Friday, August 31, 2018
Expo 1967 Jeff Altman restored videos.
City seek to complete a city-wide State of Good Repair audit of Parkland Trails
High Efficiency Trail Assessment Process (HETAP) information on trails are to be captured, including surface type and firmness information, condition assessment, width, length, slope longitudinally and cross slope, as well as noting obstacles, specific deterioration issues and assessments with cost of the work to be done for bringing the trail to a “state of good repair”.
Project Overview
The Preliminary Product Packages relating to trail assessments will be a detailed GIS dataset that can be queried in a variety of ways based on the data captured above. Please refer to final Phase 1 products available to best understand the data capture requirements. The GIS data is to be provided to the city in both MTM3 NAD 27 and UTM NAD 83 coordinate systems for convenience of use without need for re-projecting. A photo collection of condition assessment and documentation of obstacles with reference in the attributes of the GIS data is to be captured separately via an external thumb or hard drive depending on the quantity of images, see reference data in Appendix F.
The Vendor should be in regular contact with City project coordinator to confirm where they are working and when. Regular scheduled and unscheduled site meetings are to be expected to refine the data collected and the process for trail condition documentation.
[caption id="attachment_1296" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Work is to be invoiced by completion milestones, or on a monthly basis for work done to date whichever is preferred by the Vendor.
Full info below
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Junction Craft Makers Market Sept 16th 11am to 4pm Sunday
Sept 16 Junction Craft Brewing 150 Symes Road, Toronto
Come on out and enjoy a fresh, JCB pint while checking out some amazing Ontario Makers and their one of a kind, handcrafted products! Admission is free to all brewery guests' Pop-up food w/ Vesta Lunch on wheels!
Confirmed vendors include: -
Danielle Emily Jewelry - @thefullmoonapothecary - Claire Manning Illustrations - bailiwick - Bella Buddha Beads - Sun and Stars Co. (screen printed kids clothes, prints, stuffies) - Sarah Cait Co. (illustrated prints and buttons) - pixel paper hearts - Sweet Artisan Candies - Creations Diana - Crazy Plant Lady - Outback Woodshack - @Happy-Paws-Bandanas-and-Bow-ties
***If you're interested in being a vendor for this event, please contact Kim Lucas ( )***
Ward 18 and 19 and Junction Triangle Streetscape Construction planned by city.
at 12:00 Noon
[su_box title="Upcoming work bids request out now." style="glass" box_color="#bff0c4" radius="7"]1219 Bloor St. W. & Margueretta St. (south west corner) - Improvements to paved side flankage by way of unit pavers, planter curbs, planting and a seat wall addition.
Wade Ave. and Lansdowne Ave. (south west corner) - Removals of existing overgrown vegetation and replace with concrete paving and one row of vine planting at building face.
Bloor St. W. and Concord Ave. Bump-out (south west corner) - Concrete curb replacement, planting and bollard reinstatement, river rock addition and one new tree planting.[/su_box]
[caption id="attachment_1291" align="aligncenter" width="288"]
[caption id="attachment_1292" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Runnymede Road & Annette St and Runny and St. Johns St to get Accessible Pedestrian Signals
[su_highlight]1) Runnymede Road and Annette Street (PX0847) – Etobicoke
2) Runnymede Road and St. Johns Street (PX0848) – Etobicoke[/su_highlight]
Scope of work:
The Contractor will be responsible for providing all the necessary resources to carry out, but not limited to, the following activities related to this project:
The Contractor shall be responsible for the installation of all required underground duct, handwells, ground plates, pole bases, poles and controller base. The Contractor is also responsible for the installation of all above ground traffic signal plant, APS units and pavement markings.
The Contractor shall also be responsible for the installation of concrete sidewalks, pedestrian ramps and other civil improvements related to the installation of the Accessible Pedestrian Signals.
Access to Toronto Hydro chambers and/or other confined spaces may be required as part of this work at some locations. The contractor must produce valid proof of certification from Toronto Hydro to the City of Toronto prior to awarding of contract. Refer to SS.8.
This Contract, including all site restorations, clean up, and rectification of all known deficiencies, must be completed by May 30, 2019.
On a location basis, all site restorations, clean-up and the rectification of any and all deficiencies are to be completed 90 days after the activation.
During construction the contractor with obey these working times.
Construction dates will be posted on this blog.
Construction Staging
Runnymede Road and Annette Street (PX0847)
Southbound – the Contractor shall be allowed to occupy the curb lane from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. only. No obstruction to traffic lanes during the a.m. rush hours will be permitted. Northbound – the Contractor shall be allowed to occupy the curb lane from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. only. No obstruction to traffic lanes during the p.m. rush hour will be permitted. Eastbound – the Contractor shall be allowed to occupy the curb lane from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. only. No obstruction to traffic lanes during the a.m. rush hours will be permitted. Westbound – the Contractor shall be allowed to occupy the curb lane from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. only. No obstruction to traffic lanes during the p.m. rush hour will be permitted
Runnymede Road and St. Johns Street (PX0848)
Southbound – the Contractor shall be allowed to occupy the curb lane from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. only. No obstruction to traffic lanes during the a.m. rush hours will be permitted. Northbound – the Contractor shall be allowed to occupy the curb lane from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. only. No obstruction to traffic lanes during the p.m. rush hour will be permitted. Eastbound – the Contractor shall be allowed to occupy the curb lane from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. only. No obstruction to traffic lanes during the a.m. rush hours will be permitted. Westbound – the Contractor shall be allowed to occupy the curb lane from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. only. No obstruction to traffic lanes during the p.m. rush hour will be permitted
Toronto Water seeks to open Customer Care Centre at 275 Merton Street
The majority of the construction will take place on the first floor. This will include, but not limited to, demolishing office fronts, relocating existing vertical power and communications chases, relocating existing lighting, retro-fitting pot lights, installing new feature lighting, providing a new light box, providing additional power and data, and connecting noted power to the proposed back-up generator. New audio visual solutions will be provided for the large meeting rooms and additional screens in the new Customer Care Centre. All audio visual equipment will be supplied and installed by a separate contractor. Necessary rough-in and infrastructure will be provided by the general contractor.
The construction is to be phased in accordance to the furniture reconfiguration phases. A furniture designer will be responsible for reconfiguring the existing furniture. They will breakdown existing workstations and rebuild them into the proposed layouts. The new furniture (consisting of new 120° stations, new meeting room furniture and new collaboration furniture) will be provided by a separate furniture vendor. The new furniture will be brought in phases which will coordinate with the furniture reconfiguration schedule. The general contractor is to coordinate with both furniture vendors and ensure the necessary construction and electrical work is completed to meet the furniture install needs. [/su_pullquote]
Tiff seems to on everyones mind right now , here are two films to see.
upcoming period drama Outlaw King will debut
PREMIERE AT TIFF as the Opening Night Film of the Toronto Film
Festival on Thursday, Sept. 6.
upcoming series "Homecoming," directed by
"Mr. Robot's" Sam Esmail and starring Julia
Roberts will have its world premiere at the 2018
Toronto International Film Festival, before debuting
on Amazon November 2.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Disney LA early on showing undeveloped surrounding area.
Average weight of a railway intermodal trailer car without the truck trailer
With a weight of 273,000 lbs, a railway intermodal trailer car is heavy. One reason trains in Collisions with automobiles are so dangerous.
The might of Mulock Ave Manufacturing past
G.M.C.Water Systems, The General Machinery Co., Limited 22 Mulock Ave., Toronto
The "G.M.C. Special " Nos. 21 and 22
Absolutely the best value ever offered in an Automatic Electric Water System.
Complete in every detail.
Two Capacities.
Vh H.P.—100 Gal. per Hr.
1/4 H.P.—200 Gal. per Hr.
Three Sizes of Tanks.
120 Gal., 220 Gal., 315 Gal.
These systems are furnished complete as
shown—Shipped knocked-down—Can be installed by a competent man in one hour.
One Sale Means Another.
Monday, August 27, 2018
2978 Dundas Streetand the great Junction lost laneway, known as the way among many.
The new condo proposal on this site is ending a 100 year old right of way issue in the Junction. Walk east along side of the church on east Pacific Ave just north of Dundas St. W. And you begin a walk along private property that up until a decade ago and five years was a defacto public lane.
The driveway of the church’s lane and along back of 2978 straight to Jackson Place laneway was open to walking and vehicle traffic. Cars and trucks used the way to move from Keele St. to Pacfic Ave and the busineses that were in the lane. 7 Star bakery, where the laneway loft houses on the south side are today, these houses built using the rear wall of the bakery, which can be seem today by walking the small lane behind the houses.
The way was also used by the the glass bottle factory, and the many companies that occupied their old building and lot, the craft and busness building at 51 Vine Ave.
The laneway was a much more active business purposeful area up until the mid 80’s, and the Junction much less interested in property issues.
Yet the most use was simply by people wishing to avoid the throngs of people on Dundas St, from Keele St and and Quebec Ave. This contunued right up until the very begining of the seventies. The Junction sidewalks were so packed stockboys, from kresge's and woolworth stores had to have guides while doing work out side the stores., During period of time stockboys were boys, girls of early and mid teen ages worked as store assistants then.
While the winding down of the instensity of activity by Junction retailers at the begining of the 80’s greatly reduced the use of the way, and a blockage and later a fence in the early 90’s halted car and truck traffic, the way can still be walked now, while just for now. Just not at dusk, as you proably be offereda job by spirt of owner ofvthe Junction Bargain house, or one of May Bros.
Twenty-live people were each fined $1 in the Toronto Police Court recently, for sweeping the sidewalk withoutfirst applying moisture., 1915
1915 The Sanitary Engineer
HERE are the facts about sweeping in the city of Toronto: It is a misdemeanour to sweep the sidewalks without first applying moisture, and further it is also illegal to sweep the floor refuse or dust from an office store or factory into the street, whether moisture is put upon the refuse or not.
This is the law which is enforced in Toronto. The Sanitary Engineer endorses that law. every word of it. But what about sweeping the floors in the insideof the homes? Of course it is quite permissible to sweep one's own room up with a broom, and nothing said about it. If there is one thing more than another which should be abolished, it is the broom. If the Sanitary Engineer had its way every house would be properly piped and a stationary vacuum cleaner installed, just as every house must now be equipped with a w.c, etc.
The stationary vacuum cleaner is the only thing. Of course we know there are quite a number of small portable vacuum cleaners which are a great improvement over the broom, but these have to be bought by the householder, and every householder has not the means to buy such an appliance. The SanitaryEngineer contends that a vacuum cleaner is just as necessary as any other sanitary appliance, and should be a part of the house. No doubt if some speculative builders had their own way the tenant would have to install his own plumbing fixtures. It is bad enough having to install one's own electric fixtures.
This latter means a lot of waste money. No house is complete unless it is equipped with every fixture which has to be attached to the building in anyway before it can be used. In conclusion we assert that as it is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine, to sweep refuse from a building into the street, or sweep sidewalks, it should also be the same for sweeping the dust up in the home. Dust, causes the atmosphere to become polluted, and polluted air is not fit for human beings to breathe. There are more cases of tuberculosis caused by persons breathing foul air than by any-thing else. The Sanitary Engineer has waged war against the joller towel, and the drinking: cup. We will spare no effort- until the broom is a thing of the past, and every house is hy law equiped with a stationary vacuum cleaner.
Dust is the silent sneaking death dealing germ, one which we do not realize,because of its silent operation. There are three women to every man sent to our hospitals for treatment. This comes to a large degree from the fact that women live indoors and breathe a dust laden second-hand atmosphere which depletes their vitality. '"Dust particles inhaled in the home are more dangerous than those breathed in from the street." says Dr. Jos. S. Xeff. "This is because indoor dust is rarely subjected to the purifying action of light and the sun's rays." And yet in the city of Toronto, a city of half a million souls, the dusty sidewalks must not be swept unless that dust is moistened, while almost every housewife is allowed to commit slow lingering suicide by sweeping the germ laden dust of her home with a broom and by inhaling those germs by the million. Doesn't such a state of affairs
seem ridiculous?
Taste of Spain dinner, fundraiser for Sorauren Park, at Junction Craft Brewing, 150 Symes Road
Taste of Spain dinner
Join us for dinner and live music Sept. 8 to benefit Sorauren Park & Charles G. Williams playground
A (Delicious) Fundraiser for Sorauren Park
Licenced event 19+
Saturday, September 8, 2018
7 – 11:30 p.m.
Junction Craft Brewing, 150 Symes Road
- Take the shuttle bus from Sorauren Park
Departing: between 6 – 7 pm
Returning to the park: 11 pm – 12 midnight
Buy your tickets online and reserve your seat on the shuttle bus. Limited spaces available.
Tickets: $150/person
Table: $1,200 for table of 8… contact us
Includes all food, wine, entertainment and shuttle bus. Proceeds to the non-profit Friends of Sorauren Park and Friends of Charles G. Williams Park
A Taste of Spain is Friends of Sorauren Park's first fundraising dinner — an event that will feature a delicious menu curated by celebrated local chefs from Novotel, Barque and Alimentari, and inspired by the flavours of Spain. It will be a lively and elegant evening of food, wine and entertainment.
The Junction Craft Brewing, 150 Symes Rd. The 1930s art deco brewery provides a unique and memorable backdrop, where guests will have the opportunity to mix and mingle before enjoying a sit-down dinner. A central stage will host a variety of flamenco-style music and dancing.
Toronto Suburban Ry.
Toronto Suburban Ry.—Surveys have been made for a line from Keele St. to the Lake Shore road, and it is said that construction will be started as soon as the councils of Toronto Junction and York Township have approved of the plans. The route proposed is long South Keele St. to Annette St., along tnat street to Elizabeth St., and along that street through Swansea, connecting with the Lake Shore road at the Bolt Works. An alternative route surveyed. is from Dundas to Louisa, and along that street to Elizabeth St. The company favors the Keele St. route, as it would be an ex-tension of its present line to Weston. (June, pg. 429).
Automatic Cellar/Basement Drainer
Wet basements still a common issue in the Junction, has long been a problem. Here a Automatic Cellar Drainer Is advertised Toronto home owners in 1915.
Automatic Cellar Drainer
Specially adapted for use in pits, sumps, cellars, tanks, settling basins or wherever it is
desired to keep water or other liquids from going above a certain level,
SIMPLE—COMPACT-ECONOMICAL. FAR superior to any other device of its kind on the market.
Some Advantages
1. All parts excei)t the float are above tlie water, no slime or cor-
rosion to contend with.
2. The operating- valves open and
close instantly by action of the water pressure.
3. It compact, taking up less
than half* the space of others,
and weighs less, for the same capacity.
4. It costs less than many other drainers not as efficient.
Protect yourself from the damages of Spring floods and rains.
Install the Penberthy Cellar Drainer.
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Imperial Oil Deactivation of current line of current pipeline though Toronto after the new one comes into work shipping fluids
Deactivation of current line
• The deactivated pipe will be removed from service, cleaned, filled with nitrogen (like what we put in our car tires), and left in place.
• Deactivation is undertaken to reduce environmental impacts (soil stability, slope stabilization and settlement issues), avoid short and long-term community construction impacts and minimize safety risk for other pipelines sharing the right-of-way.
• Imperial deactivates pipeline segments in accordance with industry best practices (Canadian Standards Association's Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems Code) and provincial regulations (Technical Standards and Safety Act).
• Imperial is responsible for paying for the maintenance and monitoring of this segment of deactivated pipeline.
• Imperial remains responsible for ongoing monitoring, line identification and crossing management of the deactivated line.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
2306 St. Clair Avenue West, New York Pork condos
From the city docs,
This application proposes to amend former City of Toronto Zoning By-law No. 438-86 to permit the construction of a 10-storey (30.3 metre, not including a 5 metre mechanical penthouse) mixed used building on a vacant site, formerly occupied by New York Pork, at 2306 St. Clair Avenue West. A total of 235 residential units are proposed with 384 m2 of commercial space. Vehicular access is proposed from the public laneway to the north to the below grade parking. The tallest portion of the building would be located at the approximate centre of the site and the building would step down to four storeys to the north, adjacent to the public laneway, four storeys to the south adjacent to St. Clair Avenue West, and four and three storeys to the east adjacent to Symes Road. The proposed building would front both St. Clair Avenue West and Symes Road.
The site is located at the northwest corner of St. Clair Avenue West and Symes Road, which is between Keele Street/Weston Road and Runnymede Road. The site is flat and irregularly-shaped, due to a curvilinear western boundary. The site was previously occupied by New York Pork, a meat processing plant, which ceased operations in 2006 due to a fire. The building damaged by the fire was demolished in 2010 and the site has been vacant since. The site has a frontage of approximately 33 m on St. Clair Avenue West and 82 m on Symes Road and a total area of approximately 4,754 m2.
North: To the north is a public laneway that provides access to garages for the two-storey semi-detached dwellings on the north side of the public laneway. These two storey semi-detached dwellings were constructed as part of the large residential subdivision to the east of the subject site. There is also a large noise wall that separates the subject site from the public laneway.
South: To the south are one to two-storey commercial buildings fronting the south side of St. Clair Avenue West, primarily occupied by automobile-related uses.
East: To the east is a large residential subdivision that runs from Symes Road to Gunns Road and is comprised of two-storey semi-detached dwellings and a public park.
West: To the west is a large automobile dealership (Ken Shaw Lexus Toyota). To the west of the automobile dealership is a co-operative housing development known as La Paz and beyond this are single and semi-detached residential dwellings, some of which front St. Clair Avenue West.
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Save Exhibition Place from private hands
All text the group
Exhibition Place is 192 acres of City-owned lakeside land, whose historical mandate was for public parks and exhibition grounds, and Ontario Place comprises another 155 acres of Province-owned lakeside land and water. Toronto, desperate for public green space, could sure take advantage of these already-owned lands.
But recently, under-the-radar initiatives have been operating to put these public lands in private hands.
In 2006, most of Exhibition Place was converted from ‘Parks and Open Space’ lands to ‘Regeneration’ lands, encouraging private development and allowing leases of longer than 21 years.
And in 2010, a memorandum of agreement between the City and the Exhibition Place Board of Governors directed the Board to ‘maximize revenue from all sources’; and similarly for Ontario Place.
A community group—the West Side Community Council, comprising ten community associations—has launched a public education and advocacy campaign to call on local government to act immediately to stop the effective privatization of these lands, and rather direct resources to fulfilling the potential of these lands as public and community parkland assets.
Find out more at, a website dedicated to raising awareness about this issue.
The campaign will be launching at the Princes’ Gates on August 17th at 10am.
text parkdale resdents group
Friday, August 17, 2018
The stuff left behind makes a dirty Junction.
The weather is great and there is nothing better than enjoying the sun in The Junction. But unfortunately, large quantities of cigarette butts, packaging and food leftovers are left behind in the parks and on the street every day.
Let us together keep Junction clean! #CleanJunctionTO
Thursday, August 16, 2018
1907 J . Campbell, M.P of Junction Campbell Block Fame
J . Campbell, M.P., Toronto Junction, Ont., has been re-elected chairman of the House of Commons Committee on Railways and Canals for the current session. 1907.
other Junction news of Jan 1907
The C.P.R. has inaugurated a fast freight service, leaving Toronto Junction, Ont., every Monday at 11 p.m., and reaching St. John, N.B., at 3.30 p.m. Thursday, in con-nection with the winter "sailing of steamers from that port.
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
G. R. Brunech of West Toronto exhibit s fine art in London UK
G. R. Brunech 281, Toronto Street, West Toronto
Two water-colour paintings, entitled, "Autumn on Shadow River," Muskoka, Canada ; *' Indian Camp on the Ottawa River," Canada.
ANTWERP universal exhibition, 1885.
squashed plans to open an overdose-prevention site
Staff at Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre is looking at options after the province squashed their plans to open an overdose-prevention site on Monday.
The Health Minister announced Monday she wants to conduct a review to determine the site’s merits, but for people in the community struggling with drug use, the decision is unconscionable.
Health Centre officials spent Tuesday in meetings trying to figure out exactly how to address the situation.
While they are pushing the government to reverse this decision, there are other options on the table – one of those being to open this site regardless of what the province has decided.
Odds found out while researching The Junctions Dominion Bridge Company.
Bethlehem Steel’s Lacawanna plant in the 50s and mid 60s used most of their capacity to roll steel for what they referred to as Canadians and primarily Ontario. Oral historys created by the Steel Plant Museum of New York, provide statements that the Bethlehem Steel rolled steel for the Airport, the Toronto Subway System and more Toronto projects.
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
1936: the Rexall Train
Toronto Railway Museum @TORailwayMuseum - 12m v Aug 14, 1936: the Rexall Train arrives in Toronto for display over the next three days at CP's "Fez City" yard at Bathurst and Fleet Street. Its sponsor was the United Drug Co., maker of Rexall pharmaceuticals, sold in thousands of franchised drug stores across North America.
@TORailwayMuseum Is great place.
3052 Dundas St. to get ceramics studio, for a while.
As the Junction once again is possibly getting a public access ceramic studio, there once was one at the Bunners location for a long while, for the period between 1970 and now saw many such retail craft businesses open up and close along the the Dundas Retail strip.
The store which had 2,132 SF of usable space is planned to offer opportunities for other craft teaching activities also.
I hope the enterprise works for both the people running it and even more so for the community, however it it likely not too.
Craft persons in Toronto have historically opened retail venues in Toronto to simply have a studio to work in that is hopefully subsidized by income from teaching short courses. And some sales of works from the the retail firm of the store.
This does not work, and has been proven many this times over in our city. That is why Artscape buildings are funded all over the city. It is also why governments spend millions every few decades to build large subsidized buildings to provide places for artist/craft persons to work.
Cooperative ownership, which can be safety thought the matter of which this enterprise is comprised as historically such ventures have been started in Toronto, has the me length of time success.
I am sure even the persons opening this shop, and hoping shared expenses will relieve problems of craft making in this city will agree craft creation in Ontario is not financially viable at the present time.
Craft persons lucky or with good spreadable elbows, those last three words are directly for the the persons opening the store, which they will understand, gain residency though artscape, Harbourfront, or the Living Arts Centre in the GTA. Many simply operate from their home, actually most due, except glass workers.
However success is possible but only with tremendous community support, in taking of classes, and purchasing of objects made by the propreitors. Also some city BIAs have regonized the importance of creative object businesses of attacting out of community shoppers, who often frequent other businesses in the area such as resturauts etc. However this has only worked when the local business improvement area association, has invested in special programs to have this happen.
Monday, August 13, 2018
Hedley Shaw, of the Junction
Born, near Hamilton, Ont., 1866.
Managing Director, Maple Leaf Milling Company, Limited.
President, Hedley Shaw Milling Company, Limited.
Vice-President, Bt. Mary Cement Company, Limited.
Clnbs: National, Granite, etc.
West Toronto existed before Canada was whole.
It’s 1885 and some West Torontoians still a separate municipality then the City of Toronto, are off to Antwerp to show off our art, writing and manufactory items.
at this tme Canada or the Dominon of Canada as known then consisted of
CANADA extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Its area is
3,470,392 square miles. It possesses thousands of square miles of the finest
forests on the American continent, widely spread coal fields, extensive and
productive fisheries, and rivers and lakes that are among the largest and most
remarkable in the world. The country is divided into eight provinces, the
names of which are-
According to the census taken in 1881 the population of the Dominion at
1. Nova Scotia
2. New Brunswick
3. Prince Edward Island
4. Quebec
5. Ontario
6. Manitoba
7. North-West Territories
8. British Columbia
Saturday, August 11, 2018
2706, 2708, 2710, 2720, and 2730 Dundas Street West
Full text Catherine Nasmith
July 3, 2018
Members Toronto East York Community Council ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVANCY TORONTO Members Etobicoke-York Community Council ONTARIO
Re: Development Proposals in the Toronto Junction
Agenda Items No. EY 32.2 2978-2988 Dundas Street West and 406-408 Pacific Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion Applications
TE34.8 2639 Dundas Street West - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report
TE 34.23 2706, 2708, 2710, 2720, and 2730 Dundas Street West - Zoning Amendment Application - Request for Directions Report
We are taking the unusual step of writing simultaneously to two community Councils regarding the future of the Junction Neighbourhood, specifically the main streets at its heart, Dundas, Keele and Annette. We are hoping that Council will put in place a holding bylaw under the Ontario Heritage Act to allow completion of the Heritage Conservation District (HCD) Phase I planning before new development irrevocably changes the historic character of the area.
For years, local residents have been requesting an HCD to protect this most important neighbourhood. Because The Junction was once an independent municipality it contains all elements, relatively intact, of its historic fabric. At long last, City Council has voted to make The Junction HCD a priority, and it is anticipated that the study and plan process will begin very shortly. Unfortunately, the delay in starting has put the City in the difficult position of facing four separate development applications without adequate heritage policies in place to measure the development proposals' compatibility with the historic fabric.
ACO Toronto has taken a particular interest in the future of the Junction. During the winter and spring of 2018, ACO Toronto worked with Ryerson University's Urban Planning Department students to explore Tthe Junction neighbourhood, taking a closer look into The Junction's rich architectural history. Their findings recognized the Junction's uniqueness in its collection of fine-grained, rhythmic, strikingly individual architectural buildings. These buildings host a number of independent businesses that are the backbone of this community. New development tends to push out these smaller businesses due to the sky-rocketing rents and larger floor plans that are usually only more affordable for larger companies. The Junction is a living, breathing, vibrant area and new development proposal need to consider and capture what makes this community unique and special. The indicators the students selected showed that the existing community has a multitude of activities within the older building stock which have significant value. Any major redevelopments risk eroding the significant physical, social and economic value that is unique to this area.
So often, the success of an area created by the incremental investment of local entrepreneurs attracts larger scale investment, setting the stage for the main streets' demise. In cities around the world, conservation districts play a role in shaping development to fit and keep what made the area attractive. Toronto is rapidly losing the 19th century commercial fabric that has been the secret of its success for over 206-401 Richmond Street West Toronto ON M5V 3A8 4165984144 The past Our present Your future a century. Leaving the Junction to the roulette wheel of development applications will lead to the sterilization of one of the city's last surviving commercial strips.
While the City will be challenged to complete the necessary research and public process to complete both the HCD study and plan within the one year holding period, with community collaboration it can be done. For example, Harbord Village HCD Phase One was completed in one year. ACO Toronto is prepared to continue to devote our scarce resources to research support. We need Toronto City Council to hit the pause button and create a time window to do the planning needed to keep one of Toronto's most interesting communities for the future to enjoy.
Yours truly,
Catherine Nasmith, OAA, FRAIC, CAHP President ACO Toronto
C.C. Mary MacDonald Councillor Gord Perks councillor Councillor Sarah Doucette councillor
206-401 Richmond Street West Toronto ON M5V 3A8 4165984144 The past Our present Your future
Friday, August 10, 2018
The Junction loses the only plant in Canada for fine hair brushes 1908
1908 Canadian Grocer, BRUSH FACTORY SOLD. The Stevens-Hepner Company, brush and broom manufacturers, Port Elgin, Ont., have bought the plant, patents and goodwill of the Dominion Brush & Mirror Co., of West Toronto, and will move the plant to Port Elgin about October 15. This is understood to be the only plant in Canada for the manufacture of fine hair and clothes brushes, and the machinery and process of manufacture are covered by valuable patents. The Dominion Brush & Mirror Co. have been employing about 20 men, and most of this staff will be taken to Port Elgin.
CRAM A CRUISER FOOD DRIVE, Saturday August 11, 3671 Dundas Street West 10:00AM - 2:00PM
Thursday, August 9, 2018
GERHARD HEINTZMAN, of the Junction
Born, Osnabruck, Germany, 1849.
President and founder of Gerhard Heintzman Co., Limited, Manu-
facturers of High-Grade Pianofortes.
President, German Benevolent Society.
Director, Deutscher Verein.
Member, Technical School Board, National Club, Toronto.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Monday, August 6, 2018
Tall ship teaches teens in the Toronto Harbour
[gallery columns="1" size="medium" ids="1006,1007,1009,1010,1011,1012"]
Click any image for full size/n
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Heat Wave Warning for Monday
Humidex values reaching 40 are expected.
A heat event continues through Monday.
Daytime maximum values of 31 degrees or higher are expected Monday with Humidex values near 40. Overnight minimum temperatures will only fall to near 20 degrees, except 22 to 24 over some urban areas, providing little relief from the heat.
.[ms_promo_box style="boxed" border_color="#fdd200" border_width="3" border_position="left" background_color="#6d0d43" button_color="" button_link="" button_icon="" button_text="" button_text_color="#ffffff" class="" id=""]A cold front is expected to to move through the area Tuesday bringing an end to this event[/ms_promo_box]
Extreme heat affects everyone.
The risks are greater for young children, pregnant women, older adults, people with chronic illnesses and people working or exercising outdoors.
Heat warnings are issued when very high temperature or humidity conditions are expected to pose an elevated risk of heat illnesses, such as heat stroke or heat exhaustion.
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Pasties and Burlesque Friday, August 10 in the Junction
Friday, August 10 at 7 PM 10 PM
Let's all go to the movies! Join Nerd Girl Burlesque and a bevy of local
and international talent for a night at the sinema with acts that
celebrate the best of the silver screen. From classic film cuties to
modern blockbuster babes, come experience burlesque and circus
numbers inspired by the big screen!
Our stars for the evening include:
Delicia Pastiche
EI Toro (The Gentleman's Club T.O., Boylesque T.O.)
Fanny Valentine
Helen of Tronna
Henrietta VIII
Loretta Jean
Mike Hunt Entertainment
With headliner, Vivacious Miss Audacious (Michigan)
Come early or stay late to enjoy the venue's selection of video and
board games, or grab drinks from See-Scape's bar!
Hosted by Reddy TaRumble!
Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door.
See-Scape's theatre space is up a set of steps. We are happy to
reserve seat space for those unable to stand for the length of the show,
please contact us via email. For other questions about access, please
contact us at and we would be happy to try
to accommodate you.
Tickets Available
Friday, August 3, 2018
A SAMPLE OF KEESMAAT’S NOMINATORS, why not just some plain old people, not just politicals
Stay aware and seatbelt up, if council does not get some millennials elected this October, we are in for more of the same.
This post is not to say Ms KEESMAAT Is not a good candidate, just that she is part of the broken council system.
SAMPLE OF KEESMAAT’S NOMINATORS: the name in the bracket indicates who they work for.
[su_pullquote]Council staffers: Elli Stephanie Nakitsas (works for Layton); Christopher Haskim (Doucette); Marco Bianchi (Layton); Brent Gilliard (Cressy); Karen Duffy (Perks); Lia Brewer (Cressy) ; Joan Wilson (Cressy); Clive Scott (Perks); Lisa Hoffman (Wong-Tam); Katherine Trimble (Doucette); Andrea Fresolone (Doucette).[/su_pullquote]Councillors Sarah Doucette, Mike Layton, Joe Cressy, Gord Perks, Kristyn Wong-Tam, and Joe Mihevc.
Subway Air Quality Human Health Risk Assessment, specialists sought by city.
Large amounts of breathable particles and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), produced in part by road traffic, can shorten the lifespans of city dwellers. Public transportation systems such as subways have thus seemed like a solution to reduce air pollution in the urban environment.
[bmtextbox type="warning"]But what is the air like that we breathe underground, on the rail platforms and inside trains?[/bmtextbox]
returns the following:
Air-quality in subways can be related much towheel materials and braking mechanisms, as well as to variations in ventilation and air conditioning systems, but may also relate to differences in measurement campaign protocols and choice of sampling sites.
The cities requst and plan can be read slightly by reading the scipe of the contract the city of Toronto is leting gbout.
Scope of work:
Scope of Work The PM identified in the subway system is different from the PM found in outdoor urban air with respect to its source, composition and characteristics. Given that available reference values for PM are derived from evidence of outdoor PM, additional information will be needed to finalize the methods. Toronto Public Health seeks a consultant or team of consultants to execute the following work:
1. Convene an expert panel that will develop a valid method under a risk assessment framework for estimating the potential health risks associated with exposure to the type of PM found in the subway system.
2. Apply the method established by the expert panel to the air pollutant data collected by the TTC and Health Canada to conduct a Human Health Risk Assessment.
3. Contextualize the findings from the Human Health Risk Assessment in a Rapid Health Impact Assessment focusing on the following areas:
a. Benchmark PM concentrations found in Toronto's subway system against other similar systems found around the world
b. Examine the health evidence related to passenger exposure to the contaminants of concern
c. Summarize the health impacts (both positive and negative) of commuting through public transportation
d. Review mitigation measures that could be effective or have been used in other jurisdictions.
The ideal consultant or team of consultants would have expertise and experience in facilitation, air pollution, toxicology, Human Health Risk Assessment and Health Impact Assessment. In addition, the consultant will follow scientifically sound approaches for conducting Human Health Risk Assessment and Health Impact Assessment taking into account the unique nature of the population exposure. The consultant or teams of consultants must clearly demonstrate how they and the proposed approach meets the mandatory technical requirements listed in Appendix E.
For complete details see section 3.0 Scope of Work in RFP document.
The consultant or teams of consultants must clearly demonstrate how they and the proposed approach meets the mandatory technical requirements listed in Appendix E.
For more information on this call, please click on the viewing copy attachment in the Notes Section above.
Viewing Copy 9121-18-7178 Viewing Copy.pdf (918 Kbytes) - Posted on 08/01/2018 09:31:42 AM
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Junction sees Evangeline Residence retirement of Major Beverley Buell July 1st.
The Salvation Army’s Junction Evangeline Residence is a major resource and home for marginalized women in Toronto. Located on the north side of Dundas St just east of Keele St. The text below is from the army.
Major Beverley Buell retired July 1 from her final appointment as chaplain at Toronto's Evangeline Residence.
Enrolled as a senior soldier by General Frederick Coutts at the 1967 centennial congress in Toronto, Beverley was commissioned in 1978 in the Disciples of Jesus Session. Prior to marrying sessionmate Sydney Buell in 1979, she served as assistant corps officer in Hanover, Ont., and Estevan, Sask. The Buells served together as corps officers in Indian Head, Sask., Haliburton, Ont., and Neepawa, Man., and in Harbour Light appointments in Kingston, Ont., and at the Toronto West and Toronto centres.
Beverley's service continued in Toronto where she ministered through the River Street social services office and as chaplain at Florence Booth House, Booth Industries and Evangeline Residence.
Beverley feels blessed to have served the Lord and looks forward to spending time with their children James and Laura Kelly (Buell), Jennifer and Luke Faulkner, and Jonathan Buell; and grandchildren Cassidy, Alex, Sophie, Logan and Ronan.
White lead for making paint a strong seller in Toronto Summer of 1911
White Lead.—The consumption continues heavy. Outside painting is now in
full swing and as a result the call for lead is attaining to highest proportions,
this tendency being encouraged by the low quotations for oil and turpentine.
Prices remain the same.
HARDWARE^METAL Issue June 11 1911
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate
He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth
Ice cream as we recognize it today has been in existence for at least 300 years, Though no one knows who invented ice cream, but the ...