Thursday, July 24, 2008

a bigger stick - Mimico Garbage issues

For many years the city has been encouraging apartment and condo dwellers and the owners of these buildings to engage with the city's wider waster diversion (recycling) programs.  Building owners were weaned off incineration over 20 years ago and were then encouraged to step up recycle efforts. Nevertheless, many residents have never taken up the torch of recycling and treat as a birth-right, the ability to drop it down the shoot and forget about it.

This disengagement is now very evident in mixed residential communities where buildings and their residents who have not taken recycling seriously now have that problem compounded by having their garbage collection reduced from two days a week, to one, depending on the number of units, or even to bi-weekly if under 9 units. The mess this causes at street level can then create a toxic relationship among the single family home dwellers, the landlords of these buildings and the city for not dealing with this and instead throwing away the carrot in favor of pay-for-use, a bigger stick.

Posted By David

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Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth