[caption id="attachment_4369" align="aligncenter" width="490" caption="old-dundas-street-work-area-sketch"]
and a the full PDF city sketch provided by the city planner wonderfully quick this morning as it was not on the public city site, Thanks to the, Traffic Engineering Supervisor, who provided it. [link opens in new window] [related post made July 7th 2009 click here]
Dramatic yet useful possible change at old Dundas St...
city staff text...
As part of the Dundas Street West bridge rehabilitation over the Humber River, road improvements and streetscape enhancements have been included in the overall design.
These street and landscape enhancements extend westward to the intersection of Old Dundas Street and Dundas Street West. Currently, Old Dundas Street intersects Dundas Street West at a skewed angle. To normalize this intersection (i.e. create a 90-degree t-type intersection), staff recommends the realigning of the south approach of the intersection to Dundas Street West as shown in the attached sketch and described in Appendix A. These modifications will improve traffic operations and enhance the streetscape in this area by creating more boulevard space.
This staff report is about a matter for which Community Council has delegated authorityfrom City Council to make a final decision. The purpose of this report is to recommend the enactment of the highway alteration bylaw related to the realigning of the south approach of the intersection of Old Dundas Street and Dundas Street West to normalize as a T-type intersection.
The proposed alteration will be undertaken as part of the existing Contract No. 08FS-23S, and will improve traffic operations and enhance the streetscape.
Transportation Services recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council
(1) The alterations and modifications on the south approach of the intersection of Old Dundas Street and Dundas Street West, as indicated in Appendix “A”, and generally as shown on the attached sketch.
Financial Impact
All costs, estimated to be $20,000, associated with the alterations and modifications at the south approach of the intersection of Old Dundas Street and Dundas Street West, as indicated in Appendix “A”, will be charged to City Planning Acct. CUR054-01.
The City of Toronto Act, 2006, requires by-laws for the alteration of highways. This is not a new requirement under the City of Toronto Act, 2006, in that it was required under the previous Municipal Act. Notwithstanding that many pre amalgamation municipalities had varied practices relating to highway alterations. City Legal staff has advised that any District in Transportation Services needing to make an alteration to a highway, would require the passage of a by-law by City Council. Alterations requiring approval typically include road narrowing and widening, the installation of a lay-by, the installation of sidewalks, the installation of medians and the realignment of intersections.
As part of the Dundas Street West bridge rehabilitation over the Humber River, road improvements and streetscape enhancements have been included in the overall design.
These street and landscape enhancements extend westward to the intersection of Old Dundas Street and Dundas Street West. Currently, Old Dundas Street intersects Dundas Street West at a skewed angle. To normalize this intersection (i.e. create a 90-degree t-type intersection), staff recommends the realigning of the south approach of the intersection to Dundas Street West as shown in the attached sketch and described in Appendix A. These modifications will improve traffic operations and enhance the streetscape in this area by creating more boulevard space.
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