Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Projected Harbour Work for Toronto in 1919. 100 years ago

Projected HarbourWork for Toronto in 1919. The Toronto Harbor Commissioners' budget for this year contemplates an expenditure of $3,300,000. It does not, how- ever, mean that all the work covered by this amount will be carried on through the year, but it is anticipated that work will be done involving an expenditure of approximately $2,000,000. Much will de-pend on general financial conditions, and the opportunities offered for placing the commissioners' bonds on the market. It is intended to continue what is known as the industrial harbor development, in an easterly direction from the point where it now ends between John St. and Spadina Ave., through to York St., and also to reclaim about 90 acres of additional land for industrial purposes, and possibly some park reclamation work in addition.

It is also the intention, providing the city's approval is obtained, to top dress and complete the park and amusement areas between Sunnyside and the Humber River, but this cannot be completed for the present, owing to the unfinished condition of the Dominion Government breakwater. Provision will also be made for roadways and sidewalk construction, sewers, etc. So far as the Dominion Government work in the harbor is concerned, it is expected that some 4,400 ft. of crib work on the western breakwater will be completed, and also the turning basin in the eastern section, thus providing for about 4,000 ft. of dock wall, with concrete superstructure. The circulating channel will also be completed, providing for dockage construction for another 1,800 ft.

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Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth