Monday, September 19, 2011

Hilary Bell event at the new shed at Wallace Park on October 29


posted from Comment from Blog reader Sean, thanks Sean

There will be a small event at the new shed at Wallace on October 29 to dedicate the shed and thank the shed sponsor and to have some fun. This event will be led by Parks, and will involve the Councillor. Currently the idea is to have a small ceremony and bike ride during the day and a bicycle themed movie (with hot chocolate) that evening.

The family of Hilary Bell was delighted that many people had suggested naming the shed for her, but in Hilary style, they suggested the informal “Hilary’s Shed” as a casual thank you that she would have loved. It was also revealed that when she knew her time was up she insisted that the photo of her on the Railpath Opening be used for her obituary as it was one of her favourite memories. The City is working on a sign that will recognize the sponsor, Hilary, and Friends.

For some information on her contributions to your community please see this link  to the Junction Triangle site 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting =) I spoke to Hilary's husband over the weekend. He was very happy with the huge turn-out to the casual meeting in her honour at the Pilates studio.


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth