Monday, November 17, 2008

The Village by High Park, ...not to bore anyone

But this another post about shoring and tiebacks...

Old Cantire store shoring that they are keeping?

But this is really exciting -  Deltera, really their subcontractor, is still working on the railway line shoring wall. This wall which will and has to be designed and built to hold back the railway tracks is so Junction. It abuts the original railway subway, it holds the railway together much as the old Cantire Store foundation did and still does in parts, and will be an important part of the new condo building.

If you click in the cloud tag on The Village by High Park text you can view posts with images following the process they used to… 1st remove and level the soil hill mass that was against the wall and the old building in areas, then strengthen the ground with new temporary rock fill…then drill  & place in the steel ibeam shoring, then remove the soil mass until they had a shear wall.

Completely new! shoring closer to Keele St

This guy is on the tracks without a CPR escort, he's is trouble

Posted by Robert


  1. You're not boring anyone, I happen to know a lot of Village by High Park condo buyers who are very much interested in this sort of stuff.

  2. You are hilarious. "He is in trouble"

  3. I'm not so sure he's in trouble, actually. I'd certainly hope the local CPR people knows that someone is there, so they won't send trains through. Also, I'm sure he's got a foot on a track so he could feel vibration. I doubt these people are stupid. Of course, commonsense is actually surprisingly uncommon, so we'll see. BTW, I second Irina's comment.


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth