Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Junction Toronto West Diamond grade separation - how long?


Junction Toronto West Diamond grade separation facts from the Daily Commerical news article here and our reasearch. 

number of  foundation contractors 2

their names Bermingham Foundation Solutions   Anchor Shoring & Caissons Ltd.

18 months  installing foundation walls along the approximately one-kilometre route

excavation of the material between the three pile walls is  by a different contractor later in the project schedule.

project  finished 2011.

the below grade corridor  will allow east-west double CN rail lines to pass underneath double north-south CPR railroad lines lines instead of crossing them, as has been the case thoughtout the history of the Junction area.

what using to make the walls

36-inch diameter steel piles (for this post for a link to an engineering report discussing the projects) .....driven into the ground e by two 165-ton crane mounted hammers  set to a depth ranging from 30 to 70 feet




  1. need to shore 250 linear ft

  2. CPR runs east west and CN (GO) runs north-south.


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth