Saturday, August 4, 2018

Pasties and Burlesque Friday, August 10 in the Junction


Friday, August 10 at 7 PM 10 PM


Let's all go to the movies! Join Nerd Girl Burlesque and a bevy of local

and international talent for a night at the sinema with acts that

celebrate the best of the silver screen. From classic film cuties to

modern blockbuster babes, come experience burlesque and circus

numbers inspired by the big screen!

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Our stars for the evening include:

Delicia Pastiche

EI Toro (The Gentleman's Club T.O., Boylesque T.O.)

Fanny Valentine

Helen of Tronna

Henrietta VIII

Loretta Jean

Mike Hunt Entertainment

With headliner, Vivacious Miss Audacious (Michigan)

Come early or stay late to enjoy the venue's selection of video and

board games, or grab drinks from See-Scape's bar!

Hosted by Reddy TaRumble!

Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door.

See-Scape's theatre space is up a set of steps. We are happy to

reserve seat space for those unable to stand for the length of the show,

please contact us via email. For other questions about access, please

contact us at and we would be happy to try

to accommodate you.


Tickets Available


1 comment:

Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth