The Etobicoke York Community Council has recommended approval of the application to demolish the buildings at 1415 Weston Road pursuant to By-law No. 3102-95 of the former City of York subject to a beautification agreement containing a beautification plan to be entered into with the City and arrangements made to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, for registration of the agreement.
also to to remove any existing curb cuts
also to submit to the Executive Director Technical Services for review and acceptance, a storm water management report and grading drawing showing how stormwater within the site is to be handled.
Why because of one great old bylaw... Under the City of York Act 1994 (Bill PR147), By-law No. 3102-95 was passed designating the entire area of the former City of York as an area of demolition control. The City of York Act, 1994 provides the authority for Council in the former City of York area to enact special demolition control legislation for the purpose of securing beautification measures on the lands and abutting municipal boulevards, where appropriate, as a condition of the issuance of demolition permits. The By-law is still in force and applies.
Looking at the great condition this company keeps it's factory and site in, all this is probably right in line with their corporate methods of running their business. It will be interesting to watch this happen throughout the process staff use to prepare the agreement in consultation with the Ward Councillor and the owner.
1415 Weston Road – Demolition Approval full COT Staff report [opens in new windows]
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