Serpent Mound Brochure download
Comments on this post are disabled as it was getting rough, I understand people are passionate, yet can we educate each other rather than fight, its harder but more rewarding. May 05/2011
He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth
It will be a shame to see that BMX track destroyed, there has been a lot of work put into it over the years and the result is nothing short of brilliant. Great spot for the kids to get out and get some exercise as well.
ReplyDeleteGlad you're seeing the big picture, Rodger.
ReplyDeleteThe BMX track was a magical place for the kids that I know who lovingly constructed it. They were heartbroken when they were forced to abandon it, made to feel like miscreants. First when they were mugged and a bike stolen by a gang of street thugs then by this accusation of "destruction."
ReplyDeleteWhat has High Park become to them?
While we need to respect tradition and our history and culture, perhaps there is a need to understand why this track was created. Yes, this burial mound must be preserved.
These are not aliens but our kids, good kids who at their age (13-16) have had little in the way of recreational options. Unlike many other North American and European cities that provide these facilities to this age group, the City of Toronto miserably fails to address this and just won't.
These kids did not intend to injure, insult or make light of what of this.
They are good kids who inventively and creatively made a wonderful place to play. It should be looked at in this manner and not as an attack on our native people.
Of course, this area needs to be investigated but our native people share more than they think with this group.
The City doesn't care and it's neglect is shameful.
I see the opponents of the advanced BMX track have finally come up with a reason to destroy it. If there is some history, maybe the community can work together to relocate the BMX track. It's a great amenity for local youth.
ReplyDeleteThe big picture is having safe places for kids to play and encouraging them to work hard at something, in this case a great spot to get exercise and have pride in what they have created.
ReplyDeleteSadly the big picture that you speak of is one where kids cannot use land because it may have once belonged to a long gone people who may or may not have lived there once. As hard as this is to imagine, before Iroquoian people may have been there it may have been used by others for other reasons. Should the Iroquoian ancestors be forced to move their alleged burial mound if it can be proven that an older culture can claim it for there own?
My son and I were accosted but one of your goons last summer as we walked by the site with our bikes, yet he could not provide any physical evidence that what he was talking about was in fact true. He threatened to call the police because we had our bikes off the designated path area, when I called his bluff he became angry but backed down.
Artifacts belong in museums, people belong in parks.
Good post, Rodger!
ReplyDeleteThis might be a great way to teach kids about how we continue to contribute to ongoing injustices against aboriginals despite our best intentions and how together we can work towards repairing relations with the First Nations. Naturally, the last thing we would want to do is teach them to contribute to the ongoing and callous marginalization of aboriginals, which includes a vicious track record of ongoing human rights violations. We should be proud of our kids for building and creating but just like we teach them to respect private property, we can teach them to respect cemeteries. Why can't the BMX path be relocated?
ReplyDeleteI started following this story a few months ago and attended the meeting last night to learn more. While I support recreation for kids, the BMX bike users are clearly in violation of a city by-law prohibiting bike use off the designated paths - a law designed to protect the environment. I saw from the presentation that the biking here and associated reshaping of the mound is causing erosion and loss of the ecosystem, which is problematic in itself. The case presented by the Taiaiaiko'n preservation society is a compelling one. I gather this small group of First Nations people has been portrayed as some kind of fringe element, but the evidence they shared to support the argument that the snake mound is indeed an ancestral burial place seemed very sound to me. After all we have done, as settler Canadians, to destroy the lives of indigenous people, surely we can respect their wishes on this issue. It's a small gesture.
ReplyDeleteIt would be great to involve youth in a project to relocate the BMX area (and there is another such track at Marilyn Bell park). I encourage us all to promote both the protection of the snake mound and the creation of more youth recreation options with our new city councillor.
Did they provide any physical proof? Anything at all, a bone fragment, a clay pot, anything? From what I've read this is all based on what they think might be there there.
ReplyDeleteI agree that this in a small issue, (to some) if there is proof, without proof this is a major issue. Mary you own a business in the area, without proof , would relocating you business be a small issue? Or would you just pack up and move based on what someone claims may be under your building?
No disrespect intended but I stand by what I said before. Artifacts belong in museums, people belong in parks.
I think the issue of proof hinges on cultural differences. The First Nations representatives know the place to be sacred from oral teachings passed down through generations. As they said last night, if they didn't know it to be true, why would they go to such lengths to protect the mound? They are doing what everyone demands and getting DNA samples to prove the bone fragments are human bone, and there have, in fact, been all kinds of archeological findings, from arrowheads to pottery shards.
ReplyDeleteAlso, we may have been brought up to believe artifacts belong in museums, but indigenous people do not agree.
For a change, I think we need to be open to doing things the way the First Nations communities would prefer.
While it certainly seems inappropriate to have bikers riding atop an ancient burial site, the mention of there in fact being one at the location is news to me. I used to ride there as a kid, up until around 1996, and there was never any indication of the location being anything more than a dirt patch.
ReplyDeleteGranted, if the site is deemed unfit for biking, that seems fair to me, though, it personally feel it would be far more interesting to see the site become a blend of the two. Imagine how much press and historical observance could be had if the site were somehow served dual roles - an Iroquois shrine and biking mini-mecca. While at a glance this could appear disrespectful, but the presence and understanding of the site would surely see a great uplift from how it's viewed now.
Just a thought.
Bikes belong on roads not in parks. Aborigional land claims aside, the bmx hills have destroyed the environment in that area of the park. This, if for no other reason is why the biking should be banned. There is no legit reason to ride anywhere other then the paved roads in the park, they have already paved over massive sections of the natural area of the park FOR YOU and you want to destroy what is left for no reason then letting some punk kids tear up the trails and leave their empty beer bottles and garbage around? There are plenty of roads around to ride your bikes there is no reason to destroy whats left of the natural state of the park for a cheap temporary adrenaline rush.
ReplyDeleteThere will no "marrying" of the two, as this site is sacred to the Indigenous people will not be allowed to be desecrated anymore than it has. The City is also supporting this action along with the removal of the illegal bike jumps. The site will be put back to the way it was before all of the illegal biking and ramp building began.
ReplyDeleteThe "cyclists" will have to bike somewhere else now as the police will also enforce by-law 608 29 a-d and many of us will put a stop to the illegal activity if it continues.
While in a park, no person shall:
A. Ride or operate or be in possession of a bicycle where posted to prohibit bicycles;
B. Obstruct, inconvenience or endanger other users of the park while riding or operating a bicycle;
C. Construct or assemble any ramps, jumps, pathways or obstacle courses; or
D. Ride or operate a bicycle in a manner which results in damage to trails, vegetation, trees, fauna or other natural features.
§ 608-29. Bicycles.
ReplyDeleteWhile in a park, no person shall:
A. Ride or operate or be in possession of a bicycle where posted to
prohibit bicycles;
B. Obstruct, inconvenience or endanger other users of the park while
riding or operating a bicycle;
C. Construct or assemble any ramps, jumps, pathways or obstacle courses;
D. Ride or operate a bicycle in a manner which results in damage to trails,
vegetation, trees, fauna or other natural features.
It's a sad day when the government tells the people that they cannot use a park. A sad sad day. Fortunately this wont stop most people from using the BMX area, sure it may scare off a few but they cannot patrol it 24/7 so the BMXers will be back.
ReplyDeleteThis area was never sanctioned by City Council to be used as a BMX area. Maybe the kids and adults who destroyed the area by building their illegal jumps, will learn now that there are procedures that need to be followed in creating such an area within a park, especially a park such as High Park that has been designated as Green Space by the Mayor and his Deputy Mayor. If the illegal activity continues, then there will be people there, many people there 24/7, to put a stop to it. A word of warning to BMXers who continue to circumvent the law.
ReplyDelete§ 608-29. Bicycles.
While in a park, no person shall:
A. Ride or operate or be in possession of a bicycle where posted to
prohibit bicycles;
B. Obstruct, inconvenience or endanger other users of the park while
riding or operating a bicycle;
C. Construct or assemble any ramps, jumps, pathways or obstacle courses;
D. Ride or operate a bicycle in a manner which results in damage to trails,
vegetation, trees, fauna or other natural features.
City Council has never sanctioned this area as a native burial mound either. Quoting the By-law infraction just makes you sound like a douchebag. Why don't you become a by law enforcement officer, you get to wear a badge and everything.
ReplyDeleteCity Council is supporting it as an Indigenous Sacred Site with archaeologica and environmental concerns.
ReplyDeleteBy-law infraction and continual law breaking makes those breaking the law look like douchbags you included! I don't have to be wearing a badge in order to cite a by-law that has been on the books since 2004. Not a new thing. Keep up agitating the issue with your ignorant comments and the end result will be the Native Community and the City will not work with BMX community to find a another spot. This is is a done deal with the city and Indigenous Communities. You are beating a dead horse. So move on Rodger..
§ 608-29. Bicycles.
While in a park, no person shall:
A. Ride or operate or be in possession of a bicycle where posted to
prohibit bicycles;
B. Obstruct, inconvenience or endanger other users of the park while
riding or operating a bicycle;
C. Construct or assemble any ramps, jumps, pathways or obstacle courses;
D. Ride or operate a bicycle in a manner which results in damage to trails,
vegetation, trees, fauna or other natural features.
If this has been on the books only since 2004 why have I been accosted by you radicals since the 90's. I'll believe it when I see city by-law signage. I'm not a BMXer, I just hate when special interest groups get their panties in a bind over something that may or may not have happened 1000 years ago. BTW with a majority PC gov't now in place don't expect any help. PC's generally don't give 2 sh*t about special interest groups. Enjoy the future home of the High Park BMX club.
ReplyDeleteBecause even in the '90 s that area is considered an environmentally protected area-since 1978. City signage has been put up since Sept. 2010, stating no biking is permitted and citing by-law 608 209 a-d. High Park will never allow a BMX Club. Again if you continue to aggitate this situation with your ignorant comments, it will be the fault of yours and others like yourself, that will result in no help from the Indigenous community or the City of Toronto. Have you heard of AIM and Red Power United before? Apparrently not. They are 100 % supporting the preservation of that site. A word of warning to you and others do not aggitate this issue anymore than you have already or the results for you and others like yourself will not be positive.You talk about PC's , Mayor Ford is a PC and does not support BMXING or bicycling, so you will have not support from him. He has designated all of High Park as Green Space. MOVE ON RODGER...
ReplyDeleteLot"s of physical proof here..
So the signs have been up for 8 months but you felt the need to terrorize the innocent kids just because "your" perceived rights are greater than the rights of the people here now. I have heard of the Red Power United and AIM, here's a quote from the Red Power United's website:
ReplyDelete"The Earth is the mother of all people
and all people should have equal
rights upon it."
-- Chief Joseph (1732-1794)
It would seem to me that the words of a former Chief might be worth listening to, or are some people's rights lesser than others?
Long live the High Park BMX Club.
What rights? BMXERS have no rights to bike off of paved pathways. That's the law. Nor do they have any rights to build ramps. No rights at all! They have lost any rights that they may or may not have as soon as they bike oof of paved roadways, and build ramps.
ReplyDeleteHigh Park BMX Club is no more, get over it. It's a done deal and stop beating a dead horse. MOVE ON RODGER
§ 608-29. Bicycles.
While in a park, no person shall:
A. Ride or operate or be in possession of a bicycle where posted to
prohibit bicycles;
B. Obstruct, inconvenience or endanger other users of the park while
riding or operating a bicycle;
C. Construct or assemble any ramps, jumps, pathways or obstacle courses;
D. Ride or operate a bicycle in a manner which results in damage to trails,
vegetation, trees, fauna or other natural features.
Perhaps we should request that it is paved to ensure that the kids are safe and have a place to ride. We should probably lobby Peggy Nash, she would want to get he new job off on the right foot. Thanks for the suggestion.
ReplyDelete“The Earth is the mother of all people
and all people should have equal
rights upon it.”
– Chief Joseph (1732-1794)
Lobbying Peggy Nash to pave it will get you no where, as the illegal ramps are set to be levelled within the next 2 weeks and a fence put up around the entire area, by the support of City Council. There will be no bmx area anywhere in High Park, as all your lobbying will get you no where there. Instead of continueing to insite trouble here, maybe you should be lobbying for a BMX area elsewhere outside of High Park, instead for something that will never be, A done deal Rodger, MOVE ON....
ReplyDeleteNo rights to destroy the environment or bike off of paved roadways, which that area will never be paved, instead it will be put back to its natural original state sooner than later.
ReplyDelete§ 608-29. Bicycles.
While in a park, no person shall:
A. Ride or operate or be in possession of a bicycle where posted to
prohibit bicycles;
B. Obstruct, inconvenience or endanger other users of the park while
riding or operating a bicycle;
C. Construct or assemble any ramps, jumps, pathways or obstacle courses;
D. Ride or operate a bicycle in a manner which results in damage to trails,
vegetation, trees, fauna or other natural features.
You made Chief Joseph cry. He only wished to have land enjoyed equally by all. Let's hope we never see you set foot inside the scared fenced-in area or the by-law officers may have to site you for trespassing. This has been fun, I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am.
ReplyDelete“The Earth is the mother of all people
and all people should have equal
rights upon it.”
– Chief Joseph (1732-1794)
BMXers of Toronto unite!
By natural original state I hope you mean before it was use as a burial site. Or do you mean naturally fenced off?
ReplyDeleteYou stated " You made Chief Joseph cry. He only wished to have land enjoyed equally by all. Let’s hope we never see you set foot inside the scared fenced-in area or the by-law officers may have to site you for trespassing. This has been fun, I hope you’re enjoying this as much as I am."
ReplyDeleteChief Joseph would definately not approve of destruction to the land, trees and fauna caused by illegal ramp building by the BMXERS. Yes and if you or anyone else are caught inside the fenced off riding or building ramps there will be very negative consequences to follow. Including charges by Police , hefty fines and lawsuits for damages. No Indigenous person can be charged with tresspassing as we all have treaty rights to that area. The police will not support you anymore.
You may thin this is fun but cause and effect of you posting "assenine" comments will only cause more harm than good to the BMXERS breaking the law.
§ 608-29. Bicycles.
While in a park, no person shall:
A. Ride or operate or be in possession of a bicycle where posted to
prohibit bicycles;
B. Obstruct, inconvenience or endanger other users of the park while
riding or operating a bicycle;
C. Construct or assemble any ramps, jumps, pathways or obstacle courses;
D. Ride or operate a bicycle in a manner which results in damage to trails,
vegetation, trees, fauna or other natural features.
Don't cemeteries require permits? Once I bulldoze the area flat it will make a nice fenced in picnic area. Don't worry I plan on wearing safety gear. Does the "Rob Ford Picnic" area or the "Peggy Nash Picnic" area sound better you you? Neither? How about we go with the "We claim it's sacred land but haven't been able to prove anything so we just decided to destroy a BMX track memorial picnic area"
ReplyDelete“The Earth is the mother of all people
and all people should have equal
rights upon it.”
– Chief Joseph (1732-1794)
Try and bulldoze the area flat and you will see what huge backlash will happen. You will be met with much oppositon from AIM and Red Power United. Your assenine comments will cost the BMX community of getting any help from anyone anywhere.
ReplyDelete§ 608-29. Bicycles.While in a park, no person shall:
A. Ride or operate or be in possession of a bicycle where posted toprohibit bicycles;
B. Obstruct, inconvenience or endanger other users of the park whileriding or operating a bicycle;
C. Construct or assemble any ramps, jumps, pathways or obstacle courses;or
D. Ride or operate a bicycle in a manner which results in damage to trails,vegetation, trees, fauna or other natural features.
Lot”s of physical proof here..
Threatening kids now are we? The BMXers are already being met with much opposition from AIM and Red Power goons. Quite frankly my asinine comments won't make a difference at all, you know it and I know it. However the long term back lash by people who's only crime has been to have been born here will be your ultimate downfall. The native people require the assistance of the new folks much more than the new folks require the assistance of the natives. How much are we expected to play for the acts of out great great grand parents? We are never leaving your so called land any more than you are so you'd better get used to it. Quit living in the past, you will be forgotten once you are gone just like everyone else.
ReplyDelete“The Earth is the mother of all people
and all people should have equal
rights upon it.”
– Chief Joseph (1732-1794)
Once those of us who are living are gone there still be others in the future generations taht will continue the fight for the environment and our sacred places. We are not going away ever... so get over it Rodger and move on...
ReplyDeleteThey aren't just kids involved in destroying the site, there are also adults involved, in their 40's and older.
§ 608-29. Bicycles.While in a park, no person shall:
A. Ride or operate or be in possession of a bicycle where posted toprohibit bicycles;
B. Obstruct, inconvenience or endanger other users of the park whileriding or operating a bicycle;
C. Construct or assemble any ramps, jumps, pathways or obstacle courses;or
D. Ride or operate a bicycle in a manner which results in damage to trails,vegetation, trees, fauna or other natural features.
Get over yourself Smitty. This little insignificant plot of land deep in High Park will get fenced in and you will claim victory, although it would have been easier just to fence it in yourselves. Go try squatting on City hall or on someone important's front lawn in Rosedale, or somewhere else where Canadians actually give a sh*t about and see how long your protest last. Do you know why the Caledonia protest was allowed to go on for so long? Beacuse no one cared about it.
ReplyDelete“The Earth is the mother of all people
and all people should have equal
rights upon it.”
– Chief Joseph (1732-1794)
Rodger a squatter ( the words of a pirate) himself speaks.... are you an Indigenous person? If not you have no treaty rights, which by the way was made between soveriegn nations not individual squatters like yourself. Why don't you try go bmxing on your own cemetaries and see how many brownie points it earns you?
ReplyDelete§ 608-29. Bicycles.While in a park, no person shall:A. Ride or operate or be in possession of a bicycle where posted toprohibit bicycles;
B. Obstruct, inconvenience or endanger other users of the park whileriding or operating a bicycle;
C. Construct or assemble any ramps, jumps, pathways or obstacle courses;or
D. Ride or operate a bicycle in a manner which results in damage to trails,vegetation, trees, fauna or other natural features.
Sorry but I think cemeteries are a real waste of prime real estate, and for the record, older modern cemeteries are move periodically in the name of progress.
ReplyDeleteI was born here, so were my ancestors, just like you and yours. But unlike you I pay taxes.
“The Earth is the mother of all people
and all people should have equal
rights upon it.”
– Chief Joseph (1732-1794)
it's obvious by your statements that your ancestors are not originally from here but came over on a boat. You ancestors are "boat people" not Indigenous to this land. Rodger= the words of a pirate and squatter.
ReplyDeleteYou pay taxes because you are a subject to the crown unlike Indigenous people who are not subjects of the Crown but instead allies. You have just proved by your own words that you nor ancestors are Indigenous to this land.
§ 608-29. Bicycles.While in a park, no person shall:
A. Ride or operate or be in possession of a bicycle where posted toprohibit bicycles;
B. Obstruct, inconvenience or endanger other users of the park whileriding or operating a bicycle;
C. Construct or assemble any ramps, jumps, pathways or obstacle courses;or
D. Ride or operate a bicycle in a manner which results in damage to trails,vegetation, trees, fauna or other natural features.
Just because I didn't apply for a tax exempt card does not make be a "boat person", I prefer the term Canadian BTW, and unless you are 145 years old you are also a Canadian, or did the treaty specify otherwise. Will the indigenous people be picking up the tab for the fence or can we expect them to cry its the Governments responsibility, much the same way you want social assistance without contributing. It is, after all, the responsibility of land owners to pay for any fence that they wish to erect on their land.
ReplyDelete“The Earth is the mother of all people
and all people should have equal
rights upon it.”
– Chief Joseph (1732-1794)
It’s quite obvious that the reason why you di not apply for a tax exempt card is because you would not qualify for one anyways. It’s obvious that you have no Indigenous blood in your geneology. It’s obvious that you are pro-development, maybe a developer? As far as treaties go our treaties with the British Crown, pre-date the corporations of the U.S.A and Canada . I referance the Nan-Fan and the 1701 Peace Treaty of Montreal, which by the way are still active treaties. So that is much older than 145 years old.As far as who is going to pay for the fencing, the City and Province could very easily retrieve that money by way of lawsuits for damages from those who damaged site with their illegal digging, which many of those people have been observed by police and others and much data and proof of who it is by real name, so they could impose fines of up to $125,000 for each tree damaged not to mention other cumulative fines for biking illegalally off of paved pathways and illegally creating ramps . More than enough money to cover fencing . Hope your pockets are deep when you or any of the bxers are caught destroying the land. Oh yes and repeated use of a dead chiefs statement out of context,when he is not alive around to defend the repeated use of his statement in a way to support the destruction that is taking place, makes you look like an idiot and way off base with this issue
ReplyDelete/§ 608-29. Bicycles.While in a park, no person shall:
A. Ride or operate or be in possession of a bicycle where posted toprohibit bicycles;
B. Obstruct, inconvenience or endanger other users of the park whileriding or operating a bicycle;
C. Construct or assemble any ramps, jumps, pathways or obstacle courses;or
D. Ride or operate a bicycle in a manner which results in damage to trails,vegetation, trees, fauna or other natural features.
There is zero evidence of this area having any Aboriginal importance. Its just a one person protest backed up only by his own opinion. That opinion is not shared by First Nation leaders in the area or other experts.
I am glad that many people are sensitive to the issue (as well as the BMX issue) but if this really was a burial mound there would be hundreds of First Nations people protesting instead of one.
that article to you referenced is "yellow journalism" and is not well enough researched to be taken as having any credibilty. And the First Nations spokespeople mentioned in the article, neither one are Indigenous. There are is lot's of evidence and proof on the taiaiakon website, and they are back up the clanmothers and traditional chiefs at Six Nations. And by the way little do you know that there are 100's of Indigenous people protesting, praying, burning their tobacco, for a long time about this issue. And AIM and Red Power United 100% support this issue and will take necessary to protect the site from further damages if need be. Referencing an article poorly written, was a very foolish move on your part, as the article itself links itself to the Taiaiakon website, which people will be able to learn the truth about the issue and make their own judgement from there.
ReplyDeleteAnd the expert you mentioned has a very questionable history throughout Ontario , does not hold an archaeological license, and has not for 11 years, and his work is not supported by the Six Nations Confederacy, the legitamate government, of the Six Nations people.
So that's a no, your people will not be paying for the fence and you will gladly use tax payers money in the form of the city workers, courts and police force to ensure the the sovereignty of your nation is preserved. Sounds a bit hypocritical to me.
ReplyDeleteNot all native people apply for tax exempt status some are proud to be part of this great country. It is obvious to me that you are one of the natives that works both sides of the system, you are a Canadian when you want everything that the social programs have to offer, schools, roads, hospitals, transportation and government support as long as it's to your advantage but the moment that the bill arrives you claim that you never asked for this, but will yell the loudest if you are ever cut off.
Good luck with you little protest, might I suggest that you claim Toronto Island next, most people in Toronto are sick of the squatters anyway. Or even better 24 Sussex Drive Ottawa, Steven Harper lives there, he has a nice front yard for campers.
I just came back to this conversation and was shocked by the racism being expressed here. It is extremely offensive, and I urge the blog administrator to remove Roger's comments.
ReplyDeleteI get called a "boat person" and I'm the racist, Mary could you get nay more Politically correct.
ReplyDeleteyes agreed Mary, remove them all now! He has already been warned how his comments will only cause Red Power United and AIM to take action to protect the site from futher destruction, and he does not seem to grasp the reality of that. He thinks this is some sort of on-line game he can play without facing any consequenses . We have got news for him.
ReplyDelete§ 608-29. Bicycles.While in a park, no person shall:
A. Ride or operate or be in possession of a bicycle where posted toprohibit bicycles;
B. Obstruct, inconvenience or endanger other users of the park whileriding or operating a bicycle;
C. Construct or assemble any ramps, jumps, pathways or obstacle courses;or
D. Ride or operate a bicycle in a manner which results in damage to trails,vegetation, trees, fauna or other natural features.
Chief Kris Nahrgang would be surprised to find out that according to you he is not Ojibway. The link raises some interesting issues and I posted it to let the saner people read and judge or investigate further for themselves. I have worked for APTN and I have many friends on Six Nations and the next door Credit Reserve and am familiar with the issues at hand. Dont confuse ranting with knowledge. Cheers.
ReplyDeleteActually what I am is insensitive to the plight of the indigenous people. What you are smitty is a thug, you have continuously threatened the safety of anyone who dares cross the Red Power United or AIM, including children. So I guess you are a thug and a bully.
ReplyDeleteAnd since your claim seems to be based on a City of Toronto By-law, which you repeated several times, while claiming to be above the law also makes you a hypocrite.
and you tried to allude that you have any bloodline to any Indigenous person? The thugs and bullies are people like yourself : for example here is an on-line threat made towards the general public 12/2010.
ReplyDelete"shutup In replying to a comment from Cornelia / December 7, 2010 at 8:41 AM If I wasn’t out riding my bike, I would be exploring some of my other hobbies. These include graffiti, theft, and smoking crack. But seriously, I have never seen a single citizen be harassed as they pass these jumps. But I can assure you, if these jumps are demolished, Park citizens will be harassed, every car parked in high park will have its windows smashed and tires slashed, and every building will be littered with fresh graffiti."
So who is claiming to be above the law? I think it is you and others like yourself
§ 608-29. Bicycles.While in a park, no person shall:
A. Ride or operate or be in possession of a bicycle where posted toprohibit bicycles;
B. Obstruct, inconvenience or endanger other users of the park whileriding or operating a bicycle;
C. Construct or assemble any ramps, jumps, pathways or obstacle courses;or
D. Ride or operate a bicycle in a manner which results in damage to trails,vegetation, trees, fauna or other natural features.
as opposed to what you wrote yesterday at 4:23
ReplyDelete...A word of warning to you and others do not aggitate this issue anymore than you have already or the results for you and others like yourself will not be positive.
Sounds like a thinly veiled threat to me. People have been charged for less.
Not sure why you keep questioning my native status, certainly you've met other natives that share my view.
you stated " Actually what I am is insensitive to the plight of the indigenous people" If you are insensitive as you say are and it shows that you then are definately not Native yourself.
ReplyDeleteA thnly veiled threat, a warning of what's to come if the site is destroyed by you or anyone else, realtity . The police will not come to your aid but insead will be enforcing the by-law.
you stated " Actually what I am is insensitive to the plight of the indigenous people" If you are insensitive as you say are and it shows that you then are definately not Native yourself.
ReplyDeleteA thinly veiled threat, a warning of what's to come if the site is destroyed by you or anyone else, realtity . The police will not come to your aid but insead will be enforcing the by-law.