and eight have been chosen to be allowed to purchase  the right operate. Along with the purchase of the right to operate the vendors must buy special city approved carts and and personally send 70 percent of their own personal time with the cart.

Toronto Star Article [opens in new window]

City of Toronto site for this program [opens in new window]

Junction Business Improvement Area board whats new

The Junction BIA (Business Improvement Area) has elected a new and vibrant board. The last meeting of the Junction BIA saw election held for Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary.

elected were Emanuel Calleja as chair Emanuel operates Old Fashioned Restoration Colleen Johnston  as Vice Chair  Colleen is a principal partner in the Academy of Realist Art School. Pat Schnurr as Secretary operates Picture it Framed, and Pascal Abboud remains as Treasurer

new members Vojia Jurisic  of Dunads St Marketing and Printing Simon Harry BMO Investment Advisor

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pacific Ave roadway problems

Pacific Ave has two major roadway problems, that really obstruct traffic, the one pictured being the worst.  It is not a pothole, but a major desctuction of the road. feb-28-09-033

1st of the new trash can appears in the Junction


These two shots are the images of the combined trash and recycle receptacles, this one is at Dundas St. West across from Malta Parkette. There is also one in front Crema, the parisian style coffee house.feb-28-09-004

What’s new in the hood? 3


Sears Outlet 2874 Dundas St West

The Sears Catalogue Outlet on Dundas St. West just east of Celt’s Pub has
closed down likely a victim of the economic recession and company


Al Wireless 2885 Dundas St West 

Al Wireless isn’t wireless at all!  In fact it couldn’t be further from
the truth!  Now inside this location on the south side of Dundas West
(across from Celt’s Pub) is an antiques and art shop which compliments the
other antique shops in the area nicely.

Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth