really needs community input
& a Public Forum: "Bikes as a Public Good"
Monday, Sep. 15, 7pm
James Culnan Catholic School
605 Willard Ave. (between Annette & St. Johns Rd)
Those who followed this issue in the spring will recall the controversy over proposed bike lanes along the stretch of Annette St. between Runnymede and Jane. The reason the issue wasn't resolved initially was the lack of any meaningful community consultation, beginning with the almost-unpublicized public meeting in April.
A final decision will be made in October about continuing the already-approved Dupont/Annette lanes west of Runnymede, or diverting the route to St. Johns Rd, an alternative which we oppose, but one supported by Councillor Saundercook.
We encourage those interested in the issue to come to the above meeting, or if you can't, to contact Councillor Saundercook with your views.
We are concerned about how well this new meeting is being publicized, and ask that anyone who has received notice of this meeting at their home to let us know by email:
Please see our newsletter item on this issue:, which includes background, issues, links, and contact information for Councillor Saundercook. As with all the items on our new blog, we invite comments.
The newsletter also contains information on an upcoming Public Forum on the topic of "Bikes as a Public Good" on Sep. 18, sponsored by the Toronto Coalition for Active Transportation (TCAT):
Sep. 18, 7:30pm
Innis Town Hall, 2 Sussex Ave
(At St. George St., just south of Bloor)
Thanks for posting. I live right at Runnymede and Annette and did NOT get a notification. I can't make the meeting on Monday but I did get a note in to Saundercook's office.