Monday, May 5, 2008

Large trellis at Massy Harris Park

MassyHarris park May 05 08

The large trellis designed by Brown and Storey Architects James McLeod at Massy Harris Park, and located on the site of the former Massey-Harris-Ferguson Ltd at 945 King St. W. (west of Strachan Ave.) provides a wonderful making of place. It gives the feeling of being in a park for those directly under the trellis. It's so easy to lose sight of a park like atmosphere when living in an urban setting, so objects such as this trellis really help people feel that experience.

The general design of the park was by Brown + Storey Architects.

Yet can the trellis be considered art?

Well the update below answers the question the large trellis is some type of plinth for the suspended artwork, .. going to take another look at before finishing this update see blow comment that resulted in the update [Update Oct 7th, 2008]

Update Oct 7th, 2008

A comment was posted by someone at Brown and Storey Architects.

From the comment below;

The trellis was in fact primarily designed by Brown and Storey Architects with input from James McLeod. The stainless steel braided cable artwork that is suspended from the trellis was exclusively designed, produced and installed by James McLeod.

1 comment:

  1. The trellis was in fact primarily designed by Brown and Storey Architects with input from James McLeod. The stainless steel braided cable artwork that is suspended from the trellis was exclusively designed, produced and installed by James McLeod.


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth