Wednesday, August 12, 2009

30 Weston Rd photo update

30 weston rd Aug 11th 2009 159 (2)

30 weston rd Aug 11th 2009 159 (2)30 weston rd Aug 11th 2009 159

As the demo company continues to bring own of the many buildings on the site, the new view is about to occur as this last large building facing St Clair Ave. comes down.  Interestingly they have decided to break the building apart with the tanks inside dismantling them in time with the demo of the structure. The new Avenue mall designed for the site will not rise as tall as the existing building.

For a short while between demo and construction phases of this site a vast northerly view will be available that has not been visible since the settlement of the Junction.

As the demo company continues to bring down one of the many buildings on the site, the new view is about to occur as this last large building facing St Clair Ave. comes down.  Interestingly they have decided to break the building apart with the tanks inside dismantling them in time with the demo of the structure. The new Avenue mall designed for the site will not rise as tall as the existing building.

For a short while between demo and construction phases of this site a vast northerly view will be available that has not been visible since the settlement of the Junction.


  1. Is there an online version of the new mall anywhere, it would be cool to see what they have in store for the site...

  2. No online version of the mall, someone had artist drawings at a community meeting, but was not allowed to have them posted.

  3. How big and what kind of mall are we talking about? Something like Dufferin Mall or something like a Vaughan Mills?

  4. think Vaughan Mills with added streetscape.

  5. Traffic is going to get interesting, when is it due to open?

  6. Found some links

    Trinity Properties -, and here's the architect's page -

    I'm not sure how old these are, but the site doesn't look too bad, as long as the stores front St Clair and Weston Rd, if the backs face the roads it will be a big concrete wall, think Saples or Home Depot.

  7. Is a Costco still slated to be built on the site?

  8. Hello JV, I have a copy of the plans which I will bring to the next JRA meeting in September if you want to see them. The first link you sent is out of date, the second correct.

    The stores front St.Clair and Weston as well as the centre of the site which has 3 levels parking and several pedestrian walkways. Its not your typical big block around the parking lot design and this type of shopping centre is popular in Australia and warmer US towns..

    RL, the developers didn't mention what the anchor store is at the stakeholders meetings but looking at the drawings its big. Costco or even Ikea big. They did say the majority of the stores are retail clothing, a small grocer, fitness centre and possible medical centre were also suggested.

    Rodger, at the last stakeholders meeting the developer said the site will fully open in spring 2011.

  9. Staples and Home Depot were not good. The big walls facing major streets are not attractive, don't contribute much to the streetscape, and more importantly, the layout discourages transit use and pedestrian activity. This new retail development will at least actually have retail with entrances fronting St. Clair and many connections for pedestrians and vehicles around the site. However, Weston Road will be walled, which isn't positive.

    Also, disregard that first link, because that was a very preliminary plan and has been modified extensively. There isn't any residential planned now, unlike what is shown. Also, the attachments of this document will prove to be interesting:

  10. Cool! Thanks Martin, I'll certainly try and make that meeting.

  11. Construction of the development was said to start Spring 2010. Two roads (in these preliminary plans) will cut the property North/south and east/west...which I suppose might relieve traffic at St. Clair/Keele. No residential buildings will be built on the site.


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth