Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Delight’s new cheese shop opens this Sat!

The blog has been informed by a reliable source the new cheese shop opens this Saturday.

It's been a long time since the Junction had a cheese shop, we used to have Mothers bakery and a deli up and around Pacific Ave. So this will be great.

[caption id="attachment_7111" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="Thanks to reader Natz for the pic"][/caption]


  1. hi, i am totally excited about this new cheese shop. considering the amazing things delight does with chocolate and ice cream, i am really excited to try the cheese in the shop. but also want to point out that the junction does already have another wonderful cheese shop on Mulock Ave, where you can get amazing ricotta.

  2. Can't wait! I hope they will also be offering delicious breads alongside the cheese.

  3. That is awesome! There already is a cheese shop on Mulock Ave, but I assume this one will have far more variety. Excellent.

  4. Yay! I'm a reliable source!! hahaha...

  5. I vote for fresh bread and pates too! It would be wonderful if they received authentic Quebec cheese curds fresh everyday. Yummy.

    I am happy that they are opening soon!

  6. I hope they will be selling Fifth Town cheese from Ontario's Prince Edward County ...

  7. Actually, we've had a great cheese shop all along...International/Santa Lucia Cheese on Mulock Ave offers a wide variety of imported cheeses as well as some of their own prize-winning creations that they make on-site! Not right on Dundas, but still in the Junction!


  8. Thanks P, I am definitely going to check out that cheese place on Mulock.

    I stopped by the Junction Fromagerie. Since it was opening day, it was very busy. I waited for 15 minutes at the back of the shop and never made it near the counter, so I figured I might try again some other time

  9. Looked through the window and thought: 'Is that it?', not a big of cheese bu was hoping for some nice bread.

    On a different note, what is happening to the Family Fun Place with all the 'For Lease' signs? I gave it a year before it closed down but it has only been open 4 months!

  10. Delight has bread too... saw somebody walking with a paper Delight bag with a french loaf sticking out.
    What's the consensus on Solero across from Vezuvio? They have a cheese section in there and some pretty tasty baked goods but it doesn't seem to get a lot of love...

  11. Solero is good but you have to get there early before their baked goods get picked over


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth