The Annette St. face of Annette Lofts
Replacing the the long neglected Biway Store on this site was a great idea as well as a sound business investment for the developer, he contributed to the community in choosing to do this. Then he plowed his building onto Annette St, creating a very unsettling building frontage. The development has 8 townhouse condos which are accessed off a lane which begins at Annette St. which are pleasant to look at. His side walkway down the lane is also well though out as he claims with more than enough walking room. The building is not built in the regency style as claimed - here's a regency building image at Wikipedia.
One of the most important aspects of this building is that it's live work, just what WTO and this particular area needs a lot more of. Now if the developer can sit down and fix the Annette St. face of the building.
Has anyone been inside that has an opinion on the interiors? Annette lofts web site
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