Sunday, November 13, 2011

New Toronto public space advertising policies and you! free talk Nov 22nd


For more information on the policies, and critical analysis visit:

-630: Arrival
-645: Introduction by moderator
-700: Dr. Trevor Norris, Author 'Consuming Schools'
-710: Rick Miller, Writer/Director/Performer of 'HARDSELL'
-720: Dr. Brian Cook, Toronto Public Health Department
-730: Jayme Turney, Executive Director - Toronto Public Space Initiative
-740: Q and A
-800: End


Dr. Trevor Norris' research focuses on the intersection of eduction, politics and philosophy, or, a political philosophy of eductional thought. The main stream of his research concerns globalization, neo-liberalism, and democracy, with a specific focus on the political and pedagogical implications of consumerism. His most recent book, 'Consuming Schools', examines how the increasing prevalence of consumerism in contemporary society often equates happiness with the acquisition of material objects, and the impact of consumerism on politics and education.

Rick Miller is the Dora and Gemini award winning writer/director/performer of HARDSELL, a riveting 'performance/lecture' that boldly examines the commodification of everything and the lies inherent in advertising. In the play Miller raises the difficult question of how to live in this world of the HARDSELL, where lies constantly distract us from the truth. The play encourages audience members to confront their own complicity within consumer society. If we are biologically built to 'sell', to 'produce' and to 'consume', then what is it we are actually selling, producing and consuming? How much choice and freedom do we actually have?

Dr. Brian Cook is a researcher for the Toronto Public Health Department. In 2008, his work on children's marketing led the Toronto Board of Health to unanimously call for a national ban on marketing to children. He has also done research on children's marketing for the Public Health Agency of Canada and is involved in an international research project on children's TV advertising across 12 countries.

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Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth