Below is the text of the letter.
September , 2018
Doug Ford, Premier
Legislaiive Building
Queen°s Park
Toronto ON M7A 1A1
Re: Davenport Diamond Train Bridge
Dear Premier Ford:
Congratulations on your election win. While the Progressive Conservative candidate in Davenport was not ulimatdy eucceeslul in winning the seat for your party, I feel we owe you a thank you. Dr. Sanchez played a very helpful role during the campaign as the only candidate standing in
opposition to a boneheaded plan by the previous government to oonstrud a three-storey. concrete train bridge in the middle of our neighbourhood.
The Davenport Diamond train bridge is intended to separate the level trap mossing between the Barrie GO ine and the Canadian Pacific eastlwost rail corridor Jud north d Dupont Street, west of Lansdowne Avenue.
The bridge is a big threat lo the area's largest employer Ubisott. The construction and operation of the train bridge could force the electronic games maker and its 700+ employees to leave, The company was drawn to the area wlh a $200~mlllion investment by the Ontario government and it has created dozens of small businesses that would be jeopardized by the loss of this nigh tech firm.
You have demonstrated a willingness to re-examine decisions made by your predecessors. There is an opportunity to find a better resolution to this risky plan that will not kill jobs in Davenport.
We would like an opporlunly to meet with you to discuss how this plan can be improved. We appreciate your consideration and look forward to your reply.
Kevin Putnam Junction Triangle Rail Committee
Adam Charlesworlh Junction Triangle Rail Committee
Co. All members, Junction Triangle Ra j Committee Hon. John Yakabustd. Minister d Transportation
Merit Stiles, MPP, Davenport
Julie Dzerowicz. MP, Davenport Ana Bailao. Coundllor, Ward 18, Davenport
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