Communityefforts to receive the most benefits from the city resources in Toronto’s west end wards that make up the Junctions are weak, will few people taking part in initiatives to gain these resources. In fact most achievements in our areas are produced by a very small subset of active people, who are really overloaded, and cannot possibily do all that is required to do.
Most requests and Challenges for city resources get very few letters of opinion from the Junctions.
However other communities like the Midwest Toronto resdents, get much of what tgey want, by inputing effort to get the cites avaiable resources into their areas.
to see a regular example of the amount of input click the read more below and look at volume of interested resdents input.
Midtown in Focus: Final ReportSupplementary Materials were posted on June 27, 2018:
The Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, recommends that:
1. City Council amend the Official Plan in accordance with the recommended Official Plan Amendment in Attachment 1 of this report.
2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the recommended Official Plan Amendment as may be required.
3. City Council authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to seek the approval of the Minister of Municipal Affairs of Ontario of the Official Plan Amendment in Attachment 1 of this report under Section 26 of the Planning Act.
4. City Council resolve and declare that the Official Plan Amendment attached as Attachment 1 to this report conforms to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2017, has regard to matters of Provincial interest listed in Section 2 of the Planning Act and is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2014 issued under Section 3 of the Planning Act.
5. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to initiate a zoning review for the lands identified on Map 21-2 of Attachment 1 to this report.
6. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to undertake a study of the Glebe Manor Estates from Yonge Street to Bayview and from Millwood Road to Manor Road as a potential Heritage Conservation District under Section 40.(1) of the Ontario Heritage Act.
7. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to prepare heritage guidelines and/or best practices for development on a main street property listed on the City's Heritage Register or properties with potential cultural heritage value located in the Midtown Villages and identified on Map 21-11 of Attachment 1 to this report.
8. City Council endorse the Midtown Parks and Public Realm Plan, dated May 2018, attached as Attachment 2 to this report, to guide parkland acquisitions and improvements in Midtown.
9. City Council request that the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, the Toronto Transit Commission and CreateTO, in consultation with the Interim Chief Financial Officer, undertake a Technical Feasibility Review of decking over the open subway trench located between Chaplin Crescent and Berwick Avenue for a new, major linear park space, which will address the following:
a. Engineering feasibility of decking over the subway trench;
b. Class 4 cost estimates for construction of the Subway Trench Park;
c. Funding options, with an emphasis on growth-related revenue sources that minimize debt-financing requirements for the potential park; and
d. Partnership strategy to encourage corporate and community partners to participate in the planning and funding for the construction, programming, operations and maintenance of the Subway Trench Park.
10. City Council request that the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, the Toronto Transit Commission and CreateTO, undertake a Special Study to explore decking over the Davisville Yard, which will address the following:
a. Engineering review, including functional servicing, decking feasibility, load bearing capability, storm water management and vibration of decking;
b. Review of on-site TTC facility requirements;
c. Land use and built form review that prioritizes office, institutional and cultural uses and delivers a new signature public park; and
d. Development of a business plan that will include a review of potential revenue generated by the introduction of new uses and other tools that may be needed to finance decking over the Yard.
11. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, to advance the preparation of a by-law by the second quarter of 2019 that will amend the Municipal Code (Chapter 415) to enact an alternative requirement for parkland provision for the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan area in accordance with Section 42 of the Planning Act and in consultation with the development industry and other stakeholders.
12. City Council endorse the Midtown Community Services and Facilities Strategy, attached as Attachment 3 to this report, to inform the development application review process and to guide the development of an Implementation Strategy and provision of community service facilities in Midtown.
13. City Council request that the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, the General Manager, Transportation Services, and the Toronto Transit Commission, study multi-modal access between Midtown and Downtown, including identifying north-south corridors for improved surface transit priority routes and for dedicated cycling facilities, and bring forward recommended additions to the Midtown cycling network, including the feasibility, timing and cost of dedicated cycling facilities, as part of the 10 Year Cycling Network Plan update.
14. City Council request that the Toronto Parking Authority undertake an on-street parking review in conjunction with the multi-modal access study and Transportation Infrastructure Implementation Strategy.
15. City Council request that the Interim Deputy City Manager, Cluster B, the Interim Deputy City Manager, Cluster A, the Interim Chief Financial Officer, Director, Real Estate Services, and the Toronto Public Library, in consultation with other appropriate Divisions and Agencies to coordinate and prepare Infrastructure Implementation Strategies for:
a. the Midtown Parks and Public Realm Plan;
b. the Midtown Community Services and Facilities Strategy;
c. municipal servicing (water, wastewater and stormwater) capital upgrades in coordination with improvements required to the public street network; and
d. transportation-related infrastructure upgrades required to support continued growth and intensification in Midtown.
This report recommends the adoption of a comprehensive new planning framework for the Yonge-Eglinton area in Midtown Toronto (Midtown). This report recommends adoption of amendments to the Official Plan and a new Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan (recommended Plan). The recommended Plan sets out a 25-year vision for Midtown that provides policy direction to ensure Midtown develops as a complete community, maintain the diversity of Midtown's neighbourhoods and integrate land use and infrastructure planning.
This report also recommends endorsement of the Midtown Parks and Public Realm Plan and Midtown Community Services and Facilities Strategy to inform and guide the provision of new and improved parks and community service facilities. The final outcomes of the Transportation and Municipal Servicing Infrastructure Assessments are summarized with physical infrastructure investment priorities identified to support future growth.
Growth and Change in Midtown
Midtown has experienced significant growth since the early 2000s, with development activity markedly accelerating in the past five years. Yonge-Eglinton Centre, at the heart of Midtown and already the most densely populated Urban Growth Centre in the Greater Golden Horseshoe, is poised to double in residential population as a result of approved and proposed development.
Development has benefitted from Midtown's existing assets, including a diversity of land uses and past investment in transit, parks, schools, community centres and other physical and social infrastructure. However, in the absence of an updated planning framework, the cumulative impacts of development risk compromising the character and liveability of Midtown and exceeding existing infrastructure capacity.
A Clear and Comprehensive Policy Response for a Complex Community
The recommended Plan, the culmination of the multi-year Midtown in Focus study, provides clear and detailed direction to guide both intensification and priority infrastructure improvements. The recommended Plan sets the stage for updating zoning in the area and prioritizes improvements that will contribute to the creation and maintenance of Midtown as a complete community. This includes, among others, a connected network of parks and open spaces, improved active transportation options, expanding school and child care capacity and vibrant local employment and retail sectors.
The recommended Plan provides specific direction for the evolution of Midtown's diverse neighbourhoods, each with different development histories, scales and functions, which together serve the daily needs of a broad segment of residents, workers, students and other Torontonians.
Alignment and Consultation
The recommendations presented in this report build on previous initiatives undertaken in the area since 2012, including Eglinton Connects (2014), the Midtown in Focus: Parks, Open Space and Streetscape Plan (2014) and the associated Official Plan Amendment (OPA) adopted in 2015. The recommendations are informed by over three years of consultation and analysis, led by City Planning and supported by Parks, Forestry and Recreation, Toronto Water, Transportation Services and other divisions, agencies, boards and corporations.
Amendments to the Official Plan
The Official Plan policy framework for Midtown has not been comprehensively updated since 2002. The recommended Official Plan Amendment (Attachment 1) includes a new Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan as well as amendments to relevant policies and maps in the Official Plan. It is a comprehensive amendment that conforms to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2017, is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2014) and has regard to matters of provincial interest identified in Section 2 of the Planning Act.
Following adoption by City Council, the OPA will be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval under Section 26 of the Planning Act. This report recommends that the new Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan be used in the evaluation of current and future development applications during the approval period.
Parks and Public Realm Plan
In tandem with the Official Plan Amendment, this report presents the recommended Midtown Parks and Public Realm Plan for City Council's endorsement (Attachment 2). The plan examines the need for parkland in Midtown and articulates a parks and public realm vision for the area. It sets out the priorities for improving public parks and streets and acquiring new parkland needed to serve Midtown's growing population. Together, the plan and associated Secondary Plan policies will guide public and private actions to develop an appropriate, inviting, well-programed network of public spaces to meet the needs of people living, working and visiting Midtown now and into the future.
Community Services and Facilities Strategy
The recommended Plan establishes policies on the timely provision of Community Service Facilities (CSF), including child care, schools, libraries, recreation centres and human services agencies. These policies support implementation of the Midtown Community Services and Facilities Strategy (Attachment 3), including priorities to preserve existing CSF space and projects and expand their provision in new and renewed facilities.
Transportation and Municipal Servicing Assessments
The Midtown in Focus study also included undertaking assessments for transportation and municipal servicing to identify potential infrastructure gaps and potential capital upgrades. The assessments addressed both existing conditions and future growth potential and identified capital upgrades and/or service improvements needed to sustain continued development in the area. Summaries of the outcomes of these assessments are provided in this report.
Implementation Strategies
Additional work is recommended to be undertaken to inform the implementation of the Midtown Parks and Public Realm Plan, Community Services and Facilities Strategy and outcomes of the Transportation and Municipal Servicing Assessments. The implementation strategies will address the scope, cost and timing for new and improved physical and social infrastructure in more detail and ensure that the necessary infrastructure improvements are coordinated.
This next phase of work is intended to ensure that the priorities are incorporated into the 10-year Capital Plan and identify the anticipated timing for other required infrastructure. The strategies will also be developed in consideration of other Council-directed priorities. These implementation strategies will link continued growth to the provision of adequate infrastructure.
Next Steps
Recommendations in this report identify next steps to support implementation of the Official Plan policy framework for Midtown, in addition to adoption of the OPA and endorsement of the Parks and Public Realm Plan and Community Services and Facilities Strategy. These include the following:
- Preparing Infrastructure Implementation Strategies for parks and the public realm, community services and facilities, transportation and municipal servicing;
Initiating a zoning review in accordance with the directions of the recommended Plan for identified lands;
- Undertaking a study of properties of heritage significance in the Mount Pleasant Village Character Area and Glebe Manor Estates as a potential Heritage Conservation District;
- Reviewing the technical feasibility of decking and redevelopment of the Davisville Yard and decking over the open subway trench located west of Yonge Street for new park space;
- Preparing a By-law to amend Chapter 415 of the Municipal Code to enact an alternative requirement for parkland provision for the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan area in accordance with the permissions under Section 42 of the Planning Act; and
- Initiating a study of multi-modal access opportunities from Midtown to the Downtown, including dedicated cycling facilities and improved bus service, as well as a parallel on-street parking review.
Division heads and staff from CreateTO, Financial Planning, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, Toronto Parking Authority, Toronto Water, Transportation Services, Toronto Transit Commission and other City divisions were consulted on the recommendations in this report.
Financial Impact
There are no direct financial implications resulting from the implementation of the recommendations in this report.
City Planning and other participating divisions will review their current staff and capital resources and reflect any requirements to support advancing the Midtown in Focus project in their 2019 budget submissions. Resources will be identified and prioritized in the 2019 budget submission.
Growth in Midtown has placed significant pressures on existing infrastructure, including physical infrastructure, community service facilities, green infrastructure and public parks. The Infrastructure Plans, Strategies and Assessments presented in this report outline growth-related infrastructure needs and priorities identified in collaboration and alignment with the service, strategic and capital plans of partner City divisions, boards and agencies.
To provide further information to City Council on the priorities, scope, feasibility, initial costing and timing of the investments in infrastructure required to support the ongoing intensification in Midtown, City staff will provide regular status reports on the progress of the Infrastructure Implementation Strategies related to:
a. The Midtown Parks and Public Realm Plan;
b. The Midtown Community Services and Facilities Strategy;
c. Municipal servicing (water, wastewater and stormwater) capital upgrades in coordination with improvements required to the public street network;
d. Transportation-related infrastructure upgrades required to support continued growth and intensification in Midtown.
The Infrastructure Implementation Strategies will both inform and be informed by the service plans for each operating division, including recently-adopted service plans and those presently being developed. Projects will also be assessed in terms of the degree to which they address infrastructure requirements related to growth versus the benefit to existing populations. This will ensure that this work informs future Development Charges By-law reviews.
The Infrastructure Implementation Strategies will involve an analysis of the approved 10-year Capital Plans for the operational divisions involved. This analysis will determine whether the infrastructure elements are addressed, fully or partially, within the Capital Plan, and will point to those elements that may require additional investments as appropriate. Opportunities for alignment of projects will be identified to ensure coordination and synchronization of capital investments across divisions and agencies. Additional opportunities for partnerships with third parties – such as planned investments by Agencies, Boards and Commissions and other orders of government – will be explored.
The Infrastructure Implementation Strategies will identify the appropriate planning, funding and financing tools available to support future investment in parkland and the public realm. These tools include parkland dedication under Section 42 of the Planning Act, Development Charges, funds derived from Section 37 of the Planning Act and Site Plan Control. This report recommends that Council direct the Chief Planner and General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation to prepare a by-law by mid-2019 that will amend the Municipal Code (Chapter 415) to enact an alternative requirement for parkland provision for Midtown in accordance with the permissions under Section 42 of the Planning Act. This tool will assist in supporting the implementation and funding of the Midtown Parks and Public Realm Plan over the next 25 years.
Detailed infrastructure timing and funding will need to be prioritized against other City-wide capital projects and operating impacts both funded and unfunded as well as the City’s financial and resource capacity to deliver additional infrastructure works that will inform and guide the future Capital Budget Plan and Operating Budget processes.
The timing and provision of the necessary infrastructure to support growth in Midtown will be a collective responsibility with the development industry for building a liveable Midtown. This may require that the City manage development, as appropriate, to align with the delivery of growth-related infrastructure. The recommended Plan provides mechanisms to assist in coordinating the provision of infrastructure, including the use of holding provisions and opportunities to integrate and/or provide infrastructure within or in the area of the proposed development.
The Interim Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.
Background Information(May 24, 2018) Report and Attachments 5-8 from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on Midtown in Focus: Final Report
Attachment 1: Official Plan Amendment No. 405
Attachment 2: Midtown Parks and Public Realm Plan - Part 1 of 3
Attachment 2: Midtown Parks and Public Realm Plan - Part 2 of 3
Attachment 2: Midtown Parks and Public Realm Plan - Part 3 of 3
Attachment 3: Midtown Community Services and Facilities Strategy
Attachment 4: Public Consultation Summary
(April 27, 2018) Notice of Open House and Special Public Meeting to be held by the Planning and Growth Management Committee (under the Planning Act)
Communications(February 22, 2018) Letter from Connor Bain (PG.Main.PG31.7.1)
(February 22, 2018) Letter from David A. McKay, Vice President and Edwin Li, Planner, MHBC, on behalf of Davpart Inc. (PG.Main.PG31.7.2)
(February 22, 2018) Letter from David A. McKay, Vice President and Edwin Li, Planner, MHBC, on behalf of Amelin Properties (PG.Main.PG31.7.3)
(February 23, 2018) Letter from David Tang, Partner, Miller Thomson LLP, on behalf of the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Toronto (PG.Main.PG31.7.4)
(February 23, 2018) Letter from David Tang, Partner, Miller Thomson LLP, on behalf of the Girl Guides of Canada (PG.Main.PG31.7.5)
(February 23, 2018) Letter from John B. Keyser, Keyser Mason Ball LLP, on behalf of the Society of Energy Professionals (PG.Main.PG31.7.6)
(February 23, 2018) Letter from Christopher J. Tanzola, Overland LLP, on behalf of Jencel Properties Inc. (PG.Main.PG31.7.7)
(May 1, 2018) Letter from Lindsay Dale Harris, Bousfields Inc., on behalf of Artmico Holdings G.P. Inc. (PG.Main.PG31.7.8)
(May 19, 2018) Letter from Bob Murphy (PG.Main.PG31.7.9)
(May 29, 2018) E-mail from Erwin Sniedzins (PG.Main.PG31.7.10)
(June 4, 2018) Letter from Geoff Kettel and Cathie Macdonald, Co-Chairs, Federation of North Toronto Residents' Associations (PG.Main.PG31.7.11)
(June 5, 2018) Letter from Thomas Cohen, Chair, Eglinton Park Resident's Association (PG.Main.PG31.7.12)
(June 4, 2018) Letter from Linda McCarthy, Vice-President, Lytton Park Residents' Organization (PG.Main.PG31.7.13)
(June 5, 2018) Letter from David Tang, Miller Thomson, on behalf of the Girl Guides of Canada (PG.Main.PG31.7.14)
(June 5, 2018) Letter from David Tang, Miller Thomson, on behalf of Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Toronto in Canada (PG.Main.PG31.7.15)
(June 5, 2018) Letter from Patrick Devine, Devine Park LLP, on behalf of 1908844 Ontario Inc. and 18 Brownlow Holdings (PG.Main.PG31.7.16)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from John Keyser from Keyser, Mason and Ball LLP, on behalf of The Society of United Professionals (PG.Main.PG31.7.17)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Barnet Kussner, Weirfoulds, on behalf of Duplex Holding (PG.Main.PG31.7.18)
(June 5, 2018) E-mail from Amir Roushenas (PG.Main.PG31.7.19)
(June 5, 2018) Letter from Andy Gort, President, South Eglinton Ratepayers' & Residents' Association (PG.Main.PG31.7.20)
(June 6, 2018) Submission from Miria Ioannou, The Republic Residents' Association (PG.Main.PG31.7.21)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Don Given, Malone Given Parsons Ltd., on behalf of Condor Properties (PG.Main.PG31.7.22)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Michael McQuaid, Weirfoulds LLP, on behalf of Wells Gordon Limited (PG.Main.PG31.7.23)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Barnet Kussner, Weirfoulds LLP, on behalf of 110 Broadway lnc. and Broadway Redpath Development Corporation (PG.Main.PG31.7.24)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Andrea Skinner, Aird & Berlis LLP, on behalf of 2245883 Ontario Inc. (PG.Main.PG31.7.25)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Mark Noskiewicz, Goodmans LLP, on behalf of 2545008 Ontario Inc (PG.Main.PG31.7.26)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Mark Noskiewicz, Goodmans LLP, on behalf of 2545008 Ontario Inc (PG.Main.PG31.7.27)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Signe Leisk, Cassels Brock LLP, on behalf of the Greater Toronto Apartment Association (PG.Main.PG31.7.28)
(June 6, 2018) E-mail from Ben Daube, The Sherwood Parks Residents' Association (PG.Main.PG31.7.29)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Christopher J. Tanzola, Overland LLP, on behalf of Jeneel Properties Inc. (PG.Main.PG31.7.30)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Barnet Kussner, Weirfoulds LLP, properties (collectively known as Redpath Lands) (PG.Main.PG31.7.31)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Tom Kasprzak, Bousfields Inc., on behalf of Greenrock Real Estate Advisors (PG.Main.PG31.7.32)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Calvin Lantz, Stikeman Elliott, on behalf of 196 Eglinton East Ltd (PG.Main.PG31.7.33)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Peter F. Smith and Sasha Lauzon, Bousfield LLP, on behalf of 2457182 Ontario Inc. and 1644137 Ontario Inc. (PG.Main.PG31.7.34)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from David Bronskill, Goodmans LLP, on behalf of the owners of the property known municipally as 2128 Yonge Street (PG.Main.PG31.7.35)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from David Bronskill, Goodmans LLP, on behalf of various clients (PG.Main.PG31.7.36)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Peter F. Smith and Sasha Lauzon, Bousfields LLP, on behalf of BCIMC Holdco (2007) Inc. (PG.Main.PG31.7.37)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Tom Kasprzak, Bousfields LLP, on behalf of Wingreen Realty Limited (PG.Main.PG31.7.38)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Michael Bissett, Bousfileds LLP, on behalf of Hullmark (PG.Main.PG31.7.39)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Philip Stewart, Pound & Stewart, on behalf of the owners of 203, 205 and 207 Belsize Drive (PG.Main.PG31.7.40)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Steve Shaw, Executive Officer, Facility Services, Sustainability and Planning, Toronto District School Board (PG.Main.PG31.7.41)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Calvin Lantz, Stikeman Elliott, on behalf of 678400 Ontario Inc. (PG.Main.PG31.7.42)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Calvin Lantz, Stikeman Elliott, on behalf of 196 Eglinton East Ltd. (PG.Main.PG31.7.43)
(June 6, 2018) E-mail from Renee Sylvestre-Williams (PG.Main.PG31.7.44)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Laura Dean, Aird & Berlis, on behalf of Amelin Properties (PG.Main.PG31.7.45)
(June 6, 2018) E-mail from Corey Simpson (PG.Main.PG31.7.46)
(June 7, 2018) Letter from Adam J. Brown, Sherman Brown, on behalf of several properties (PG.Main.PG31.7.47)
(June 7, 2018) E-mail from Francine Wy (PG.Main.PG31.7.48)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Debbie Briggs, President, Summerhill Residents Association (PG.Main.PG31.7.49)
(June 7, 2018) Letter from Peter F. Smith, Bousfields Inc., on behalf of Glen Corporation (PG.Main.PG31.7.50)
(June 7, 2018) Letter from Johanna R. Shapira, Wood Bull, on behalf of CAPREIT Limited Partnership (PG.Main.PG31.7.51)
(June 7, 2018) Letter from John A.R. Dawson, McCarthy Tetreault LLP, on behalf of Tribute (Soudan Avenue) (PG.Main.PG31.7.52)
(June 6, 2018) Letter from Michael Bissett, Bousfields Inc., on behalf of 1500 Bayview Avenue Ltd. (PG.Main.PG31.7.53)
(June 7, 2018) E-mail from Amar Nijjar (PG.Main.PG31.7.54)
(June 7, 2018) Submission from Jane Pepino, Aird and Berlis (PG.Main.PG31.7.55)
(June 7, 2018) Submission from Erwin Sniedzins (PG.Main.PG31.7.56)
(June 7, 2018) Submission from Glen Robinson (PG.Main.PG31.7.57)
(June 26, 2018) Letter from Jim Woodside, West Brownlow Association (PG.Main.PG31.7.58)
(June 28, 2018) E-mail from Gayle Sutton (PG.New.PG31.7.59)
(June 29, 2018) E-mail from Alan Cooper (PG.New.PG31.7.60)
(June 29, 2018) Letter from Barnet H. Kussner, on behalf of several properties in the Yonge-Eglinton area (PG.New.PG31.7.61)
(June 29, 2018) E-mail from Mark William, Toronto District School Board (PG.New.PG31.7.62)
(June 29, 2018) E-mail from Elaine Mintz (PG.New.PG31.7.63)
(June 29, 2018) E-mail from Riitta Hietanen (PG.New.PG31.7,64)
(June 29, 2018) E-mail from Mark and Karen Butler (PG.New.PG31.7.65)
(June 29, 2018) Letter from Christopher J. Tanzola, Overland LLP, on behalf of Jencel Properties Inc. (PG.New.PG31.7.66)
(June 29, 2018) Letter from Barnet Kussner, Weirfoulds LLP on behalf of Duplex Holding (PG.New.PG31.7.67)
(June 29, 2018) E-mail from Mike Munro, University of Ottawa (PG.New.PG31.7.68)
(June 29, 2018) E-mail from Ilene Samuels (PG.New.PG31.7.69)
(June 29, 2018) E-mail from Corey Simpson (PG.New.PG31.7.70)
(June 29, 2018) E-mail from Linda Kelly (PG.New.PG31.7.71)
(June 29, 2018) E-mail from Jennifer Pyke (PG.New.PG31.7.72)
(June 29, 2018) E-mail from Susan Bigelow (PG.New.PG31.7.73)
(June 30, 2018) E-mail from Meaghan Lockington-Minns (PG.New.PG31.7.74)
(June 30, 2018) E-mail from Corrine Falconer (PG.New.PG31.7.75)
(July 1, 2018) E-mail from Michael Belovich (PG.New.PG31.7.76)
(July 1, 2018) E-mail from Posy Bowerman (PG.New.PG31.7.77)
(July 2, 2018) E-mail from Jacques Mignault (PG.New.PG31.7.78)
(July 2, 2018) E-mail from Paula and Jose Salvador (PG.New.PG31.7.79)
(July 2, 2018) E-mail from Ashok and Lata Kittur (PG.New.PG31.7.80)
(July 2, 2018) E-mail from Penelope Tai-Pow (PG.New.PG31.7.81)
(July 2, 2018) E-mail from Nizarali Ratansi (PG.New.PG31.7.82)
(July 2, 2018) E-mail from John Proctor (PG.New.PG31.7.83)
(July 2, 2018) E-mail from Marilyn Myers (PG.New.PG31.7.84)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Mary Ann Lundy (PG.New.PG31.7.85)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Merita Mance (PG.New.PG31.7.86)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Lynne Pilot (PG.New.PG31.7.87)
(July 3, 2018) Letter from John B. Keyser, on behalf of the Society of United Professionals (PG.New.PG31.7.88)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Martin Becker (PG.New.PG31.7.89)
(July 3, 2018) Letter from Lindsay Dale-Harris, Bousfields Inc., on behalf of Starlight Investments (PG.New.PG31.7.90)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Arnie Glickman (PG.New.PG31.7.91)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Ashley Weiss (PG.New.PG31.7.92)
(July 3, 2018) Letter from Patrick J. Devine, Devine Park, on behalf of 1908844 Ontario Inc. and 18 Brownlow Holdings Limited (PG.New.PG31.7.93)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Liz Bendrey (PG.New.PG31.7.94)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Jeanette Holder (PG.New.PG31.7.95)
(July 3, 2018) Letter from Mary Flynn-Guglietti, McMillan LLP, on behalf of The Torgan Group (PG.New.PG31.7.96)
(July 3, 2018) Letter from Neil Jacoby (PG.New.PG31.7.97)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Shelley Silliker (PG.New.PG31.7.98)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Marissa Unruh (PG.New.PG31.7.99)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Gloria McMahon (PG.New.PG31.7.100)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Laura Inglis (PG.New.PG31.7.101)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Allison Lewis (PG.New.PG31.7.102)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Lloyd Smith (PG.New.PG31.7.103)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Marla Francoz (PG.New.PG31.7.104)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Sandra Di (PG.New.PG31.7.105)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Tiffany Peel (PG.New.PG31.7.106)
(July 4, 2018) Letter from Andy Gort, President, South Eglinton Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association (SERRA) (PG.New.PG31.7.107)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Arthur Lofsky (PG.New.PG31.7.108)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Walter J Lemon (PG.New.PG31.7.109)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Ljiljana Jokic-Bilanovic and Danko Bilanovic (PG.New.PG31.7.110)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Christine Wong (PG.New.PG31.7.111)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Alisia Sabatini (PG.New.PG31.7.112)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Priti Anand (PG.New.PG31.7.113)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Janine Lewis (PG.New.PG31.7.114)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Marlane Black (PG.New.PG31.7.115)
(July 3, 2018) E-mail from Carolyn Meyer (PG.New.PG31.7.116)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Barbara Sabatini (PG.New.PG31.7.117)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Kelly, Craig, Hadley & Calvin Whitmarsh (PG.New.PG31.7.118)
(July 4, 2018) Letter from Geoff Kettel and Cathie Macdonald, Co-Chairs, Federation of North Toronto Residents' Associations (PG.New.PG31.7.119)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Timothy Swift and George Saltzberg (PG.New.PG31.7.120)
(July 4, 2018) Letter from Geoff Kettel and Carol Burtin Fripp - Leaside Property Owners Association Inc. (PG.New.PG31.7.121)
(July 4, 2018) Letter from David Bronskill- Goodmans LLP on behalf of 100 Broadway Avenue ad 223-225 Redpath Avenue and 117-127 Broadway Avenue (PG.New.PG31.7.122)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Bonnie and Alec Shipman (PG.New.PG31.7.123)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Krista Semotiuk (PG.New.PG31.7.124)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Susan and David Fox (PG.New.PG31.7.125)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Lynda Canning (PG.New.PG31.7.126)
(July 4, 2018) Letter from Michael J. McQuaid, WeirFoulds LLP, on behalf of Briton House Retirement Centre (PG.New.PG31.7.127)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Susan Porritt (PG.New.PG31.7.128)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Beth Gordon (PG.New.PG31.7.129)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Meghan Lockington-Minns (PG.New.PG31.7.130)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Mary and Robert McCormick (PG.New.PG31.7.131)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Helle Soomer (PG.Supp.PG31.7.132)
(July 4, 2018) Letter from David Bronskill, Goodmans LLP (PG.New.PG31.7.133)
(July 4, 2018) Letter from Danielle Chin, BILD (Building Industry and Land Development Association (PG.New.PG31.7.134)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Shelly Findlay (PG.New.PG31.7.135)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Susan Paterson (PG.New.PG31.7.136)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Danielle Dumoulin (PG.New.PG31.7.137)
(July 4, 2018) Letter from Councillor Jaye Robinson (PG.New.PG31.7.138)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Andrew E. Simor (PG.New.PG31.7.139)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Mary Lou Smith (PG.New.PG31.7.140)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Sarah Claydon (PG.New.PG31.7.141)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Alec Melkonian (PG.New.PG31.7.143)
(July 4, 2018) Letter from David Ticoll, President, QuORA (Quantum Owners and Residents' Association) (PG.New.PG31.7.142)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Alec Melkonian (PG.New.PG31.7.143)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Androhi Baboomayan (PG.New.PG31.7.144)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Trish Williams (PG.New.PG31.7.145)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Vesna Milevska (PG.New.PG31.7.146)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Jennifer Tanovich (PG.New.PG31.7.147)
(July 4, 2018) Letter from Steve Shaw, Toronto District School Board (PG.New.PG31.7.148)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Karen Goldlist (PG.New.PG31.7.149)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Foster Williams (PG.New.PG31.7.150)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Nicole Wirt (PG.New.PG31.7.151)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Beverley Cheung and Maria Ney Hyatt (PG.New.PG31.7.152)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Mike Crowley (PG.New.PG31.7.153)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Laila and Pat Raman (PG.New.PG31.7.154)
(July 5, 2018) Letter from Johanna Shapira, Wood Bull, LLP, on behalf of CAPREIT Limited Partnership (PG.New.PG31.7.155)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Daniel Goldlist (PG.New.PG31.7.156)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Barb Keenan (PG.New.PG31.7.157)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Sandi Thompson (PG.New.PG31.7.158)
(July 4, 2018) Letter from Calvin Lantz, Stikeman Elliot LLP, on behalf of 678400 Ontario Inc., (PG.New.PG31.7.159)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Zainab Abdurrahman (PG.New.PG31.7.160)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Daniela Tyson (PG.New.PG31.7.161)
(July 4, 2018) E-mail from Antony C Gardiner (PG.New.PG31.7.162)
(July 5, 2018) E-mail from Danielle Shaw Doyle and Family (PG.New.PG31.7.163)
(July 5, 2018) E-mail from Merike Nurming Por (PG.New.PG31.7.164)
(July 5, 2018) E-mail from Deane Campbell (PG.New.PG31.7.165)
(July 5, 2018) E-mail from Matthew Segal (PG.New.PG31.7.166)
(July 5, 2018) E-mail from Eileen Denny (PG.New.PG31.7.167)
(July 5, 2018) E-mail from Steve Clayman (PG.New.PG31.7.168)
(July 5, 2018) E-mail from Betty Roots (PG.New.PG31.7.169)
(July 5, 2018) E-mail from Sally Manning (PG.New.PG31.7.170)
(July 5, 2018) Letter from Michael Tucci, Rockport Yonge & Manor (PG.New.PG31.7.171)
(July 5, 2018) Letter from Nader Kadri, Weston Consulting, on behalf of Piller Investments Limited (PG.New.PG31.7.172)
(July 5, 2018) E-mail from Claudia Fonseca (PG.New.PG31.7.173)
7aMidtown in Focus Final ReportOrigin(June 26, 2018) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Recommendations
The Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning recommends that:
1. Pursuant to the request for potential amendments from the Planning and Growth Management Committee at its June 7, 2018 meeting, City Council make a decision on the height limits for new tall buildings in the Soudan Apartment Neighbourhood, Eglinton Green Line, Yonge-Eglinton Crossroads and Red Path Park Street Loop Character Areas, by adopting either:
a. Option 1 – Modified May 2018 Staff Recommended Plan included as Attachment 1 of this report;
b. Option 2 – Undulating Heights and Increased Transition – included as Attachment 2 of this report;
c. Option 3 – 20 and 15 storeys – included as Attachment 3 of this report.
2. City Council amend the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan in Attachment 1 to the report Midtown in Focus: Final Report (May 24, 2018) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in accordance with the Option selected in Recommendation 1 with the required amendments itemized in the Option's respective attachment in this report.
3. City Council amend the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan in Attachment 1 to the report Midtown in Focus: Final Report (May 24, 2018) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning in accordance with the amendments identified in Attachments 4 and 5 to this report.
At its meeting on June 7, 2018, Planning and Growth Management Committee (PGMC) adjourned the Statutory Special Public Meeting for the recommended Official Plan Amendment for the Yonge-Eglinton area. At this meeting, PGMC directed staff to host a further community consultation meeting to solicit feedback from the public on:
Lowering building heights in the Soudan Apartment Neighbourhood, Eglinton Green Line, Yonge-Eglinton Crossroads and Redpath Park Street Loop Character Areas; and
Increasing employment opportunities in areas with a proposed Mixed Use Areas "A" and "B" designation on Map 21-4 of the recommended Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan area.
PGMC requested that City Planning staff report to the July 5, 2018 PGMC meeting on the feedback received at the community consultation meeting held on June 21, 2018, potential amendments to the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan to address the feedback and whether the potential amendments would continue to conform with the Growth Plan, be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) and have regard to matters of provincial interest in Section 2 of the Planning Act. PGMC also requested City Planning staff to report to the July 5, 2018 PGMC meeting on:
-Including building height limits on Maps 21-11 to 21-16 in geodetic metres for all sites in the recommended Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan and other amendments required to the Secondary Plan as a result; and
-The appropriate use of holding provisions to ensure the provision of infrastructure in the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan area.
This supplementary report summarizes the outcomes of the community consultation meeting. As requested by PGMC, this report provides potential amendments (building height options) for the four Character Areas for the Committee's consideration, inclusive of additional amendments required to the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan to implement the options. The report also addresses amendments to the Permitted Building Type and Height Limits Maps to include building height limits in geodetic metres in addition to storeys and other associated amendments. Finally, this report comments on the appropriate use of holding provisions for the provision of infrastructure.
Building height options for the Committee's consideration and associated amendments to the Secondary Plan are described in the Comments section and outlined in Attachment 1, 2 and 3 of this report. Attachment 4 to this report itemizes amendments to implement building heights in geodetic metres. Attachment 5 summarizes additional amendments requested by PGMC at its June 7, 2018 meeting, as well as additional, minor technical amendments to the Secondary Plan identified by staff. Attachment 6 provides a detailed summary of the feedback received at the community consultation meeting held on June 21, 2018.
Financial Impact
This report has no financial impact.
Background Information(June 26, 2018) Report and Attachments 4-6 from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on Midtown in Focus Supplementary Report
Attachments 1 - 3
Supplementary Report (June 26, 2018) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on Midtown in FocusPublic Notice GivenStatutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990Origin(May 24, 2018) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Recommendations
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