A call for volunteers from the JRA!
The 1st Annual Junction Farm Fest (where city meets farm) will be held on Saturday July 23 from 11am to 5pm.
It is a children's educational event that focuses on local, sustainable agricultural production. It will be an opportunity to meet and interact with local Ontario farmers and their animals (but not a petting zoo).
In order to introduce people to ethical livestock practices, sustainably raised farm animals, including a cow/calf, sheep, lambs, goats and chickens, will be located at Toronto Police Service, 11 Division at 209 Mavety. (However, not a petting zoo.)
Hands-on activities, demonstrations, food samples and more will be at the Junction Train Platform at 2954 Dundas Street West. Here are some of the booths:
Foodshare: Pollinators, foodprints, butter etc..
The Stop: Urban Ag gardening activity
Cathy's Composters: Vermiculture (worm composting) activity
Toronto Beekeepers Co-op: Beekeeping activities
Treeworkers: Child's introduction to growing apples
Harmony Organics: Chocolate milk samples
Local Food Plus: Local sustainable taste test
City Seed Farm
Sorauren Farmers Market:
The main sponsors are Local Food Plus, an organization committed to creating sustainable food systems, Junction Fromagerie, Delight Chocolate, The Beet, the Sweet Potato and the Junction Residents Association.
The JRA is looking for volunteers to help on the day of the event. Each volunteer would need to commit to approximately three hours on the day of the event at one of the twelve stations. No special skills required.
Easy and enjoyable! Interested parties should respond to lwclements@gmail.com
website: http://junctionfarmfest.wordpress.com
Twitter account: @FarmFestTO
Facebook Fan Page, just search for Junction Farm Fest and LIKE us!
Events scheduled for the Junction Seniors
Tue., July 19, 2 pm
Informal gathering -- I haven't found a space yet, so let's meet at the "train station" on Dundas St. W. just east of Pacific. If all agree (and it's not too hot), after getting re-acquainted we could go for a stroll along Dundas St. W., trading information about good places to eat / drink / shop. Or, we could go to a coffee shop, or I could have found a place by then!
Sat., July 23, all day
Farm Fest, 11 am - 5 pm. Family event about where our food comes from. Eleanor will be holding down an information table at "the train station" — stop by and say hello! If you'd like to help out, at the table or at other stations at the Fest, let me know. They need people to give out samples and pamphlets, keep lines organized, assist in preparation for demonstrations, etc.
Thur., July 28, 10:15 am
Short tour (30 mins.) of Keele Community Correctional Centre, 330 Keele St. (just south of Dundas, in Canada Post building). Meet in front of the building at 10:15. Possibility also of tour of fire station next door. We'll go for coffee afterwards.