On Tuesday January 31 at 7 pm at Fern Avenue Public School, the Roncesvalles Macdonell Residents Association will be hosting one of our regular monthly meetings. Metrolinx will be our guest at this meeting to discuss upcoming work on the Georgetown expansion and I have also asked them to discuss plans for the Dundas-Bloor transit hub.
Recent Activities and Accomplishments
Leading the campaign to have a new Community Recreation Centre built adjacent to Sorauren Park on Wabash Avenue. Site remediation is underway and plans are being formulated for its development. For more information and regular updates, go to www.buildwabashnow.org;
Spearheading the Western Toronto RailPath initiative to convert old railway lines into a green belt "for pedestrians and cyclists" running through our neighbourhood and into the downtown core of the city;
Community input into the traffic and parking issues through a neighbourhood committee struck to assess and make recommendations;
Participation in the Parkdale Conflict Resolution Process and the Parkdale Housing Committee addressing the issues of affordable housing, illegal bachelorettes, and rooming houses. The RMRA is also linked to the Parkdale Community Watch;
Tracking proposals for residential and commercial developments through the planning department and makes representation or calls for community meetings when necessary;
Led the development of an Area Residents' Association (ARA) where residents‚ associations in Ward 14 meet to exchange developments and co-ordinate activities;

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