Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Stockyard retail block 30 Weston Rd current works photos


Ground works for the huge Stockyards mall at Weston Rd and Keele St. is moving along with drains and water mains installation currently.

Photo post of the site Wednesday April 2nd 2012.









  1. Least exciting development in the area. Last thing this part of the neighbourhood needs is more mega malls

  2. Disagree, I think this mall will be good for the area alot better than what was located
    on the land before this development.

    Trinity has recently updated their website with the community updates and email link as well.

  3. Car wash would top this development off...

  4. If the renderings are accurate, it should be noticeably more refined than the big-box retail there right now. What's ultimately desirable is an attractive mixed-use built form more like Dundas on St. Clair in the Stock Yards area. This development may be a step in that direction. It has the potential to enhance the sense of place there.

  5. agreed it will, enhance the sense of place there, even create one on the west side of Old Weston Rd.


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth