Realnet - a real estate Information Service used by just about very commercial property investor and developer is reporting 207 New Toronto St. Etobicoke, has sold for $8,620,000 in a 100% ownership transfer or
The land is part of old ICI companies land and a few years ago Toronto Redi-Mix wanted to operate a concrete batch operation at the site. With this sale, has that been completely pushed off the table?
New Toronto Good Neighbours Association opposed this plant strongly, although they did support a package delivery company proposal on the Former Ivaco site bounded by 8th St., 13th St., New Toronto St. and Birmingham St.
Toronto Redi-Mix is a well regarded company in the construction industry as indicated in the industrial media, it just seems they cannot work it out which understandable as each has it's own goals. Interestedly the New Toronto Good Neighbours Association site fails to update on the outcome of their effort. Would it be helpful to other groups if they provide a brief summary of the outcome...?
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