Friday, August 20, 2010

A new Junction area restaurant to check out

There is a new restaurant at Bloor and Sterling, called Zocalo which sounds amazing according to the write up in Now Magazine (link below). The food sounds affordable, fresh and creative.   Has anyone heard anything about it?


  1. Thats in the Junction Triangle. You remember that whole debate about them not wanting anything to do with the Junction itself, and trying through a long voting campaign to identify themselves... only to later piggyback the Junction name into their own.... right?

    I appreciate you're bringing up the new resto, but either this is the west end of Toronto blog (eg. Blansdowne to Jane, the water's edge to the 401), or its the Junction blog. I'm not sure which it is right now?

  2. from the about this blog section,

    The Junctioneer is a site about West Toronto industry, culture, real estate, development and renovation, and all the varied topics that impact life and living in West Toronto. Particularly, it seeks to create knowledge of and assist to continue the special mix of industrial, commercial and residential uses, which has made for a diverse and storied communit

  3. Junction Trianglers bitching about saying the resto is in "Bloordale". I like the line about the naming being Real Estate Marketing which is so TRUE!

    I also love the names "Value Village Village" and "Blansdowne".

  4. lol,
    the over-hyped junction strikes again! September issue of Toronto Life has a whole 2 page spread on us. I like the photo of me in my store!

  5. I like your store Pandemonium...


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth