2561 St Clair W
This store which provided imaging and image printing and mounting services was a welcome addition to the area.
Although building the business as a stand alone without the addition of art materials and services was risky.In addition there not wanting to print and mount general business materials proably contributed to the demise.
Sad, this blogger wonders if a stand alone service line this can survive in Toronto. Last year a same model business plan also failed on Weston Rd in the Silvano professional photo plant.
Sorry I'm confused. Are you saying that Silvano failed or that they had a mounting service that failed?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, too. I wanted to get some photos made into pictures there.
ReplyDeleteNo, Silvano leased the 2nd floor ( one of the old print making areas I believe to a digital imaging company that did much the same as this store.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Silvano has failed at anything in the photo printing buz. The strength of his business has always amazed, always winning in the market as the business changed so much.
This is his second built plant on that part of Old Weston Rd.