We asked the Local BIA about their opinion on the new lights , they have provided their view which details an astute view of the intersection that was missed in the original post - that of safety.
their comments...unedited
Safety First!
I am so very glad to see that stop lights are going up at the very
dangerous intesection of Dundas Street West and High Park Ave. It is a
horrific sound and sad event when I hear from my office the sound of
metal crashing together and then rushing to see if my assistance is
needed. Anyone who has driven north on High Park and turned west onto
Dundas St.knows that it is often very difficult to see oncoming
traffic and this seems to be when most accidents occur. Too many
accidents have happened and the lights will certainly make this a much
safer intersection for cars, pedestrians and of course dogs being
taken on walks! A safe Junction is a great Junction.
Anna-Louise Richardson
Executive Director
The Junction BIA
...and the lights will certainly make this a much safer intersection for cars, pedestrians and of course dogs being taken on walks!
ReplyDeleteIf safety is the only issue then why stop at 1 new set of lights, is the safety of those who live near Mavety St. or Medland St. any less important?
When I read the statement I thought it was a joke! Then I re-read it and I realized that it wasn't meant to be a joke! Which made it even funnier.
ReplyDeleteAnyway traffic lights at the intersection are a welcome addition.
Would they be welcome if they were to put them on every corner?