Monday, May 4, 2009

Roncesvalles Avenue Streetscape Improvements city documents concerning plans

what? and wow!

the basics being thought about by the city...

The removal of one travel lane in each direction, to provide one 4.3 metre traffic lane and a 2.0 metre parking lay-by on both sides of Roncesvalles Avenue;

The provision of transit platforms as an extension of the sidewalk to allow level boarding to new TTC transit vehicles; and

The widening of the boulevard in certain areas to increase public space and reduce crossing distances.

.....estimated cost of the road modifications required to narrow Roncesvalles Avenue is
$1.95 million.

The Roncesvalles Village Streetscape Strategy was completed in 2003 for the Roncesvalles Village Business Improvement Area (BIA), identifying a planning approach to improve the way the street looks (revitalization), give the street a sense of identity and build on its function as a local amenity and regional destination. The plans included narrowing the Roncesvalles Avenue to provide gateway features, landscaping and providing wider sidewalks by narrowing the pavement at selected locations and
incorporating corner treatments. [BIA link] has on their site a detailed overview of the issues and the project, and a site dedicated to the project.

city info and links...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Junctioneer,

    Thanks for covering this!

    Just a clarification: Roncesvalles actually already operates mainly as a two-lane road (one lane in each direction). The City/TTC proposal would simply make this arrangement permanent, keeping Roncesvalles pedestrian-friendly and safe. The "removal of one travel lane" means only that Roncesvalles would not be able to one day become a FOUR-lane thoroughfare, which should be good news for everyone. The City and TTC traffic engineers say their proposal would not change current traffic flows.

    More info here:


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth