Wednesday, March 30, 2011

.election worries.


  1. No offense but if you post images with horrible pixilation and resolution then we the readers can not read or understand it. There are 3 posts on this page with resolution issues. This election worries one, the Lego kids one and the Eglinton subway link.

  2. Robert posts from his Ipad now, so it appears he's going for quantity over quality

  3. I post from my ipad because I can tap you things, whereas typing is not near easy pain ...wise

  4. Robert thank for making Jason's point for him with your reply. Take the time to post legibly please.

  5. That's quite insensitive of you. Did you even read his link?

  6. If you click on the image, it opens up in good resolution. There should however be a upload setting that will make it clearer at the smaller size, I think it's just a glitch.


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth