Friday, August 21, 2009

last nights storms bring tree and tree branches down in the Junction

aug 20 2009 storm 001

The storm last night bought a tree down onto a house in the Junction causing some damage to a second floor deck. When the insurance agent arrived he said this is the 5 place he had visited this morning in the west end of the city.

Another tree across the street lost a large branch also.

Many streets in the Junction have large branches or sections fall off during big storms in the past few years, it seems just about very big storm causes some of this.  Could this show a need for more preventive tree maintenance?


  1. We called the city earlier this year and had them come out and trim the tree and although it took a couple of months and they have done a wonderful job cleaning it up.

    I was told by city staff that they go through the city in a cycle and our area wasn't going to be touched "for a while".

    I suggest that if residences would like the city to come by and do some maintenance on trees of concern they call Toronto Urban Forestry - Their telephone number is (416) 338-TREE (8733)
    Office Hours:: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. - Mon-Fri

  2. That would have been a good place for a party!


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth