Wednesday, May 20, 2009

67 Vine Ave for sale


This house on Vine Ave which has sat fire damaged for over a year, is for up for sale, which surely will make the community happy as the house has been a low cost - landlord neglected house for over 20 years.


  1. wow, great news! I wonder how much they're asking :)

  2. A real fixer upper...

  3. Such a beautiful house. Looking forward to seeing the house shine as it may have many many years ago.
    I'm sure it needs a lot of tender loving care

  4. After the fire happened the department said that this house would have to be torn down. I had a chance to go inside a few months ago and it was absolutely RUINED inside. There is a huge hole in the roof and all of the rain and snow has been leaking inside for the past 6 months.

    It would be a miracle if somebody could actually salvage that place.

  5. But on a plus side, this house being for sale combined with 57 Vine having to clean out the junk lot AND 53 Vine finally cleaning up the huge dirt pile on their lawn is a great victory for Vine ave.

  6. More on this... Not only is 67 up for sale but also the 2 joined houses at 65 and 63 are also for sale!!! Those are the ones that are leaning horribly to the west and ready to fall over. My hope is that somebody buys all three, tears them down and builds some new town homes like you see at Pacific/Vine. Only 2 more shanty houses to go!! This is HUGE for Vine.

  7. Congrats Vine Ave. residents.... hopefully this is a big improvement to the overall look of the street and the value of the properties that surround the ones mentioned above.

  8. I don't know, full demolition of a historic Victorian doesn't seem like an improvement. If the facade could be saved, or if the house was rebuilt to the original design, it could be great for the street.

  9. I really hope the community rides to battle to save this house from demolition. if that is proposed by a townhouse developer.

  10. Well the option for you guys to buy it and restore it is always on the table!

  11. That's good reminder which applies to anyone interested in the property.


    399,000 WOW

  13. Looks like a demo is exactly what the realtor is selling.

    If it’s zoned R2 the city would need to change it to R1 to prevent “townhouses” but given half of Vine is townhouses it’s a hard argument. Even then it doesn’t guarantee it won’t be bulldozed and replaced with a new house.

    We really need an avenue study is the Junction before we get picked over by one developer after another.


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth