Monday, September 27, 2010

Road issues about the Junction

Has anyone else noticed the incredibly rough and probably car damaging and people tripping state of the side street roads in the junction.

It's common knowledge the city has a monetary road fixing crises

Maybe it's tome for a road repair only tax?

New blockage at Ryding Ave


Ryding Ave being approached from the east ...that is from mega store complex at West Toronto Street, now has a blockage stopping cars from traveling west on the street

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wallace Avenue Footbridge as art

On October 2, 2010, as part of Scotiabank Nuit Blanche, the Wallace Avenue Footbridge in West Toronto will be transformed into a huge, shimmering chandelier.

For one night only, electric trains are coming to the Junction Triangle to celebrate the neighbourhood’s rebellious spirit.

For details, visit and

The depiction of quiet, clean, efficient
electric rail might be disturbing to some.

Where Wallace Avenue meets
the West Toronto Railpath
A free all-night contemporary art event
October 2, 2010 | 6:57 p.m. to sunrise

Presented by artists Richard Mongiat and Jeff
Winch and the Junction Triangle Rail Committee.

Thanks to Kevin P for bringing this to the blogs attention

Wallace Avenue Footbridge as art

On October 2, 2010, as part of Scotiabank Nuit Blanche, the Wallace Avenue Footbridge in West Toronto will be transformed into a huge, shimmering chandelier.

For one night only, electric trains are coming to the Junction Triangle to celebrate the neighbourhood’s rebellious spirit.

For details, visit and

The depiction of quiet, clean, efficient
electric rail might be disturbing to some.

Where Wallace Avenue meets
the West Toronto Railpath
A free all-night contemporary art event
October 2, 2010 | 6:57 p.m. to sunrise

Presented by artists Richard Mongiat and Jeff
Winch and the Junction Triangle Rail Committee.

Thanks to Kevin P for bringing this to the blogs attention

Friday, September 24, 2010


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Street art again so soon

- More anonymous public art in the Junction! This pig was jauntily seated atop a traffic bollard outside Wise Daughters this morning.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Massive out front work on federal building

Just south of Dundas st west on the west side considerable work
Is taking place on the federal building.

This building now house a correctional centre and a postal terminal.

By the way walk in to
The correction centre and up to
The second floor to see some wonderful life inspired art

Monday, September 20, 2010

West End Food Co-op will be running another canning workshop

Someone recently commented on the Junction needing a framers market, what i really wish we had was a food co-op like the West End Food Co-op

The West End Food Co-op will be running another canning workshop onTuesday September 28th in the Parkdale Neighbourhood Church at 201 Cowan Avenue!

The workshop will be led by Heather Kilner, an expert preserver with many years of experience.

You will learn about the theory and practice of preserving, gain hands-on experience using a hot water bath canner, and leave with a jar of delicious preserves to take home with you. We will also take time to reflect on the meaning and significance of learning to preserve our own food, and our experiences of preserved food.

The workshop will run from 6:00-8:30 with registration starting at 5:30. The total cost for the workshop is $30 for West End Food Co-op members or $35 for non-members (which includes the cost of a lifetime membership). Payment can be made in person at the workshop.

Please register online by visiting our website at (If the hotlink does not work please paste the following link into your browser address bar: or follow the link entitled Community Cannery Workshop on the left-hand side of the main page of our website at

Spaces are limited and previous workshops have filled very quickly so don't delay!

If you have any questions about the workshop please don't hesitate to contact me

Happy Canning!

Wide and clear Patio

Was amazed at the wide and clear patio at this restaurant on College St.

Provided a great ...not cramped seating area.

Less tables... More comfort for diners.

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Friday, September 17, 2010

New business servicing older homes

Older houses in the Junction can have a real problem with inside window moisture on the inside glass.

As a business such as pictured above moves in it provides an indication that more owners of of old houses are considering maintaining older windows.

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Location:Elizabeth St,Toronto,Canada

Reduced speeds in certain Ward 13 areas

Watch for reduced limits on: Bralorne from Varsity to Crosby; Hanley from Jane to Willard; Magwood from Gooch to Varsity; Medland from Dundas Street West to Oakmount; Pasadena Gardens from Varsity to South Limit of Pasadena Gardens; Skylark from Gooch to Van Stassen; Warren from Varsity to Crosby; and Coe Hill from The Queensway to Windermere.

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Location:Elizabeth St,Toronto,Canada

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Check out Dundas from the poetry village to Quebec

Yarnstormers rule.

1st install of the Junction Arts Festival

Canadian Pacific Railway

The CPR has recently,as it does every year has been strip thrashing on their side of the fence.

Well provides a much nicer view of the tracks it does lessen the plant cover in the community greatly.

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Location:McMurray Ave,Toronto,Canada

Friday, September 3, 2010

The new strip

Russet and Empire and it's located at 390 Keele St

Well Keele St may be coming back to it's own with s host of business
Worth the stroll this weekend

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Location:Jackson Pl,Toronto,Canada

Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth