Friday, February 20, 2009

City to Appeal Demolition Permits supported by Ontario Municipal Board for Ward 13 Development site

[caption id="attachment_2826" align="alignright" width="300" caption="1854 Bloor Street West Side door was door to a former doctors offices Photo:"]1854 Bloor Street West Side door was door to a former doctors offices Photo: www.tobuilt.c[/caption]

The Site owners of  1844-1854 Bloor Street West, 6-14 Oakmount Road, and 35 & 47 Pacific Avenue have brought applications  seeking permission to demolish 13 residential buildings.

Cot's position from their reports...

In March 2006, demolition permit applications were made to demolish 13 houses located at the Site. No building permit application or redevelopment proposal to replace the buildings has been submitted.
On March 27, 2007, the Etobicoke York Community Council considered a staff report dated March 13, 2007, which recommended that the demolition control applications brought by the property owners in respect of the Site be refused and that, in the event of an appeal, the City Solicitor and appropriate staff be authorized to attend at the
Ontario Municipal Board in support of the recommendation.

Consideration of the report was deferred to give the owners the opportunity to respond to concerns the City had about the proposed demolition. The owners failed to address the City’s concerns, and appealed the failure of City Council to approve the demolition permit applications that had been submitted.

Appeal of OMB Decision Re: 1844-1854 Bloor Street
West, 6-14 Oakmount Road, and 35 & 47 Pacific Avenue
Appeals of Demolition Permit Refusals

The March 13, 2007, Staff Report

The June 18, 2008, Staff Report:

The June 20, 2008, Staff Report:


  1. I suppose OMG is the highest authority?

  2. The city will sometimes will appeal an OMG choice, but in this case it would be the developer who would be appealing. We researching whats happening with this development now, and will post the results

  3. I am always excited to visit this blog in the evenings.Please churning hold the contents. It is very entertaining.


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth