Monday, June 27, 2011

Volunteers for 2011 Junction Arts Festival



The Junction Arts Festival is looking for enthusiastic and friendly individuals to volunteer their time to help make this year’s festival a great success.  Volunteers need to be able to commit to at least one 5 hour shift during the weekend of September 10 -11, 2011.  Volunteers are an integral part of the festival and we must be able to rely on your commitment.  If you would like to be a part of event please download the PDF below and fillit out  then e-mail this application to

Everyone can contribute their time, skills and knowledge through volunteeing, and their combined efforts can be a significant force for achieving  this years goal of making the festival a community owed event.


□       Set up and take down              □       Clean-up crew      □       Information Guides

□       Runners                                   □       Technical support          □       Face Painting

□       Facilitators of Kid Activities   □       Stage Crew                    □       Entertainment Assistance

□        if you have a particular interest in Volunteering  for particular just let us know

Link to  volunteer application  PDF




  1. I just heard they will NOT be closing Dundas Street this time! Everything must be on the sidewalk. This is NUTS! There is no way the thousands of visitors can fit on the sidewalks for this popular event.

  2. Hi Raymond that is the the junction BIA festival, a much smaller affair they state, The Junction Arts Festival will be on Dundas same place same time.

    see and grab a look at the top banner,

    Raymond I am the chair of Junction Arts Festival


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth