The blog looked up the specs for the device the transportation departments report states is not included, it looks like it would be a welcome addition. See this post for more info on this part of the project including plantings.
Performance criteria
A. For head-on impacts into the nose, a QuadGuard® System shall be specified which is capable of meeting the occupant risk criteria as recommended in NCHRP 350. For vehicles weighing between 820 and 2000 kg [1,810 and 4,410 lbs], the theoretical impact velocity of a hypothetical front seat passenger against the vehicle's interior (calculated from vehicle acceleration and 600mm [24"] forward displacement) shall be less than 12m/s [39.4 ft/sec], and the vehicle's highest 10 millisecond average acceleration subsequent to the instant of the hypothetical passenger impact shall be less than 20 G's.
B. The QuadGuard System shall be capable of redirecting 2000 kg [4,410 lbs] vehicles which impact the sides of the System at speeds up to 100 km/h [62 mph] at angles of 20° (angles measured from System's longitudinal centerline). The QuadGuard System shall be capable of redirecting 820 kg [1,810 lbs] vehicles, which impact the sides of the System at speeds up to 100 km/h [62 mph] at angles of 15°. (See Test Criteria below.)
C. The QuadGuard System shall be designed and constructed so there is no solid debris from the System which can create a hazard on the roadway after either head-on or side angle design impacts.
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