1st this author believes this is not good, and is really not willing to accept the loss of another Junction industrial business, not that I deride the Canada Bread decision to have a state of the art plant and work their business assets to their needs.
Yet local jobs and the industrial commercial viability of the Junction is at stake presently.
Just last year the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) wrote the following about the community, giving its understanding of the value of mixed use community. Hopefully the cities economic development team will work hard to attract a new business to the building.
I get the distinct feeling you don't actually live in this residential + stinky factories + annoying/ugly auto body shops that think our street is a good place to test run their souped-up cars area, because if you did you wouldn’t think it was so dang amazing. The only thing I’ll miss with Canada Breads gone is the pleasant smell of bread baking, but sure as hell won't miss their big, loud rigs. I look forward to the day all the factories in that area are gone, particularly the extremely smelly rubber factory. Yuck.
ReplyDeleteWell more than live in, I grew up in the Junction when it was alot more residential + stinky factories + annoying/ugly auto body shops . and still live here.
ReplyDeleteThe grain silos were wonderful places to ride a bike though the piles of spilled grain. :-)
Do you have any photos of that industrial time? The archives online has photos mostly of the Dundas strip in the Junction around WWI. It would be great to see the industrial area in photos in the 1970s, when it was still very industrial.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that industry relies on trucks now more than ever, meaning that factories on streets with residents produce a steady stream of loud accelerating trucks throughout the day which can be quite disturbing.
agreed about the trucks, I am looking for 70's industrial photos also, a very young kid I didn't take photos :-)
ReplyDeleteBoth Vine Ave and Junction Rd had much more truck activity during the 70's than they did now, and usually at all hours.
I fully agree with ANON, the area may have been fun for a little kid back in the 70s but now we understand the dangers of the pollutants that stream out of the smelly Rubber plant, the trains and yes even the bread factory. I think industrial / residential neighbourhoods are a thing of the past.
ReplyDeleteI’m hoping that now that Canada Bread is moving the condo development at Mulock and Lloyd is reopened by the OMB since CB was one of the major opponents.
About the NRT, rubber factory...the smell often permeates the air over here south of the tracks.
ReplyDeleteEspecially on a cold fresh(!) day. And in summer after a heat wave when we finally get a northerly breeze ..it stinks! I see on the Net that their Symington plant was closed due to too many workplace accidents.
I have called the Pollution Hotline on bad days. They say the more people call, the better.
We too have called the hotline on a numerous occasions, it seems lately its getting really bad, the worse times are at night and on weekends. The numeber is 1-866-663-8477 (1-866-MOE-TIPS)
ReplyDeleteIt seems that Canada Bread has announced it's new location.
ReplyDeleteFebruary 17, 2010 - 7:30 p.m
Canada Bread to open big new plant in Hamilton; replaces 3 in Toronto
TORONTO - Canada Bread Co. Ltd. (TSX:CBY) picked Hamilton on Wednesday as the site for its massive new bakery.
The company said the move will create up to 120 construction jobs and up to 300 jobs once the plant is completed next year. We are very pleased to be growing our presence in Hamilton through this $100-million investment to establish a world-class bakery facility," said Canada Bread president Richard Lan.
This city is a great location to support our continued growth with a skilled workforce, excellent infrastructure, and ready access to markets. These benefits collectively led to our decision."
The company said the bakery will be built on a 10-hectare property in North Glanbrook Industrial Park. The company and the City of Hamilton are working to complete the permitting process and expect construction to start in June.
Canada Bread already employs approximately 340 people at its Fresh Bakery and Olivieri pasta facilities in Hamilton.
Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger said the city was successful because of the efforts of its economic development board in emphasizing its location, existing infrastructure and skilled workers.
We're ideally situated and have the assets that are important to their business," he said. If it works for them, we expect it will work for others."
The federal government will also provide $2 million towards pre-engineering and design activities to build the new bakery.
Speculation has been rife over where the plant might go since the announcement last month that Canada Bread was looking for a site outside Toronto to replace three smaller bakeries, which it described as aging and unable to expand.
Officials said at the time they hoped to find jobs for the 435 Toronto bakery workers either at the new plant or elsewhere at Canada Bread or its parent, Maple Leaf Foods Inc.