Wednesday, November 9, 2011

City set to pass law ...

Public email sell off the names of public spaces and bring in aggressive advertising into them, including parks and playgrounds.

TPSI has analyzed the policies and their potential impacts on your community and its members. The stakes are high. These policies are set to pass on November 29th and will impact your community for years to come.

Highlights of our report include:
-identification of loopholes that allow 'honourific' names to be sold to the highest corporate bidder
-a non-competetive bidding process that has already shortchanged the city
-a change to the street naming policy to take out restrictions on naming streets to facilitate advertising
-virtually unlimited authority delegated to staff to enter into massive advertising deals
-usage of the term 'etc' to broadly define the scope and type of advertising that can be brought in
-the inclusion of BIAs in a consultation process to the exclusion of all other stakeholders
-a severe lack of community consultation and notification requirements
-research and reports, such as a 2008 TTC report on the experience of other major transit system with corporate naming
-letters from major corporations demanding secrecy surrounding the details of their purchases of naming rights in Toronto

Part of the mission of TPSI is to work with, and empower, community groups in the interests of public space policies that deeply impact us all. As such, we ask you to please respond to the following,

1. The City does not want to consult communities - so TPSI is. We would like to arrange a meeting with your community association members to inform you of these policies and how they will impact you, and to suggest how you may engage in the decision making around these.

2. We would also like to secure an official letter from your organization to City Councillors commenting on the policies.

3. Any other assistance you can provide to our campaign, by spreading the word and handing out our flyers in your community, would be greatly appreciated.

To Download the full report please see this link:

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Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth