Its hard to measure how successful opinions registered at city public consultation meetings are at influencing the content of regulations.
Nevertheless, the opportunity has been presented in the form of three meetings this month (as advertised by the city in the Etobicoke Guardian) and it is certain that businesses who may be affected by any change in regulations will make their voices heard.
The legal and illegal proliferation, size and appearance of signs around the city has an enormous impact on the way Toronto's inhabitants and visitors experience the city and its specific neighbourhoods. The city was amalgamated ten years ago, why wait so long for a city wide sign by-law? The people of the city could be forgiven for wondering how many out-moded and self-serving by-laws still survive from the former municipalities and what was the point of amalgamation if not to bring some efficiency and cohesion to the giant horseshoe.
...The new Sign By-Law will update the standards for signs on private property, address current sign issues, and reflect the diverse character found in Toronto communities. The Sign By-Law project will also explore ways that signage will support the City's efforts in energy conservation, as well as the development of a billboard tax specifically for the purposes of raising revenue for sign by-law enforcement, city beautification, and arts and cultural initiatives.
A series of public consultation meetings are being held at this initial stage of the study to give residents and businesses an opportunity to provide their comments and ideas on signs in Toronto. This information will be used to develop appropriate measures in the new Sign By-Law to effectively regulate signs in Toronto. At a later stage of the project, a second series of public consultation meetings will be scheduled to receive comments on proposals for the new Sign By-Law. Another advertisement will be published at that time providing notice of the meetings.
The current series of consultation meetings will be held as follows:
Thursday, September 18, 2008
7:00 p.m.
North York Civic Centre
5100 Yonge St, 1st Floor
Council Chambers
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
7:00 p.m.
Scarborough Civic Centre
150Borough Drive
Council Chambers
Thursday, September 25, 2008
7:00 p.m.
Toronto City Hall
100 Queen Street West, 2nd Floor
Committee Room #2
for more information:
Sign By-Law Team
Tel: 416-392-8000
Fax: 416-393-7536
email: signbylawproject@toronto.ca
web site: www.toronto.ca/signbylawproject/
Posted By David
Thank you for posting about Solways Metals. I would like to make a few points though.
Problems with Solways go back over 30 years and many hearings.
Solways originally did most of its shipping by rail but now it is all vehicle traffic. The portrayal of the business as being “small amounts of metal” is not accurate; there are as many large trucks as there are small trucks using the site. Recently a photo was taken that showed 18 large trucks using the street to unload. The blocked use of the road and fire access and dangerous backing up of tractor trailers across school crossings and a future park entrance are just some of the issues.
Solways is one of the last industrial businesses in the area and relies on servicing the scrap industry which is not really a local industry as it draws trucks from all over the city. There are many small buyers and sellers but the majority is from large haulers such as Arizon.
In a nutshell, most of the issues would go away if Solways would conduct its business on it’s property like all other law abiding businesses. Solways problem is that people just dont want to put up with it anymore.