Monday, July 28, 2008

Junction Residents Assoc. Next agenda meeting for August 6th

Picture Credit - Metrix X Flickr

August 6th is the next meeting of the new Junction Residents Association meeting, at The Troubadour Bar – 3071 Dundas St. West.  A member is researching a regular place to hold future meetings - maybe in a local church, and hopes to have this organized by the time of the August 6th 7:00pm meeting.  A regular meeting location where the group will not interfere with the operating of the Troubadour Bar when displays are needed and the group gets many more people attending is probably a well placed effort right now.

Minutes recorded by Chris Piche link below.

Junction residents association July 2nd 2008 minintes in PDF File format click to open.

Agenda highlights for the August 6th meeting...

Organizational stuff

Mission statement

Organizing of Chairs

Sub committees?

1st issues

Vine parkette funding park and  benches

bike hoops

Junction Artsfest booth have one?, staffing?

Creation of crime and safety subcommittee to organize participation in these issues


Invited police guest talk.

Open forum

Link to PDF copy of the agenda


  1. Hello Junctioneer,

    What time is the August 2nd meeting? What is the agenda for this meeting and who organized it?

    I think having an early meeting to setup a solid agenda and a chair for the August 6th meeting is good idea.

    Somebody needs to notify the senders list from the first meeting though.

  2. I'll send the reminder to everyone on the original list that the meeting is upcoming, and provide a reference link to the Junctioneer site.

  3. Thanks Chris for doing the reminder to the orig list and reference link.

  4. I can't get your links to work. Anyone else having this problem or is it just my PC/browser?

  5. Links are now fixed sorry about that.

  6. Who authored the minutes?

  7. Sorry for the confusion of my earlier post. Due to the typo I thought we had 2 meetings, one on the 2nd and one on the 6th.

  8. I will not be able to attend the Aug. 6th meeting, unfortunately.
    But may I suggest putting forward a motion for a crosswalk from the north to south side of Dundas around McMurray and Axis?

    I've seem more than a few people almost get clipped trying to cross this street during the rush hours. The closest crossing lights are at Pacfic and Clendenan.


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth