This post is about the Control By-law for Queen Street West, between Dufferin Street and Roncesvalles Avenue, an Interim Control By-law for a period of one year to prohibit (new) restaurants and similar uses in the study area, to prohibit these uses above the ground floor of buildings, and to prohibit rear yard and rooftop patios associated with these uses.
the motion for the study
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Below are highlighted text outtakes from the Now Magazine article on the ban,
click image to visit their site to read the entire article.
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Outtake text from the Motion without Notice as passed
Similar restaurant studies conducted further east on a portion of Queen Street West, on a portion of College Street, and on a portion of Ossington Avenue all identified conflicts between restaurants and the surrounding neighbourhood areas. All of these studies resulted in zoning by-law amendments that limited restaurant and related uses to the ground floor of a building and prohibited rear yard and rooftop patios in the study areas. As a result of these studies City Planning recommended that restaurants be restricted to the ground floor of buildings and that rear yard and rooftop patios should be prohibited in commercial residential zones in the former City of Toronto south of Bloor Street and Danforth Avenue within the enacted and repealed City wide comprehensive zoning by-law.
To view complete City final report about the issue click text below.
Queen Street West – Interim Control By-law – Final
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