Are there opinions on what the Junction needs as a retail business in this store front?
This author has begun thinking about what does the Junction retail strip really need to serve the community in terms of a retail effort right now. May I suggest with the addition of the High Park family center that we have enough businesses serving the young families in the community...or am I off the mark there?
What is the most needed retail type now? round out the strip...this author finds it difficult thinking.
How about a Restoration Hardware?
ReplyDeleteYes a hardware store yea! we used to have 2
ReplyDeleteTim Hortons or McDonalds or Burger King or KFC or Starbucks or Second Cup...I think you can guess what I am getting at;)
ReplyDeleteI would love an LCBO here too, but at least there's one sort of nearby. Wouldn't mind sushi!
ReplyDeleteHow about a fruit and vegetable place?
ReplyDeleteSomething to fill the (huge) gap between the dismal quality at No Frills and the exorbitant prices at Sweet Potato.
A Bloor West Village type of green grocers. I trek down at least once every two weeks to get organic produce for great prices at Green Thumb and bunches of tulips of $3.99.
ReplyDeleteI would also love a Japanese or Greek restaurant.
A restaurant would be nice. I'm open to a lot of different options, but not fast food. It could have outdoor seating spilling out into the square.
ReplyDeleteI think this location is best for a restaurant, good light, high foot traffic and they can take advantage of the side street and add an outdoor space.
ReplyDeleteI would like to see a Flight Centre in the Junction at some point as well.
A restaurant?, there are plenty in this area, this isn't something that is lacking at all.
ReplyDeleteFlight Centre...another one in the long list of companies that suffers because of the internet, if I go away, everything is booked online...whenever I have used it which is minimal is for quotes, twice I went in and they couldn't do it then and there and they said they would get back to me, they didn't neither time.
My last post was a joke in some respects but was this area needs is somewhere that is cheapish and quick for a meal...and I know there is the place next door but it doesn't look very inviting does it? And I am thinking along the lines of fast food, you go to Bloor Village and there is a McDonalds and Pizza Pizza there and I think it is safe to say that is a better area...
The ample sidewalk space leaves plenty of room for the business to spill outside - restaurant, bar, grocer - all would improve the intersection.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if there's a "need" for fast food along Dundas, but I'd certainly like a place to get good food late at night, after the bars have closed. Maybe a poutine, burrito or donair place. Something with later hours.
Of course, I'd also like a pharmacy, a hardware store, or even to get another bank back (provided they're willing to build something less hideous than the TD at Bloor & Runnymede). Or a credit union, even.
I vote green grocery. My husband and I have been saying for YEARS there needs to be a place like this... I also like the idea of a bar/restaurant with a patio off the side.
ReplyDeleteI walked past there last night on my way home and there were quite a few people inside. Older men and a younger woman signing some paper work... Let the rumours and spectulating begin!!
How about a car wash?
ReplyDeleteI am speculating that it will be a pool hall.
ReplyDeleteahhh you mean Jocelyn Burger... I havent been there since it was Bronto and that was pretty good most of the time.
ReplyDeleteNew LCBO going in where Zellers is across from the boxing gym on Roncey
ReplyDelete...and if you walk by at night cats stare at you from inside the restaurant.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see a "Fresh" location in the Junction, either that or a Big Fat Burrito...
for real?? as in Feline meow meow cats?
ReplyDeletedon't like that too much...
how unsanitary
Duffs wings!
ReplyDeleteBurrito boyz!
ReplyDeleteBurrito boyz would be amazing!
ReplyDeleteA smaller grocery store, an LCBO is a great idea, a Starbucks franchise, high priced coffee chain = yes, but no to Tim Hortons etc no to low end franchises, we don't need that) an art supply store, I am all for gentrification and FAST please.
ReplyDeleteA burrito place would be awesome. I would never need to go grocery shopping again!
ReplyDeleteBurrito Boys! Yes! That would be awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteYup, makes you wonder if these are working cats...whenever I see the cats in the window I automatically think of mice.
ReplyDeleteRamen! Ramen! Ramen!
ReplyDeletegross!! Well looks like I'm done with that place.
ReplyDeleteWHAT THE HELL JOCELYN BURGER!!!! Check this out:
FAILURE TO PROTECT FOOD FROM CONTAMINATION Operator fail to use proper procedure(s) to ensure food safety S Notice to Comply
IMPROPER MAINTENANCE / SANITATION OF NON-FOOD CONTACT SURFACES / EQUIPMENT Operator fail to properly maintain rooms M Notice to Comply
INADEQUATE PEST CONTROL Operator fail to maintain room(s) free of animals S Notice to Comply
We tried Jocelyn Burger one night, and compared to the last owners, the burgers and fries were TERRIBLE! We thought we would give it another try, but I am not sure now.
ReplyDeleteThere are plenty of amazing burger joints in the west end, why waste time and money there? (okay, maybe not in the Junction, but at least we have good eating choices)
If you're looking for a good burger in the Junction: JUMBO BURGER!
ReplyDeleteCome on down to Runnymede and grab a burger and an order of AMAZING fries!! The guys that work at Jumbo are friendly and funny and make a hell of a burger. The chicken souvlaki on a pita is pretty darn tasty too...
And no pets! :) Haha
Griffin Pub on Bloor West is pretty good for burgers. Mixed reviews about the service but enjoyable for sure!
ReplyDeleteJumbo burger is a place I always wanted to check out... n you should have posted a link!
Of course nobody can test "Dairy Freeze" which is the best late night spot.
i was thinking burrito boyz...or sushi...a mini MEC? lee valley? curry's art supplies? yeah, i got nothin'.....
ReplyDeleteooooh... lee valley... curry's art supplies. I like the way you think ki!
ReplyDeleteGingerbread Cafe has been rented again...... start your speculation! (Hope to god they re-paint that exterior wall ASAP)
ReplyDeleteIsn't it Yellow Griffin in Bloor Village, great food but the wait time is a joke. Every time we have been there we have waited for ages for just a burger. One time they said it would be a 45 minute wait, so we gave up and went somewhere else. It's a big minus.
ReplyDeleteNorth of Bombay has the same problem, we were going there happily a couple of times a month until 1 day it took an hour to get our food with our then 15 month old. We asked why the wait and all we got was that is the way it is. Since that point 3 years ago we haven't set foot in there again and only ordered take out about 5 times. They really know how to win friends and influence people.
Many suggestions on here scare me. I can't believe that so many people in this neighborhood want fast food chains!!! Bananas. Keep it local, and small business! Make it special instead of the same old same old. We already have so many amazing places: The Beet, Curry Twist, Espresso Mi Vida, littlefish...keep it coming!
ReplyDeleteI have to admit, besides a gourmet dinner restaurant (doesn't have to be super expensive high end, prices could definitely compete with Fatima's), a hardware store or art supply store like Midoco could be useful to many.
I don't know how long many of you have been living here but the prices at The Sweet Potato are not exorbitant. I used to spend way more in one trip to the terrible Metro in the Annex than I ever do buying organic at SP. And even the No Frills is better than most.
More retail would be good in general - chiropractor's offices and design firms are great but create dead zones. Bottom line is, we need a street that people are happy to stroll...
Oh and Starbucks???? We have the amazing Crema and now the new Good Neighbour. Why would you want to stomp on these successful and creative small businesses? Starbucks won't gentrify the neighborhood any faster than bringing in the cool.
ReplyDeleteI had an idea, what about Hero Burgers! If it is good enough for Hazelton Lanes then it is good enough for here. Maybe I should try contacting them and see if they have any interest in opening up here.
ReplyDeletedave: DO IT!
ReplyDeleteWe could use a cheese shop there in the worst way.