Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Baptist Church at 200 Annette was officially designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act.

While at the present time the church is being converted to  condos with the majority of construction  within the existing brick shell and plot of the building, with exceptions such as  the north elevation where extensive alterations would be made. Its two main street elevations will retain their historical characteristics while undergoing renovations to accommodate new windows and doors.

from the city report..
The applicant has applied for Committee of Adjustment and Site Plan approvals to convert the existing place of worship into eight residential condominium units.

This report addresses the application to adaptively reuse the church structure as a residential condominium.  The proposed alterations are necessary to accommodate the new use of the building and the project retains the original structure of the church.  The majority of the construction would occur within the existing shell and floor plate of the building with the exception of the north elevation where extensive alterations would be made.

The two main street elevations will retain their important characteristics while

undergoing alterations to incorporate new windows and doors.  The north elevation will be altered to provide windows, dormer windows, small decks and covered parking constructed within the existing brick buttresses.  The east elevation will be altered to

The applicant has applied for Committee of Adjustment and Site Plan approvals to convert the existing place of worship into eight residential condominium units.This report addresses the application to adaptively reuse the church structure as a residential condominium.  The proposed alterations are necessary to accommodate the new use of the building and the project retains the original structure of the church.  Themajority of the construction would occur within the existing shell and floor plate of the building with the exception of the north elevation where extensive alterations would be made.The two main street elevations will retain their important characteristics while undergoing alterations to incorporate new windows and doors.  The north elevation will be altered to provide windows, dormer windows, small decks and covered parking constructed within the existing brick buttresses. ....full report

thanks to David for noting this too me

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're back!

    There is possibly more good news on the way for Junction heritage - Councillor Nunziata has joined the effort to recognize 150 Symes (the incinerator/waste transfer station):


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth