Sign up - 600,000 feet, wow looks like this will be the real change maker for Greater Junction area.
Retail on the strip has bloomed, the 1st condo. Yet in one development the entire area will be transformed.
He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth
This will definately change the area in a good way and attract lots of business/work etc.. to the area. The home prices have gone up because of this development and will continue to go up in price.
ReplyDeleteI am really excited about this development.
This the Site Plan and Video for this development project by Trinity and Rio Can "Teachers Pension Plan".
ReplyDeleteSite Plan
This says "Ethel Ave" back behind the Metro? Is that correct? Looks like St. Clair and Keele to me. Keep the details tighter. It will make your readers happy.
ReplyDeleteThis development would be great for the neighbourhood if the city had taken the time to plan for a huge increase in traffic. Instead, they've rushed this through meaning hundreds more cars and trucks will cause gridlock at two intersections in particular: Keele & Dundas and Keele & St. Clair...and all points in between. The traffic is bad now. Imagine what it is going to be like when this development goes up. We're better off without it.
ReplyDeleteTrue, there will be more traffice but with the widening of St.Clair Avenue road to 4 lanes from Gunnes Rd to Colbalt Avenue (Corsetti Meats) this will help a bit. Then with both Corsetti Meats and Canada Bread moving out of the area, this will also help since their massive trucks/rigs will be gone out of the area as well which definately improve traffic flow as well. The City is also rezoning the lands where the Home Depot land is into blocks so streets connect with the smaller streets to prevent all the traffic flow on Keele or St.Clair, this is part of the St.Clair Avenue Study, which got approved as well from Keele to Scarlett Rd. Who knows maybe NRT will be gone shortly too since there also having financial problems as well. I also believe the City is rebuilding the bridge at Scarlett rd and St.Clair and widening the lanes as well for the TTC/Vehicles/Bikes etc..
ReplyDeleteto get through.
In the video Manny posted the link for, check out the streetcar that can go backwards down the tracks. (around 1:30)
ReplyDeleteWhen I attended a public meeting on this development I asked about the increased traffic this would attract considering not one new lane of road was to be built. The traffic expert said there was no problem since 40% (I think) of the customers were already passing by the intersection and the rest could be accommodated on the existing road network. He did say one problem would be east to north traffic at St.Clair & Gunns so they put in an extra long left turn lane to aid matters but it might still be conjested.
ReplyDeleteThe biggest stupidity was allowing development of all that housing on the east side of Keele and Weston Road north of St.Clair. Once the railway facilities left had the City any brains (big request) they would have bought it up and opened the closed portion of Keele Street to Rogers Road. Now, it is lost forever. Stupid!
Looks like the Stockyards will have Goodlife Fitness :)
ReplyDeleteHow many years is this projected to take before total completion?
ReplyDeleteBTW, I'm not in favour of this giant mall project at all, however the video clip does make it look impressive. I hope it stays true to the design.
The Sign say's Spring 2013 to be completed but I heard that the construction should start shortly, worst case scenario is constrcution to start this summer of 2011.
ReplyDeleteThe delay in the project was because of a few screw ups on the City's end not the developer. The developer was ready to build in 2010 but delay's held them back.
Link to the St.Clair Avenue Study Website from Keele/Weston Rd to Scarlett Rd.
I would like to hear everyone's opinions: How do you think this could impact the newly "busy" Dundas strip? Would it have any impact at all? Make it busier? Empty it?
ReplyDeleteWell said JP.
ReplyDeleteDevelopment is good for the area - we could use a few more specialty shops and resaurants. But it seems its a waste of space. Look at rona, canadian tire and home depot's parking lots. Do we need another parking area? Especially since there is the right of way streetcar. It appears that the building company, the city and the TTC have not been working together on this project...again.
ReplyDeleteI think it won't have that much of an effect. The businesses on Dundas are serving different needs than the chain stores that will characterize this development. Dundas has its small businesses that cater to tastes that a development like this won't satisfy.
ReplyDeleteTraffic may worsen in the area, but fortunately, there's also the newly faster streetcar to take the load off the streets. The area needs its development.
Here is an article written in July 2010 on the St.Clair Avenue West Strip and the ongoing activities.
Actually, matt, this project is a huge improvement over what we've seen in the area thus far. Rather than surface parking, parking will be in a multi-level garage towards the centre of the site. St. Clair is supposed to have storefronts, which will be great for anyone arriving on foot, transit, or cycling. There was probably more discussion between the city, the developer, and local residents on this project, than any other in the immediate area.
ReplyDeleteThe City neglects this area in terms of planning. Look no further than St. Clair West between Keele and Old Weston Road, narrowed to one lane for non-transit vehicles. They did that without any plan to replace the underpass even though it's crumbling and seems obsolete.
ReplyDeleteNoticed Demolition equipment at the NY Pork site. This might mean that the Demo of what ever ramains of the burnt out building will be demolished shortly. The area is definately getting cleaned up. The land has been zoned for mixed use with 10 storey's under the St.Clair Avenue Study which will mean that it will most likely be a apt building/condo with store front at the bottom floor.
ReplyDeleteI just by the NY Pork site and the demolition has started.
Accross the Street on the South East Corner of ST.Clair and Keele is 6 Lloyd Avenue (Where the old Bengim Moore Building used to be) now owned by Terrasan with the proposed Condo's being built.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that Terrasan has filed for Bankruptcy so hopefully this land can now be purchased by a more reliable bigger builder say Tridel. There are rumours of Tridel purchasing the Canada Bread facility on Cawthra Avenue and with NRT (Rubber Factory)have financial problems who knows if they purchase there land as well. This will be a no brainer that they would also pick up this huge piece of land (6 Lloyd Avenue) that has already been remediated and cleaned up for cheap (Power of Sale).
Terrasan Bankruptcy (Globe and Mail) Article April 25, 2011.
I heard the City is also planning some sort of public meeting for this 6 Lloyd Avenue site, hopefully they cleanup the site as well and charge Terrasan with the fee's,
ReplyDeleteGood thing will come to this site since it located in a prime growing area right across the street from the new Trinity Mall Complex and the TTC ROW, the St.,Clair Avenue Study and close the to HWY (up Black Creek)
According to the artcile: "The St. Clair Avenue study also envisions the possible construction of two pedestrian/bicycle bridges over the railway tracks connecting St. Clair to Dundas, one just west of Runnymede and one connecting Old Stockyards Road to Pacific Avenue, though locations are approximate."
ReplyDeleteI thought this idea was dead? CP rail refused???
It seems that the widening of St.Clair from Mondovi Gate to Cobalt Avenue will occur this year most likely in August or September 2011. This means that Corsetti Meats and all the land they own, all the way up to Cobalt Avenue will be emptied out since the city will introduce a four lane street and a new side walk on the south side of St.Clair. This will mean that the trucks owned by Corsetti will not fit and will be forced to move. The whole land is being zoned as CR (Mixed Use) under the St.Clair Avenue Study with 6 storey's high and commercial/retail on the bottom floor (I believe). This will help out the traffic a bit for the "30 Weston Rd" Mall Complex and bring in more residential to the area. So both Corsetti Meats and NY Pork will be gone/demolished and rebuilt. Very Good News.
ReplyDeleteLots of stuff happening in the area this 2011 year and on.
Now, if we could just get some decent TTC service along St.Clair west of Gunn's Loop. Should run west to Jane at least and a 15 minute headway.
ReplyDeleteI just heard from a friend in the area that the 6 Lloyd Avenue meeting with the City and Terrasan has been confirmed. This is is regards about all the complaints the city is getting in regards to the cleanup of the site once Terrasan started dumping concrete/etc. on the site. I encourage people to show up and voice their opionion/fustration on this topic since Terrasan has has the land for a very long time and has done nothing with it other then dump garbage/concrete etc... This is the land where the old Bengim Moore Building used to be on the South/East Corner of St.Clair and Keele.
ReplyDeleteYou can call the Councillors "Frances Nunziata" office for info if needed.
Phone: 416-392-4091
Meeting is Confirmed for the following date.
Thursday May 12, 2011 7:00 pm at George Bell Arena
Councillor Nunziata states in the InsideToronto article she doesn't support naming the new development The Stockyards as local residents would prefer it be named St Clair West Village, but I think that would really take away from paying homage to the history of the area.
ReplyDeleteI believe the housing development west of it is called St. Clair West Village (I assume it's those residents who object) but I think naming the commercial development St. Clair West Village completely takes away from it.
I talked to the guys from Lions demolition today and they say New York pork will rebuild ?
ReplyDeleteI thought they were joking with me , but they were very serious , lets all get the ward 11 counclers involved so we dont get a very bad suprise.
The construction has started at 30 Weston Rd for the big Mall Complex. They have starting to digging now to prepare for the foundation work on the North/East Corner of St.Clair and Keele.
ReplyDeleteGreat News.
The Toronto location – at a site being developed by Riocan Real Estate Investment Trust at the corner of Weston and St. Clair– was announced at the real estate company’s annual general meeting Wednesday.
Any idea on when construction will start?
ReplyDeleteAccording to some of the developers/planners it can start any time now maybe a week or two or more. fyi
ReplyDeleteManny, what will happen to the Corsetti and canada bread buildings-will they be torn down?
ReplyDeletePete's Question
ReplyDeleteManny, what will happen to the Corsetti and canada bread buildings-will they be torn down?
Canada Bread will be gone shortly as the new facility in hamilton is already built, September 2011 is what I am hearing now. I heard that Tridel purchased the building but do not have proof of this but they were the builder who built the condo's at Keele and Dundas, I would assume that the building would be torn down buy the purchaser of the facility to built most likely Condo's. NRT (National Rubber) is also having difficulties with the environment people/ area residents and financially so i wouldn't be suprised if the leave as well and the purchaser of Canada Bread (Tridel) also purchases that parcel of land. NRT is up for recertification this year and there is no way it will pass without millions in investment is the current facility or move.
Corrsetti Meats
What I hread was the Street widening and sidewalk on the south side of the road on St.Clair near Gunns Road to Colbalt is to happen by September 2011 which means that the facility must be shutdown by the time they start this widening since they can not park there trcuks/rigs and operate their business. Corsetti owns the properties all the way to Colbalt Avenue including the Car lot. They have been approved for mix -use zoning so I would say once they leave they will sell the parcel of land (if not sold already) all the way to Colbalt and let the purchaser decide what to do with the land. Most likely it would be also be torn down and built commercial on the bottom and 6 storey's up residential since this is what it is zoned for.
The whole area is changing and will be a totally different area within the next 5 years with all the development going on and the new St.Clair Avenue Study being approved.
Hi Manny and Pete
ReplyDeletejust clarify the builder of Heintzman place Deltera a construction a services company owed by Tridel, used to build non "Tridel projects". They have become options for homes partner in many of their projects.
Any word on what is happening with the old New York Pork land? Nice to finally see that building torn down. I believe back in the day Tridel was interested in this land as part of the St. Clair West Village housing development. I would assume that the zoning would not permit a new slaughter house. I hope that Ken Shaw does not take over that land too. Ken Shaw Lexus Toyota is like a disease that keeps spreading and taking over more and more land. I can't wait for Corsetti to go out of business.
ReplyDeleteNY York Pork Land is zoned for mixed -use 10 storey's high i believe, so most likely condo's and maybe commercial at the bottom. You can view the St.Clair Avenue Study for all the zoning details.
ReplyDeleteThe Terrasan Land at 6 Lloyd Avenue (intersection of Mulock Avenue and Lloyd Avenue) is also applying for Condo's with modifications now that Canada Bread is leaving. This is the old Bengimin Moore Lands.
St.Clair Avenue Study Website forgot to put it in the the previous comment.
Talking to people who know the Corsetti's it seems they have another facility elsewhere so that would be where they would relocating the business. I have no idea where that facility is and did not ask as well at the time.
ReplyDeleteTerrasan Plan for Condo's with some modifications required.
Oakville based company "Organic Garage", Food Market is opening up on Junction Road where the Silo's where located on Junction Road.
ReplyDeleteView the blogs below for more info.
Oakville based company “Organic Garage”, Food Market is opening up on Junction Road where the Silo’s where located on Junction Road.
ReplyDeleteMulock Avenue Residents Association RA Group blog has more infomration on this development. This is close to the Canada Bread Facility and NRT.
Still no signs of construction. I wonder if they have to redesign the entire layout to accomodate the super target store?
ReplyDeleteYes, they have to make some small modification to there design for the new tenants which includes Target. I have been told that the construction will start this year for sure.
ReplyDeleteMaybe another month or two plus... but everything else is ready to go including the construction crews/permits to pour the foundation etc..
Seems all the bill boards or most have been removed from the site so there is activity happening again on this site.
ReplyDeleteIn the news today TARGET planning to hire a lot of people which will be good for the area since they will be moving into this new Complex at 30 Weston Rd.
(Your comment is awaiting moderation)
ReplyDeleteIn the news today TARGET planning to hire a lot of people which will be good for the area since they will be moving into this new Complex at 30 Weston Rd.
Today's Article
Target Canada hiring
Target Corp. is looking to hire Canadian professionals ahead of its highly-anticipated launch north of the border in 2013.
The retailer launched Monday looking for "people with a variety of skills and backgrounds."
The vast majority of postings are for full-time positions at the new Canadian headquarters located just west of Toronto in Mississauga, Ont.
Jobs include human resource managers, merchandise specialists and nutrition labelling and compliance experts.
In addition to several hundred headquarter jobs, the retailer also plans to hire tens of thousands to work at its approximately 125 to 135 planned stores starting in 2012.
Minneapolis-based Target announced the purchase of some 220 Zellers' store leases for $1.82 billion last January.
Zellers employees, many of whom are expected to be laid off before the renovations, will be given equal consideration. Target is not expected to convert the 15 unionized Zellers locations.
Looks like Corsetti has just purchased a fleet of smaller trucks that will allow them to stay in business at their St. Clair location. So much for them closing up shop and moving elsewhere. :(
ReplyDeleteThis is news to me that they bought smaller trucks but I know from a friend who knows the Corsetti's that there plan is to redevelop the entire site including the other lands all the way up to Colbalt Avenue since most of there building is empty anyways. I think Maple Leaf in the back of there facility will not like that and probably go to the OMB but the St.Clair Avenue Study got approved with ammendments that allows them to redevelop there entire site Commercial/Retail on the Ground Floor and 5 or 6 Story's up residential.
ReplyDeleteIt's probably a matter of time before they redevelop it since that is a lot of wasted land and building space.
Why is there no images that was shown of the concept for 30 Weston road as was shown at the meetings last year? I know there is the video but it would be nice if they uploaded the concept of it at least. I notice they have started on the site removing tree and bushes but some visuals would be great on that manner. Show the community something at least.
ReplyDeleteare they honestly sticking to "The Stockyards" name? lol like who comes up with this stuff?
ReplyDeleteI am a resident shokced when awoken Sunday morning by loud pile driving which occurs 7 days a week. As constructuion needs a permit to make noise Sundays, I visited the site to ask for it. I was shown one by a supervisor. How was this permit issued? Residents by law should be polled before such a permint is issue, as far as I understand. But on the visit I learned something far more distrubing than a few nights sleep. The place is a former dump. A toxic one. Read on:
The vibration caused by the excavators that currently shakes nearby homes are caused by a 35,000 pound weight that is droppped to the ground by a crane. The reason is to compact the soil. Why? I was told by a worker that the place sits on a toxic dump, 15 metres deep - the height of 6 storey building deep. Compacting is cheaper than digging up and filling with clean fill. But What are the long-term ramifications of compacting decades-old debris like old tires and other hazardous waste? How will toxic leaching be taken care of? How was this approved? Who's approving this?
What there doing on the site is building Retaining Walls currently in preparation for the site construction which comes soon this fall. They did put in permits for this and of course the land has some contamination since it was the old stockyards, this is normal, that is why the site plan does not built below ground but only above. This complex is spending something like $210 million on the total project so I would assume what there doing is normal practice since that is a lot of $$ to spend on a project.
ReplyDeleteBuilding Application Status
Application: Designated Structures Status: Under Review
Location: 30 WESTON RD
Ward 11: York South-Weston
Application#: 11 301055 DST 00 DS Accepted Date: Oct 28, 2011
Project: Other Retaining Wall
Description: Proposal to construct retaining walls on site in support of commercial development.
Trinity has posted new plans and new tenants on their project page...
Trinity Update (30 Weston Rd)
ReplyDeleteOnly the North End of the Complex (Gunns Rd) will use this compact drilling method, there is no need for drilling at all in the South End of the Complex near St.Clair.
North End of the Complex Update
1. We are working to reduce vibrations in the coming days.
We want everyone to know that we are making some specific changes that should reduce the vibrations you have been feeling.
First, we are wrapping up our deep compaction, which is the process of compacting the materials furthest down in the soil - approximately 15m or 50ft below the surface. Our goal is to discontinue this work in about five days, although this depends on weather and other factors.
Second, we are bringing in smaller equipment that will cause less vibrations. To give you an idea of the change, we are reducing the weight that is dropped by more than 30%. We are currently dropping a 17.5 ton weight and our new weights are 10-12 tons.
This appears to be another lifestyle centre. Any guarantees doors on public streets will be available to public? 'don't be outsmarted'
ReplyDeleteAnyone know what's happening to the old rail lands behind Metro, where West Toronto Street ends? I see the property recently sold, but no notices have gone up.