[caption id="attachment_2677" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Saturday there was a crew setting up additional heavy machinery"]
But so what!
see update below (March 20th 2009)
This is biggest rail project in the Junction since the one that made the Junction. It's about here is here!
Standing at Dundas St West and Mc Murray Ave the pounding could be heard caused by the downing into the ground of the West Toronto Diamond project.
They are currently placing the interlocking steel pipe wall system that will serve as a major structural component of the "underground" part of the GoTransit railway .
Here are some pictures of work from this past weekend.
Here is a link with hoards of technical information and some great images - a PDF will open in a new window
METROLINX IS NEW PROPONENT OF GEORGETOWN LINE [their press release opens in new window] Speaks about the general benefits of the corridor.
Update, At 1st writing of this post the blog had only started it's research into this project. Having found the document linked above that details the originally studied processes to be used, we thought the then heard pounding was part of the pre production general work. Well it appears not, and the choice has been made not to use what appears to be the 1st process machinery planned. We are attempting to find the reason for the change at the present time. March 28th 2009, At the rally yesterday it was reported that GO could find no bidders willing to bid with the quiet equipment.
You may also find this post of interest as it details how this event is related to other noise and railroad issues that have occurred in the past .
It should be noted that the Metrolinx people after spending a lot of money on planning seemed to have never heard of Railpath even though it runs along the corridor for 2km. People really need to send in emails about how important Railpath part 2 (south of Dundas) is. This is also important for for Junction people as part two would connect with the lake giving you a incredible path for cycling. Railpath and the new GO lines are NOT exclusive to each other, they complement each other.
ReplyDeleteI'm at 1 Hook Ave and get to see and hear the work everyday. It can be annoying at times but we got used to the vibrations after a few days.
ReplyDeleteI love looking out each day to see the giant cranes and machinery.
I agree on the Railpath. It would be an incredible piece of bicycle infrastructure if the whole thing was built. Who do I send emails to?
ReplyDeleteI love looking out each day to see the giant cranes and machinery.
ReplyDeleteThey are a nice set of heavy machinery with some of them very new.
To successfully complete WTR Phase Two (Dundas to Strachan) a corridor of about 4m is required. At this point, Metrolinx planners do not appear to be considering this factor in any of their sketches.
ReplyDeleteYou still have a few weeks to review the proposal on the web, and submit comments (by Monday, March 16)
Visit www.metrolinx.com
Email info@metrolinx.com
Feels and sounds like the heartbeat of a vibrant city
ReplyDeleteSure they are lovely looking machines, but those lovely machines are capable of deteriorating your foundation and walls. vibration is not kind to old stone foundations and Birmingham / Anchor has done little to address these issues with residents. If you work from home, are a young mother with kids or an older resident who can't leave the house often, then the noise is more than inconvenient.
ReplyDeleteYes agree with that, deteriorating foundations and walls is always a problem in any building north of Dundas St. And with most of the mortar in just about all the old foundations (between the rocks) in the area quite damaged by salts, it is of concern. But then again 15 years again that stretch of land was much more impacted by train activity then it is now. Did the contractor not communicate with the community?
ReplyDeleteI rue the day we bought this poor old house (built 1900) near the railway. Last week the pounding and vibrations from the railway construction were Deafening. What about actual damage to the foundation? What fresh hell is next?
ReplyDeleteGord Perks' office says that noise and construction bylaws do not apply to the railway.
What about the Railpath? Now THAT was an exciting prospect.
Most of the people blathering about the wonders of the airport link,( World-class city,bla bla bla,etc.) never take transit anyway,
You can take a subway and bus to the airport now for $2.75.
The problem is carting your luggage, dahling.
It seems that we Must follow the European cities, where there's no wild animals left and ya can't drink the water.
Will we ever be able to open our windows again?
Gord Perks’ office is right that noise and construction bylaws do not apply to the railway, yet the railway will listen to a point, about 10 years ago I was community chair on a railroad/community liaison group in the Junction. After many discussions the railway installed No Parking signs at Vine parkette, installed smart idling systems on the train engines and even donated $5000.00 to the historical society. The best way to get a agreement with the railway is to organize and request meetings.
ReplyDeleteIs there any plans to build noiose barriers along Dundas to deal with the increased train traffic with the Georgetown GO and Airport link trains?
ReplyDeleteI would think are not plans to do this, the railways do NOT have to adhere to the City of Toronto's Noise bylaw.
ReplyDeleteTrying to get more detailed plans of the construction method, will post if we do. One report on the projects spec insulation on the exterior of the concrete piles, not primarily for south issues but frost.
I wanted to pass on some important information regarding the West End RailPath and ask you for a few minutes of your time. The great news is that stage 1 should open on June 20 and we are planning a party or something. The even better news is that already people are using the path. If you don’t know what Railpath is then head to Railpath.ca . In a nutshell Railpath is the conversion of old Weston Rail Corridor land to a linear park that will have a bike path, indigenous plants, and seating---stretching from north of Dupont to the lake near the CNE.
ReplyDeleteIn terms of stage 2 which would take the path south from Dundas to the Lakefront by the CNE there is some work to be done and Railpath Volunteers are very busy in this process. As you may know there is currently a public consultation and an Environmental Assessment (EA) being done by the MetroLinx that entails plans for an rail link to the airport and expanded GO service in the rail corridor that runs along side Railpath. Many people were startled to discover that Metrolinx seemed to know nothing about Railpath (!) and there was some alarm about seeing stage 2 built if there was going to be new rail traffic in the corridor.
To its credit Metrolinx has quickly met with Railpath and City officials and there are more meetings coming up. To keep the story brief, there has been a good exchange of information and it seems a real interest on the part of Metrolinx to see stage 2 of the Railpath built. Yes there are a few technical problems that exist in the last few blocks of stage 2 but at least the plans are out and people are trying to find solutions. It may turn out that we can only get stage 2 to Sudbury street which is still pretty good but at this point everybody is working on a full to the lack solution. Metrolinx has become very receptive to Railpath issues and is trying to make sure room is left for completion to happen.
Here is where a few minutes of your time would be of help. Metrolinx got a fairly large amount of feedback from the community in the stage 1 AND in stage 2 areas stating that people wanted completion. It would still be good for them to hear from as many people as possible about how valuable people feel a COMPLETED Railpath would be to the entire West End of the city. Remember, a completed Railpath and expansion of the use of the rail corridor are NOT exclusive of each other; they should and can co-exist. In fact Railpath augments or compliments the increased use of rail instead of cars. It will just take them making sure that some space is left for stage 2 to happen. The City has already sent a letter expressing the importance of a completed Railpath so there is “official” support in place. If you could, could you take the time to send an email, even if it is brief, to Brian Peltier the Executive in charge of the EA for Metrolinx to let him know that you feel completion is important and that you would like to see Metrolinx be part of this completion. All emails to him will be noted and recorded as part of the EA and remember that Metrolinx has been receptive and helpful. THIS MUST BE DONE BY MARCH 15. (Include your address in the email)
Brian Peltier, Executive Lead
Metrolinx has a very detailed look at the EA and what they want to do on their website ( http://www.metrolinx.com). Railpath.ca is not the best website ever made but you can find some good info and pix if you dig deep. As we get closer to opening stage 1 look for the site to finally get revamped.
If you have any questions let me know and the whole West End will thank you for helping completion happen. We are really close and every email will help. If you know people who live in the stage 2 area (think Dufferin and Dundas/Queen/King Dovercourt, Lansdowne, Parkdale) pass this email on and encourage them to email as well.
Hello :)
ReplyDeleteI am very pleased with the amount of energy going into such a great project! We believe that these projects are vital for our city and for everything in general.
There seems to be a lack of security/protection being offered to residents of this area. As a resident on Hook Ave, it perplexes me. On one hand I can see the hard work going into this. On the other hand I notice all of the workers wearing ear protection accross the street. My ears hurt from the decibel levels. The ear drum damage being creating for the residents of my immediate neighborhood may also be magnificent.
The sound that these machines make would blow any municipal regulation, and we Toronto citizens are being ignored with our protection and safety concerns. I am expecting and the baby is due in May. Although we have made a home here, this noise will deafen him. Having to plug my ears when leaving the house/headaches/nausea. Windows open or closed, it's still just as bad where we are. It's a matter of where to move and how fast.
It seems that the importance of this project has taken priority, and no one seems to care about us the local residents.
Idea: Sound Barrier Wall
Yes, we have received a notice letter. However, I have yet to see anything involving our health/safety protection.
Thank you for reading.
anyone know when the noise will subside? i hear it constantly, every day from around 8am until 5pm. is there an end in sight?
ReplyDeleteannette/keele resident
Looking at the construction plans and various articles it will be a few months before the noise stops.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who thinks those sounds are cool and that the machines are 'pretty' obviously doesn't actually live in the area and have to put up with the vibratations that are so intense sometimes they make you feel sick. I live right across the street from it and had I known this was going to be happening I would not have moved here. Now I think I may move. I know all that racket is benefitting me.
ReplyDeleteIn the end its me who loses, those half-assed workers get paid hansomely to take their time and ruin my day, everyday. Thanks Toronto.
Agreed the sounds are loud, and the building stress issue can worry can be racking. but as you said "I know all that racket is benefitting me."
ReplyDeleteTwo of the authors of this blog live with a balls throw of the tracks, and although I cannot speak for the other I also hear the banging all day too. (2.5 blocks aways and getting closer) ...it's not as bad as Hook Ave, I know.
Well, I live and work on Hook and basically it has shut down my business that I was in the process of setting up. The machines I recently purchased shake to the point where I cannot operate them. My stomach lurches with the pounding and my lamps on my desk vibrate adding to the nausea. I am starting to suffer headaches. Many residents feel the same. The noise levels are also unacceptable and can cause hearing loss. I have spoken to many business owners today in this neighbourhood and some of them cannot operate their machinery while a pile is being driven into the ground due to it throwing off the calibration on their machines. People are moving out of the area who can. For most of us who own homes or property this is not an option. We wouldnt be able to sell with this going on. Also for the people who think the machines are a sign of power and look so good.... well you should be aware that the machines in use are from archaic technology and that newer silent drivers exist and were recommended for this area . They were just never deployed. This is what we are going as a group to get corrected.
ReplyDeleteI am sick of the clanging from 8am until 5pm, Monday through Friday. It's been a month now! I am attending school at night and have been forced to vacate my home many days in order that I can complete assignments and study at the library. Wearing earplugs AND headphones doesn't do much. What are dogs going through with their sesitive ears? How long is this torture going to last?
ReplyDeleteYou obliously don't have family or children living with you. If you did you would feel like it does when you are trying to get breakfast ready for kids going to school or trying to potty train a young one when that enormous toilet is shaking while you are in the midst of trying to explain why that is the safe place to "go". Don't bother trying to glorify this project or it's means. The fact remains that the WRONG EQUIPMENT was used in this area.
Learn about the facts before you adore the equipment being used.
does anybody know how much this project will cost?
ReplyDeletethe noise must be stopped. less trains more bikes.