Wednesday, June 18, 2008

3080 Dundas St West whats up?

This building is tough, it has taken some knocks, and to discover whats going to be it's fate is the question. For many years it was a green grocer,  then it went through a series of quick in and out tenants. For some time it appeared it was going to get a huge refit in size as evidenced by the image pictured at the bottom above. This image taken from a local architectural office site (High Park Architects) has been up on their site for some time now. Now though (June 2008) there are two building permits for restaurants attached to the windows of the two stores the building is divided into.

This building has over time had just about all of it's original character ripped off,  not by the current owner - who has recently replaced the roof, which will greatly help the building.   This building needs to make a profit for it's owner so he/she can continue to improve it. The Junction right now needs some effort to layer back in some of the Junction mercantile history of dual use buildings. Maybe one day someone will build  the overbuilding designed by High Park Architects. Hopefully they will update their site witth more pictures of their design.

The rendering above is copyright  High Park Architects

Posted by Robert


  1. I really like the look of that condo building, too bad they abandoned that idea.

  2. Rumour from one of the neighbours has it that the owner (chef?) of Leslieville's OkayOkay is opening up a bakery in 3080.
    Looking though the window I see that the flooring has been installed and the benches being built.
    All the walls in the space look like the original bare brick.
    Looks nice!


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth