Tuesday, July 7, 2009

61, 63 and 67 Vine Ave - tight/tall townhouses?

[caption id="attachment_4633" align="aligncenter" width="473" caption="This tight and tall townhouse building, which is on Jane St, could be the type put up by the new owner of the Vine Ave lots"]july-7st-2009-002[/caption]

61, 63 and 67 Vine were sold recently, and as all three houses on the lots are in what many people would consider terrible condition, it can be speculated the new owner will be redeveloping the lots.  It also has occurred to the blog the lots may have been purchased by the owner of the building and large lot that is 51 Vine Ave. (As the city offices are currently closed it is not possible to check the records as to the new owner as of yet)

Yet what type of houses would be most wanted by a small lot infill developer? Probably their 1st concern would be to maximize the number of house on the combined lots. Attached townhouses have been built in the area to gain maximum unit counts, such as the one pictured above.

Using the most height allowed would be another choice they would probably make as the new house would have to compete with other new townhouse developments in the area where the houses are built with a fully usable 3rd floor.

Whatever happens with the current houses and the lots, let’s hope they have not been purchased as a holding investment.


  1. That design (conceptually at least) looks great, and will add a real lift to Vina Ave.

  2. theirry you really should have your own bolg
    or is it blog

  3. I don't understand this comment,

  4. Junctioneer, that's because it was posted by another user, using my nick.

    Seems I was right when I assumed some people have too much time on their hands in the Junction =)

  5. P.S. Nothing more comical then internet police pointing out minor spelling mistakes

    Here's your badge fake Theirry:



Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth