Thursday, September 29, 2011

Maria street sidewalk art

Located on north side about 20 meters from Runnymede Rd heading east, on the road the has a text entitling it Very Berry.


  1. I live across from where this "street art" is... My neighbours were none to pleased when they
    woke up to the art on the sidewalk and hydro pole outside they're home. While I think the berry is kind of cute - the work on the pole was not.

    I can get behind graffiti but not when it's painted right in front of someone's home. The pole is basically on their property - it just made the place look, cheap. The neighbours take pride in the maintenance of their home and property, this took away from it.

  2. did not see the pole at all

  3. Yes, because the morning it happened they sent hours scrubbing and trying to remove it. They ended up spray painting grey paint over it....

  4. yes not to pleasant, did the city spray over it?


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth