Mulock Ave north off Junction Rd has the essential character of a Junction street, a mix of industry and homes. A mix which sometimes has been difficult to work with for homeowners and businesses to maintain mutual agreement on joint issues. Recently The Society of St Vincent of Paul of Toronto (Official Public Hearing tonight see end of post) has been planning to construct a 2 storey addition, as well as a second storey addition to the property at 88 Mulock Avenue for purposes related to their mission. This will add another ingredient into the use and social makeup of the avenue. The current question that should be considered is the ability of Mulock Ave. to contain such an enterprise. The area is still stitching the fabric of the street together from the many changes affecting the street that continue to occur.
Mulock has experinced a huge amount of changes in the past two decades. A partial list, but not in any way complete, includes the massive development of Keele St to the west into a retail centre, the reduction of manufacturing uses of the Junction Rd/Weston Rd Area and the increased light industrial uses of area. The area also has to contend with the loss of the historical paint plant. The destruction of this plant provided a great opportunity for mixed use development on the former site. A recent development has been the reuse of the Benjamin Moore HQ at 139 Mulock Ave by an engineering solutions company named CONSULTEC. This has brought a good amount of activity back to the area.
One of the most interesting and beautiful aspects of the avenue is this mixed light industrial uses among the residential homes - a defining Junction element. The middle image above provides an example is of the metal works that exists on the Ave at the rear of a residential house. Other examples are the cheese manufactory and the fish mongers, wonderful stuff, but again a mix that requires considerate management by the residents and the businesses. The residents and business of Mulock should receive the utmost respect in obtain a special character in the Junction.
Community meeting tonight for 88 Mulock Ave [map flyout]
Official Public Hearing notice view by clicking on this link.
Date: Tuesday, June 16 Time: 7:00 pm
Where: George Bell Arena [map showing where], Kerr Room
Regarding the proposed variance for 88 Mulock's expansion:
ReplyDeleteThe City's code states that the square footage of your house (all floors combined) may be up to 60% of the square footage of your lot. The property at 88 Mulock is already at 65%, and with the proposed expansion, this will increase to ~95%, according to the plans submitted.
The community is not OK with this change, which will make the building (nice though it is) unfit to ever be anything BUT a group home again.
And when I say the community is not OK with the plan, I cite the 60+ signatures (from local residents and businesses) on the petition to deny the variance.
Tonight's community consultation meeting (7pm at George Bell Arena) should be very interesting.