Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dupont/Dundas/Annette nee Dupont/ Dundas/Annette/Old Weston Rd (1983) - gas tanks being removed


The changes that have been wrought on the Dupont/ Dundas/Annette/Old Weston Rd road convergence in the past half century have been huge. At one time Old Weston Rd connected to the intersection bridging the CPR tracks.

The loss of the CPR Station was also a big change at the intersection. In the past year the construction related to the West Toronto Diamond Project has already changed the area and will crate further changes as the project continues.

At the present time the gas holding tanks are being removed at the South west corner, although the building remain untouched, so is there there going to be a new station or something else?


  1. It would be nice to see multi-storey buildings built along Dundas to extend the urban Victorian streetwall along Dundas, because that consistency makes it more attractive.

  2. agreed, Victorian street wall n this area continued would be great, just drove up Mimico Ave north of Lakeshore Rd. to Royal York Rd., which a great assortment of building giving the area great character.

  3. I'm praying for a Tim Hortons... the location can even support a drive-through!

    Hate all you want, but an anchor tenant like Timmie's would be a fantastic boost to the neighbourhood

  4. An independant gas station would be nice. Not much around anywhere.

  5. There is already a new Timmy's at Bloor and Indian Grove. Do we really need another one? Plus, there is the Coffee Time across the street.

  6. Coffee time = drug pick up spot.

    Tim Hortons = cleaning up that end of Dundas.

  7. Any word on what they are building?


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth