Sunday, April 19, 2009

30 Weston Rd. railroad track removal -- Bunge post 8 Trinity Development

[caption id="attachment_3419" align="aligncenter" width="473" caption="Orange line indicates the path of tracks - travel was in both directions as there was only one track"]apr-18-2009-1301[/caption]

The removed tracks

Photo: The removed rails awaiting cartage off the site

Priestly Demolition has removed the spur tracks from  the 30 Weston Rd. Bunge plant.  The  track  ran from outside the lot into to the meat packing plant that existed on the site before Bunge used the buildings and the site as a oil seed pressing plant. The rest of the spur towards Symes Road and Ryding Ave is for sale presently as two different lots.

The entire site is to be transformed into a large shopping centre, by Trinity Development and it's partners.

1 comment:

  1. A symbolic end to the industrial past of this site.

    Although I think the shopping centre is as good a development as a shopping centre gets it’s still a shame to see the Junctions industrial railway system removed to make way for tractor trailer loading docks.


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth